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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. I would say Steve go to the Dukes Head for a well earned pint or three! After all that list! Iain.
  2. Hi Steve, Thank you for your kind comments, and YES ...WE DO! But, and its a big but. the roadworks up North just now are adding a fair bit of driving time to Norfolk if driving in daytime. For more years than I care to remember we drove straight down on a Friday after work and with certain yards were able to get on board and sort all the paperwork the following morning. If not, we stopped at a lay-by near RAF Cranwell for a bit of zzzzz then arrive in time for breakfast etc. I had it down to just under 7hours driving time then. It took nearly 7 hours just to get to West Lynn this time. Once the A1M is upgraded in 2017 things should improve. We have already looked at all the boating options for a possible trip, well its not every year you celebrate 40 years hard labour, oops, sorry, wedded bliss, who types this stuff? Iain.
  3. Hi Alan, I sincerely hope the BA are using common sense in matters like that just now, cannot be easy for folks like that chapping at the bit wishing to move on. Howard on the other hand will be delighted to be stuck in the Swan! Iain
  4. Done Devon and Dorset both differing counties, BOTH very long drives! I was just beginning to re-enjoy Dorset when Mr Ryanair pulled the plug on flights from Prestwick to Bournemouth Grrrrrr!!!! Of the two counties I slightly favour Dorset, but Devon has its "high spots" also, like Beer Heights and the Peco Railway, is that still there I wonder? Oh and of course Yeovilton Air Museum Iain.
  5. Talking of Topliner, Geoff......Passed one on the rivers. Iain
  6. Thanks for that Marshy, I have a feeling Bob had a wee agreement regarding his 4x4 crossing the land!! Wink wink say no more! Iain
  7. A fortnight ago today Poppy that app should be renamed Galesguru!!! Iain
  8. Go for it Howard, chain Mrs Nog to the beer pump handles! Iain
  9. Hi Geoff, Good points, well meant. The Berny Arms is a unique pub, its only accessible by 4x4 vehicles or by boat. There is a train halt too but have never spoken to anyone who has used that facililty. Pub landmarks such as this one I think, would be very sad if it could not be restored into a going concern. The trouble is quite simply Cost! Up river at Reedham, work has started on the Lord Nelson, and by the looks of it, stopped abruptly, perhaps structural problems it is after all, a very old building. Iain
  10. I forgot a pic, it was the last sunset we saw on Thursday evening at Stokesby. Iain
  11. Hi Clive, As I said in my report about the noisy water pump also on Broadway, you could waken the dead moored stern on to other craft. Its VERY noisy indeed. Requires some sound proofing methinks somehow. Iain
  12. One assumes you are speaking from past personal memories Smelly All of your comments are so true though. Oh how the world has changed, and all for the better? Hmmm? Iain.
  13. For those of us old enough to remember Bob McLaughlin and his mate that ran the Berny for many years, he tried many times to achieve access for all across the marshes, but the owners said no. Perhaps Marshman knows why this is? Its a good long mooring, and many a pound note was spent in doing up that quay area I think it was the 90's but more than willing to be proved wrong. When Bob ran the pub, it was always busy, so it can be done again? Hmmmmm. Iain
  14. Hi Tim, On your first point I could not agree more!!! As for the second hmmm tough one that is, but, I bow to your superior level of intelligence! Iain
  15. Talking to lads at the Norwich Yacht Station, I was under the assumption the person who owns the Beauchamp Arms had a connection to the Berney Arms? Iain
  16. Thanks David, Yes still on the pills and lotions n potions, my one disappointment not to make the blog more light hearted as is my nature. I don't mind admitting, that fall really shook me up. Iain
  17. I think at Team Level, we shall have to consider an IDIOTS section similar to BOGs Iain
  18. Hi Ray, Belated welcome to the NBN friendly forum from me I've been busy doing my holiday blog. You will have that to look forward to doing after your holiday! Iain
  19. Hmmm talk of violence is not the thing to be seen doing on a family forum Grace! The Glesca Kiss is far more effective! Iain.
  20. Sorry Mark, They were deleted in error yesterday! Yes I saw your Topliner it aint ugly at all. Iain
  21. My thoughts on Broadway 2. I know other members have hired this craft, and may see it totally different from myself. It has many plus points, and IMO a few minuses also. I know, the perfect hire boat aint been built yet. I wont go into the FE again, the bruises remind me of that adventure! My main concern is the floor. Its a beautiful wood, and sets the boat off inside, but its SLIPPY! I can see kids with their woolie socks on trying to slide on it. Both my wife and her sis were teachers and they felt the same as I do. As I said in my blog, perhaps its the cleaning materials making it so, I am not a boat builder, but have dealt a lot with H&E over many years. My other wee niggle was for a new boat, the very noisy water pump especially when using the heads. Finally, the size of the twin beds were for us on the small side and the filling a little bit on the hard side, some memory foam would make them much more comfortable. I cannot fault the service of Richardsons when we had to call them out. A first class service. Iain
  22. Wednesday 13th May. Today was moving day back to the North side. Slack water was approx 1.30pm . Having the tide most of the way from Beccles, meant a lower tick over engine but not as low as I have done on other boats in the past. On crossing Breydon a strange object came towards me, yup its was that overpriced BA boat SOB. why in god name did they choose GREY for the upperstructure! Not the cheeriest colour IMO. Anyway I don't know if its me or is the space going through on the right of the bridge getting narrower? You can sure feel the pull of the tide, not an area for youngsters steering craft IMHO. A very quiet trip up the Bure and moored up at Stokesby for the evening. Thursday 14th May. Time to head back to Stalham today, and do all the packing up, none of which I was able to lend a hand sadly. As the days passed the bruising became worse and I was becoming a right old stiffy. grrrrrr. I took over the boat as we entered the Ant, and very busy it was too. As I passed LBBY I spotted the Welsh Flag and the boat, Chameleon, with Mike and Pat. Phone calls made, and arranged for Mike and Pat to call in when they were back at Richos Wet Shed. We had a nice chat, and Mike noticed, like I did throughout the holiday how slippy the holy and teak floor was. He had the finest of boating shoes on so I am wondering if the cleaners are using a sannatising agent that may be making the floors slippy over a period of time. I was now right off my grub, so sent the girls into Stalham for their last night meal out. They went to The Swan Inn and said the quality of the food was excellent, and would recommended it to all. That folks was/were the Ups and Downs of our Holiday on Broadway. Despite everything, the MAGIC is still there after forty years, and strange to say, we still enjoyed it all. Iain.
  23. Tuesday 12th May. We awoke to the sound of traffic going about their way to work etc. Much duller and cooler this morning. I reckon so far the heating has been on for about 40 hours or so, possibly more. It was decided a pump out was in order and Christian the BA laddie, dully did the deed all for the sum of £12. We were heading for a very long cruise today, destination, Beccles. We took it in turns steering, my limit was about 50 minutes then became to sore, we had the tide going out so that helped the MPG , and caught the incoming tide as we reached the bottom of the New Cut. My sis in law had offered to do the New Cut stretch, damn decent of her I thought! The rivers were very quiet indeed, just the way I like them. We stopped off at the WRC so they could go for a swim. A MUST stop place for them. Now this is where the thrusters came into there own. The spot I had chosen, one of the cleats was misssing, so a quick burst sideways motion and Broadway was 10ft further to the starboard side! Job done! What was surprising that ladies commented on was, there was know Lifeguard on duty. A good swim and the pool to themselves. Time to head for Beccles, I so like this part of the Waveney with its twist and turns, just delightful. As we had time and tide on our side we went down to the Pool and back up to the Yacht Station. A long day, but a lovely cruise just the same.
  24. Monday 11th May. Monday morning and what a morning it was, absolutely glorious, These are the days you remember on the Broads. We departed Rockland about 8.30am. I steered the boat out the narrow dyke, then the girls took over while I lay on my day bed. Sun roofs back, it was fabulous. I do like Rockland Broad. its not big but has that magical feeling about it. A little gem. Out onto the Yare and heading for Norwich Y.S. the sun beating down, this made up for the first weeks unseasonal weather. We passed a few boats and two hours later were mooring up across from Pools Ferry. The BA lad, Christian? Tied up the ropes for us and told me to let go the mudweight....oops! Guess who got a bit damp well he did say drop and it drops quickly! However, he recovered to help the girls off with all "Scoots" bits n pieces, very kind of him indeed. Today was THE Day! Scoot gets to sample Norwich's pavements etc. This was great for me, they have a very good ramp at the BA office end so that I could access the pavement. We headed for Wetherspoons and have a lunchtime refreshment before tackling Morrisons for ships stores etc. It was great that I could take Scoot into and out to the riverside and watch the world go by, nice. Refreshments taken I had the Becks Blue 0% Bier its good, pity the bottle is only 275ml though. Time to take in the joys of shopping with TWO ladies! I have to say, I was very disappointed with this Morrisons store, a very poor choice of low alcohol wines compared to my much smaller store here in Troon. As for the disabled toilet, an email has been sent to Morrisons HQ! It has to be the smallest I have ever come across since using such facilities. Back to the boat over what can only be described as very bumpy pavements! The afternoon was relaxing in the sun, and meeting Colin and Phillipa again and their three lovely mutts. The girls were sitting out in the well and three lads walking by said is that a "Jacuzzi" you are sitting in! From there on in the well was known as the Jacuzzi.!!! We went along to take some pics of the Cathedral etc in the evening, and then a meal in the Red Lion. Big portions, and not expensive. Back to the boat as the temp was dropping, it had been a beautiful day.
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