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Everything posted by BroadScot

  1. Behave you pair or I will put you both in the corner of the classroom! Wimbledon is not till late June! Duece! Maybe that should read truce? Iain
  2. I am pleased to report its a belter of a day up here in Ayrshire. I may even go for a wee run on my Mobby scooter later. Temp is 11c Iain.
  3. As in all good electrical practice, please ensure if doing the wiring and connecting yourself, ensure ALL the screw terminals are really tight, as metric cables, solid or flex can loosen with the vibration of a cruiser. Iain.
  4. Are you meaning Neil Smalley? He moved from Thurne Dyke to Ludham Bridge, if my memory serves me correctly. Iain
  5. Ah Clive, If its the 4th of May I will send the wife an sister in law over to the office, I am sure they will be delighted to help, while I am being shown round Broadway Iain.
  6. Especially when you meet up with one round a blind bend! Iain.
  7. Oh Howard, I could just about remove that pic, but, as you went to the trouble of taking and posting , I wont. I have words for it also, but NOT printable on an open forum! I am sure our members will all carry a bog roll with them, before going there! Know wonder Jon's business is booming, when he has such a huge convenience close by! It may suit some people, but it aint mine. The pub! Iain.
  8. Could not agree more! Iain.
  9. SWMBO often said when we were moored up at NYS look at all those poor sods having to go work, as the cars bombed past . While we on the other hand are looking over to that magnificent Cathedral. Always more than one way to look at things there. Personally I have probably moored at the Yacht Station in excess of forty times possibly more. Yes, you will get the idiots, but, IF you tie your boat up properly, things should be ok. Iain.
  10. That type of mooring post has been there with the P ring ever since the YS was upgraded more years than I would like to count! In fact, I was tied on two the night of the Hurricane in 1987. Iain.
  11. Thanks for that BB. Is that where the Compleat Angler is now?The car park? Iain.
  12. Hi Alan, There use to be a riverside pub on the port side before the YS, The Ferry? summat like that, we stayed there a few times overnight. Got a taxi into the city from there. Sadly it is no more. If I was allowed through, it would have been the Ribs of Beaf pub for me to moor up at in years passed. Iain.
  13. Its ok Grace, WE can ALL get our own back soon! Jealous? Good heavens noooooo Have a great time Howard! Iain
  14. Barry, Errr I thought "jollys" were reserved for the BA in London? I could of course be totaly wrong! Iain.
  15. Hi Alan, The Yacht Station was there long before the Wetherspoons and night clubs etc. I am sure someone will have a pic of it when it use to be chocablock double moored most if not all its length. That length of mooring now, has been reduced, and has been made more secure too, with coded gates. I do like your idea sort of, moorings being near Carrow Road and Norwich FC, or beyond Bishopsgate, but, just like the YS it will have its ejits that think its fun to undo mooring ropes. Personaly, I always ring rope back onto the boat and drop the mudweight. Just read Matt's remark and agree some may panic there. (Bishopsgate Bridge) Iain.
  16. Pally only said May as its my next time down. I have already emailed BA, and had no reply. Its not my intention to grill the Rangers, but to ask politely what they though of it all. Iain.
  17. That very car I I think was on a USA prog on Sky last week on Chasing Classic Cars, Try Series 6 Ep1 if you have Sky and Catch up. Iain
  18. I wonder how many BA NP badges are now on the Rangers uniform? If any at all? Oh and if so, will they be discreet? I for one come May will be asking them why they are allowed too display such a falsehood. Just my slant on this thread, mod cap off! Iain.
  19. Aint that a bit risky considering where RT is moored? Iain. .
  20. Close. It took 10 years to paint but to last now at least 25 years. It never fails to amaze me, every time I see it and been under it twice. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-edinburgh-east-fife-16110496 Iain.
  21. Phew...delighted to read that! Iain.
  22. Oh MM does the "Couple" know you fancy them? Errrr enjoy your beers MM. Iain.
  23. Well then young Alan, ever closer to the finnished article. Hurry up! WE as in the FORUM WE wish to see it all completed! Don't we folks? Iain.
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