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Everything posted by NeilB

  1. I’m guessing the costs would be a lot more if it was moved at 2am.
  2. Last year I believe only the Saturday night was booked at Salhouse, most members met at Ranworth to CinC to Salhouse. This year both Friday and Saturday have been reserved. I’ll be there Friday night and as I’ll need to top the batteries up think I’ll have a nice cruise to Ranworth and back on the Saturday morning!
  3. NeilB

    My Day

    I was topping up my electric at Richos office a couple of weeks ago and while I was there decided to give the new café a try. Sadly my experience was similar to Griff's so I've not been back.
  4. Is Nyx actually 7ft 2ins? or is that just what the plaque says? Mine states 7ft but I've been through Wroxham at 6ft 9ins with a couple inches to spare.
  5. This is a blast from the past! I remember Chris Nurse from Red Line Boats and Pete Naylor from Bourne End, also some of the boats from various yards that ended up with Kris Cruisers at some point.
  6. Nearly made it inside the boat later on, I can say that beak looks pretty lethal close up!
  7. I did have a bit of a lie in Friday morning as needed to catch up on sleep. Fitted the 2nd blind in record time although it does need a catch to hold the bottom of the blind as it’s a bit close to whoever decides to sit there! Fancied eating out tonight so headed for Stokesby as I’ve not tried The Ferry yet. Managed to squeeze in behind Kpnut who was off on one of her marathon walks. Set to scrubbing the rear well, no idea what the previous owner has spilled here but its taking ages to remove. Made some progress but will need more attention. Gave the area a compound and polish as well. This was when Kate appeared with me covered in splotches of compound paste so had a chat for a while. Food in the Ferry was ok and I would eat there again, although the White Horse at Neatishead is still my favourite. Addams Southwold bitter went down a treat though! Next day my destination was Roy’s DIY for a few bits and pieces. My plan was thwarted as there was no space at Brinkcraft and the Hotel wanted £10 for a 30 minute stop. The bridge was looking a little tight plus I’d have to lower the nav mast and WiFi antenna. Currently moored on Wroxham island so will try again tomorrow. If not I’ll pop in by car next time I’m passing. Now, I’ve been visiting the Broads for 50 years and have lived here nearly a year. But I have never had a Heron approach me like this before, he, (or she), even stood on the boat and never moved while I took the photo.
  8. Pretty sure about a 2 boat length section was taped off last Autumn / late Summer, a small section is still taped off now.
  9. I can confirm the only foodstuff Kate was carrying on her return was the aforementioned quiche…. I, on the other hand have retired to the pub!
  10. Managed a fairly early start so after a coffee with the ex was back at the boat by around 4pm. Set the washing machine going on it’s first load and had a general tidy up etc. Popped into Tesco the next morning for a few bits and pieces as the kids had done a good job on my cupboards! And why do they always use so much toilet roll? Arrived at a very windy St Benets and started work on my first job - removing curtains and fitting Venetian blinds to the lounge area. As usual not as simple as it sounds as one side has the gas pipe running behind the pelmet, luckily this could be repositioned without disturbing any joints. Also a struggle as this side is quite long but eventually it was in place. Think I’ll do the other side tomorrow now!!
  11. Last full day on Tuesday, where did that go? Had a bit of a lie in this morning, didn’t wake until 8am. Headed into Wroxham for an ice cream and then back to my home mooring in Stalham. Saw Kate coming through Ludham bridge and then Sam frantically waving at Irstead Staithe. Forecast is not great for tonight, although the strong winds have not made an appearance the rain certainly has! Driving the kids home will take up most of tomorrow, but I still have a few days holiday left and a list of jobs to do!
  12. Nice looking boat in the 1st photo......
  13. That's a shame to see. One of those AF42's used to be Lady Sarah when I worked at Kris Cruisers, took my parents on a day trip on her and managed to get a bath towel wrapped around the prop!! I think the original plan was to strip and re-fit them but not sure what happened, pretty Bill Maxted is still around. I'm planning on heading south again at the end of May so may pop in.
  14. I’ve just added a 7 day timer to the Eberspacher, the Webasto already had one. Cost £175 but saves me the cold run to the back of the boat and back!
  15. SwanR and Gracie are both correct! My son keeps rolling his eyes at the film selection but Sadie is 9, so that rules out the Saw series!!
  16. What a wet and yucky day, even the ducks have had enough! Set off from Burgh castle around 7:30 which was a challenge due to the low water and high bank. I’d left it until the ebb had slowed down and arranged the lines so only 1 was holding the boat and this could be released from the cockpit. Low water was supposed to be 06:21 but there was still a reasonable flow still exiting past the yacht station at 8:30. Had a short stop at Stokesby to relieve the shop of some sausage rolls and cakes for later. Decided to stop at Thurne dyke and was buttoned up by lunch time. My son carried on with his A level studies while Sadie and myself watched the Incredibles 2 followed by a marathon session of dominoes! Dinner was courtesy of The Lion which was up to its usual standards. Not many photos today due to the weather, see if you can guess this evenings film?
  17. Not sure if it’s me but Griffs corner looks a little longer than last year?
  18. Bit more of a leisurely start today, noticed Malcolm had already set off by the time we surfaced. Arrived in Beccles about 10:30 and decided to stay at the Yacht station as the tides would have kept us at the Lido moorings until late and we had other plans. The Lido was only a 10 minute walk anyway. Although the sun had made an appearance it was still a tad chilly but the Lido is heated to a fairly warm temperature and we had a nice swim and splash about. There were a few people there and I overheard someone say it’s pretty busy over summer and requires pre booking. It was bloody cold when we exited the pool, nearly turned around and went back in!! The timetable is a mix of lane and general swimming and I would recommend a visit. Stocked up on some sausage rolls for lunch at the yacht station cafe, daughter went straight for the ice cream! Topped up with water and then headed back downstream. Tomorrow is looking a little grim so decided to return north a day earlier than planned. Currently moored at the new Burgh castle moorings for the early low tide. This evenings entertainment was provided by a rather blue looking Will Smith in Aladdin. The main food event was a home made quiche which was a big hit with the kids. And no, I’ve no idea how my daughter sees through that fringe either!
  19. I usually avoid Stalham Tescos on Fridays and Saturdays in the season but didn’t have much choice, managed to get everything except ice cream, the entire freezer was empty! Managed to cast of around 12:30, popping into Sutton Staithe for a pump out and headed down the Ant. Still fairly quiet, St Benets and Acle free moorings we’re full although both The Bridge Inn and The Ferry at Stokesby had spaces. At Stracey there were only 4 boats overnight, including us. Set alarm and cast off around 5:30, no moon but visibility was good and had full daylight by the outskirts of Yarmouth. Breydon was still ebbing very slightly so set speed at about 5mph, by the time I reached the other side it had started to flood. Stopped at StOlaves for a leg stretch and a cuppa, not sure who won the auction for the old Alpha yard but nothing appears to have been touched yet? Popped into Oulton to dispose of some rubbish and spent the evening at Petos Marsh with a Spaghetti Bolognese & Mulan on Disney+. Malcolm (Mouldy) is on the opposite bank with Norfolk Lady! Beccles bound tomorrow!
  20. I’m afraid I didn’t resist for long but only had a couple and went back to working and prepping the boat for Easter. Next morning I headed back up the Ant with a short stay at Irstead Staithe, followed by a top to bottom wash at my home mooring. Spent a couple of days in the office and left at 4pm today to pick up the kids, Warwick to Stalham took 4 hrs which included a stop for a bite to eat, traffic was busy but not as bad as I expected. Few chores to do Friday morning plus another shopping trip before heading off to either Stokesby or Stracey. Plan is for a very early start on Saturday to catch low tide, we’ll see!
  21. As to how busy can it get I was surprised to see how many Richardson's boats were not on hire, at least 3/4 were still moored up which is a bit worrying for a school holiday week. Pretty sure last year the yard was virtually empty!
  22. I’ll be leaving Horning in around 30 mins and heading back up the Ant, I’ll give you a toot and a wave if I see you!
  23. 22ft beam… Imagine the toll on that, or meeting it on the Chet!
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