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Everything posted by NeilB

  1. I think insurance was just an excuse as other yards don’t seem to have an issue. There is an increased risk in single handing and I suspect they wanted to avoid any potential issues.
  2. Boats still going past me both directions at Fleet Dyke, I'm on a wild mooring so I'll leave my anchor light on to prevent things going bump in the dark!
  3. Because there’s a better one 10 mins walk from the lock!
  4. Yes I did make the epic journey from Acle to Potter on Wednesday, did pretty much nothing all day apart from some cleaning and tidying up! Today I visited Boulters for 102 litres of fuel followed by a stop at Wroxham for some shopping where I spotted some interesting cider! Naturally it started drizzling just as I dropped the roof to go under the bridge, just over 7ft at high tide! Surprisingly quiet at the Wroxham moorings but Coltishall was full, I was headed for the lock where I was the only boat present. Bliss!
  5. Nice and choppy across Breydon so Rosie had a fun crossing and stretched her legs. Going to need to wash the salt off the windscreens in the morning! Even though I arrived at the yacht station 1 hour after low water I was still punching the flow, albeit weak, for a couple of miles. Cannot complain too much as I’ve been lucky with the tides so far. Nice to see the yacht station virtually full, Acle only has a few gaps and no one has been to collect a mooring fee yet! Currently sitting in the Bridge Inn pondering where to go tomorrow, maybe Potter and then Horning the next day for a visit to Boulters for some go go juice.
  6. I had 4g in the town centre, just nothing when I got back to the boat!!
  7. Bit of a difference in the weather today so no photos yet. Been sat at Polkeys Mill for an hour or so waiting for the tide to be just right through Yarmouth, think I’ll be off in a few minutes. No real plan, I’ll wing it and see where I end up!
  8. Walked to the New Inn only to be told they stopped serving at 6pm tonight. That’s ok I said, it’s only 5:30. Apparently I was mistaking Normal time for Norfolk time and the kitchen was closed!! Oh we’ll, bit peed off but I need the exercise and have plenty of food onboard !
  9. Took a cruise into Norwich this morning, again not been there by boat since a teenager. Quite a mixture of old and new buildings but I wonder how much longer the old one will be there for, I believe there are plans afoot… Sadly a couple of Freedoms old hire boats are still in Thorpe and looking a little worse for wear. Popped to Tesco Express for a few bits, had a wander around the cathedral and, not quite by chance I admit, stumbled across, or should I say into, probably the oldest pub in Norwich. After a little light refreshment I walked back to the boat and headed off, not sure where I would end up. Surlingham Ferry was full so kept going, quick google showed Coldham Hall was not doing any food so I’m now in Rockland dyke and headed for the New Inn again. Lots of boats heading up to the Staithe and returning, the section with mooring posts is full and spilling over to the rest of the dyke. Quite a few boats have appeared from up north and it does seem quite busy.
  10. Rambling Rosie does steer in reverse but only when moving at a reasonable speed and she’s not very responsive, some boats are better than others. Now I have the bow thruster which makes steering in reverse a doddle.
  11. Princess 30? I saw the boat but didn’t realise it was you. Bit tight in there with 42ft and a dinghy when single handed. Luckily very sheltered so she went exactly where I wanted her to!
  12. Bacon & brie ciabatta was ok although a bit light on bacon, price was very reasonable though. Resisting the urge for an afternoon nap after 2 pints of Trawlerboys I set off again towards Norwich to see how far I could get. No sign of Physic Surveyor, must have known I was coming Just his laundry drying! Surlingham Ferry was completely full and by luck I’ve managed to moor in the last space at Bramerton. Several boats are circling! Hopefully it will be quieter tomorrow once the weekenders have headed home.
  13. Nice morning cruise to Rockland Staithe,bit tight and a few nervous glances from other boaters but managed to squeeze in. 1st time I’ve ever been here so I will celebrate by having lunch in the pub!! Few cleaning duties to attend to onboard first though
  14. Bloomin spell check, going to steer well clear of Cantley this week….
  15. Pretty full at Payless Mill but Malcolm kindly shuffled up a little so managed to squeeze in. Thanks Mouldy! Had a nice chat, spent half an hour fixing a domestic water leak then and wandered up to Loddon and back. Now sat in the sun pondering what to cook tonight.
  16. Just going past Reedham ferry so I’ll pop down and see, got plenty of time if it’s full.
  17. How much do you need for Potter bridge?
  18. Had a nice meal in The Wherry last night, only 20 mins walk from the Locks. Just left Beccles behind and should have the tide most of the way to Reedham. Aiming for Loddon today so should pass Grendel at some point!
  19. I’ve seen a lot of Horning pleasure craft boats about, only 1 in their yard on Sunday. I understand that they have held prices and unlike a lot of yards take pride in their appearance, not seen a dirty waterline this year.
  20. Nabbed the last mooring and currently at The Locks enjoying a nice pint! I was going to eat here but it’s quiz and nachos night which I don’t fancy so I’ll wander up to the Wherry instead. Not sure my 42ft plus dinghy will fit at the Wherry moorings so might have a recce in the dinghy for future trips. I’ve not been past Beccles bridge since a spotty teenager with my parents, a long, long time ago. It’s worth the trip and on a par with the Bure above Coltishall. Notice I tried being artistic with my out of focus beer and in focus Rambling Rosie!
  21. None of the Freeman’s ran out of petrol across Breydon and I passed another familiar face! Just stopped at Berney Arms as I’ve a meeting I cannot avoid !
  22. The sunset photos were on an IPhone 12 without any playing with the settings. on the outskirts of Yarmouth now and I seem to have inserted myself into the Freeman owners club CinC !!!
  23. I have next week off work so I'm headed down south tomorrow morning. Currently at Stracey Arms after enjoying the sunset.
  24. I spotted Springers Retreat but no sign of life.
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