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Posts posted by Liberty

  1. 2 hours ago, Seriously said:


    Not sure what you mean by cutting paste ?


    Bit like T-Cut for cars.  It is a liquid/paste which when rubbed onto gelcoat will gently scour the surface.  It does remove a very small amount of gelcoat which you then polish then wax.

    Bloody hard work and everything aches for days afterwards, but it does look nice when done.

    • Like 1
  2. I use a jet wash twice a year (not on the canopy).  It does find the leaks other washes fail to find, but worthwhile giving a deep clean.  Other than that, just a brush and hose-down afterwards as needed and an oxalic wash once a year.  

    Cutting paste, polish and wax every two years as I hate doing it and am too mean to pay anyone else to do it... :)


    • Like 1
  3. Bobbing around merrily at Ranworth on Thursday night, and at Potter Heigham last night was pretty nuts too.  Not often you see breaking waves on the Bure at Potter like this morning.  Stern mooring this afternoon was interesting too!!!

    • Like 1
  4. In the grand scheme of things when running a boat, it is not a significant rise, and the area in which I choose to spend my spare time needs a cash injection.  I don't have an issue with it.  No investment = no improvements.

    • Like 2
  5. Pootling around Breydon on Saturday - seems to me it would be a good idea for the hire yards to give a photo similar to hirers next year, if the amount of grounded boats this year is an indication to go by.  To convince them there really is mud, and the posts are not just for decoration...



    • Like 8
  6. Yes please.  We are coming towards the end of the season, and expect the outboard/chartplotter thieves will be back in town.  Boats will be left unattended for longer periods of time.

    It would be great to have some advice on alarm systems, trackers, cameras etc.  I know Bernie cannot recommend specific manufacturers, but some examples would be really useful i.e. PIR sensors, GSM notification, fob/code activation/deativation, self-powered or wired to batteries, tracking by GPS, alarms which will not go off when wobbled (wash etc).  If notification by GSM, what happens when the signal is weak, like most of the Broads area, and so on.

    Are there basic/standard/generic rules which apply for insurance?

    Not much then :)


    • Like 1
  7. I have 8 Multicell 110ah batteries from Boulters.  They were prepared to talk about price, whereas Multicell direct were not interested and were 'lacklustre' at best, even though they are in North Norwich.

    So a big +1 for Boulters.

    And their break-down service too.


    • Like 1
  8. Are you sure the yellow post is a Cardinal mark?  I took it as a special mark; in this case an indicator of change of direction of buoyage.  Same as Rockland Broad.


    There is a Cardinal at the tip of the turn-tide, but the yellow post is purely yellow with no black markings or cones from memory.


    There is another Cardinal on the Broads, but I can't remember where, but I don't think it's the mouth of the Bure.

  9. Because it's an internationally recognised system.  


    As a child, I was taught what the different colours mean on traffic lights.  And pedestrian crossings.  And red and blue on taps.


    Why should people read the skippers' manual / Broadcaster / website / ask?  


    For the same reason people know what traffic light colours mean.

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