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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Sorry Grace, I haven't a clue what Mark emots are, they are little squares on my Lappy lol Iain.
  2. Errr may I be the Referee at the Dual to the death Water Pistol fight with a certain ex RN type,Clive? Action.... camera.... at the OK Richo Coral/Harbour/Quay/Dock/Staithe/Boatyard. Iain.
  3. Hi Alan, These are a pair I am led to believe she left at a Brighton night club when out with her pals. Iain
  4. Paladin said.... Perish the thought Paladin. Don't put such ideas into the BA think tank. Iain.
  5. No worries MM, typo with one finger, I am sure you find slow going! Iain.
  6. I think you have ALL discussed this to as far as it can go without it turning pear shaped, That I do not like on NBN, and as Jonzo says against TOS. He types faster than I do! Iain.
  7. Oh bit of a SHOCKER that Jonathan. Ten puns later....... Iain
  8. Right GENTS enough please. Or I will intervene!! Iain
  9. Hi JR, basically Viking, Alan R/B and myself are of Electrical Engineering trained trades. There was mention of earth bonding, and being that this Forum has been known to go off thread sometimes, I stand guilty of reminiscing of my days as a Spark, Alan also, Viking not 100% sure? So there you have it. Earth Bonding in all its different guises. Hope that makes sense to you? Iain.
  10. Ok gentlemen, Strowy aint here to defend himself just now, so i'll do it for him I am concerned also that we have not heard from him on here. Strowy baiting JM baiting and worst of all, Gracie I wear shoes a lot, baiting! whatever next! I have sent him an email, hopefully to the correct mail box. Iain.
  11. Where I live JM, dog mess left unbagged as they say, is a heavy fine if caught! Iain
  12. Throughout life we live and learn. Iain
  13. Hi Alan, Yup you have it in one! Now as for rats... I sent three apprentices with knock em over the head utensils up into the belfry / attic of a church in Beith we were rewiring. Why they were up there goodness knows. but the lads had to tie their overall bottoms up before going up there! I was NOT the most popular journeyman spark with the lads then, if they were with me the days my regular lads were at day release college. That is something I could discuss on here, but its too political! All I would say, I wish they had that system back today, to give youngsters a chance of a trade, and a good living in later life. Iain.
  14. Bump! Well six sleeps to go, till the short journey to Norfolk, well it is small compared to my fellow Scot, Eric. Just seen the forecast, and it looks like the weather is going to improve from Monday onwards, I am a bit like Geoff with holidays in the UK, usually lucky with the weather! However, I see by the gear being packed, the hot water bottles are there. NBN Burgee and rope also. Its amazing the clobber you take with you to the boat, but never a Scooter before That's deffo a first! More updates later...... Iain.
  15. Hahaha love it! Oh eck Alan, your in soapy bubble now, GRACE is a fisherwoman! Iain
  16. Hi Geoff, Nah we aint nutters on here, we are all Broads minded folk, who apart from our love of all things Norfolk Broads, we, - I can only say that by what I read on here - love a bit of a wind up and a laugh or three. Maybe not MM and Timbo, they are very serious gentlemen indeed, and very highly articulated gents. So there you have it, we aint nutters at all, fruit cakes, now that's a different matter entirely! Iain
  17. Wimpy never did build a good house Alan never mind a wall! Iain
  18. Looks like Eric you will have yet ANOTHER female on board later in the year Eh Gracie! Iain
  19. Hi Sue, Safe journey to Norfolk. I get to do the driving, all 425 miles each way lol Iain
  20. Who wants to stand for hours at an airport checking in plus going through security Carol. You tell your OH its Norfolk Broads you wish or cook your own meals! Iain
  21. Hi Geoff, There use to be a river bus tour up in Norwich for many years. Sadly I think defunct now. Iain.
  22. Oye you lot, leave my POSH bathtub alone. Really some folk on here! Iain
  23. I took Aston Leo up to Dilham, hit the bottom twice till got to the staithe. Leo was 42x12 an Aston Aquaries refitted out. Just turned her round on the ropes. Always went there when John the ex copper ran the Cross Keys. Iain.
  24. Hi Alan, I agree up to a point, regarding plastic conduit, it has its uses tubing and wiring a garage. My knees are kanckered with bending conduits, mostly galv and mostly 20mm..... 15/16mm was a breeze to bend. Even started 25mm sometimes also ending the bend on a piece of holed joist.. No bending machings about in 1965! Iain.
  25. Morning all, I of course the Admiral and I are the sensible ones on here, just like MM, I try to keep at all times discussions of a serious nature, well serious! The problems arise when someone goes off thread, very very ocassionaly, not that that happens on this Forum, much Nine months ago, yes its that long, I was asked to join the team of Moderators, god knows why, must be my age has summat to do with it, you know hes getting on a bit, goes off his trolly the odd time or three, but, tries to help keep the members in check (not a hope in hell) on all subjects put on the NBN. BTW I LOVE my job on here, reading post after post, you learn things about people, even those with a shoe fettish, takes all kinds I suppose eh Grace Oh yes and gents please don't take the blue tablets, they are Viagra according to the latest FIAT tv advert! Six days to go, NOT that I am counting them down Iain
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