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Everything posted by NeilB

  1. Sadly I could probably write a book on this but Mark has done a good job of explaining the difficulties. My son has Autism which mainly affects his social skills, currently taking his A levels and while not setting the world on fire is predicted to do OK. I don't worry about him so much as nothing seems to phase him, appears to be a lazy so and so, (he's still a teenager!!), but gets the work done. My eldest daughter has Aspersers diagnosed at 12, she's now 17. I won't go into details but her issues are very hard to deal with and sometimes keeps me awake a night. Luckily we were able to afford private diagnosis as there was a huge wait for the NHS, literally years. While my son was going through the process the local authority moved the goalposts and we needed a 2nd opinion. Both professionals involved were convinced this was only done to slow the rate of private diagnosis as the local authority could not afford to provide extra assistance to the amount of children. My youngest daughter appears to be a perfectly normal 11 year old, with a growing grasp or sarcasm. Cannot imagine where she gets that from....
  2. Glad you are ok! Can I ask if you had some means of getting out of the water if there had been no safety ladders? I had a slip last year but fell away from the river and just got a muddy bottom! I'd been thinking about an emergency ladder of some sort and ended up with a folding ladder bolted to the stern, the boats stern, not mine!! There's one step on the water line and when unfolded another 2 below.
  3. NeilB

    My Day

    Spent the morning servicing my engine and just updated the online service record to preserve the warranty. Off for a pump out at Sutton Staithe and to see if they want any waste oil! Think I’ll head to Barton Broad after, drop the weight, open a bottle of red and binge on Netflix for the rest of the day!
  4. NeilB

    Pump Outs?

    Lost track of how many pump outs I’ve done so I’d be happy to see some DIY ones about. Not sure how reliable they are, or should I say how protected against mis use as the ones on the Thames are often out of action.
  5. Yes they do, along with big changes at Stalham as well. Still awaiting planning permission.
  6. Does not look too bad, need a few more waves over the bows!! IMG_1658.mov
  7. Richardsons in Stalham have a laundry, toilets, showers and an onsite café.
  8. I heard a week or so ago, if true then I'm sure it will be good news.
  9. Only dealt with one hire boat sinking in my 10 years at a hire yard, either a Friday or Saturday afternoon the hirers sideswiped a nice concrete bank at speed and split the corner open. Didn't go right down but the engine was several inches underwater, front/rear cabins waist deep and the sunroof was opened so we had an escape route while plugging the hole! In fact it was Vaughan and his crane who lifted it out for us! Back on hire the following weekend. Probably 30 years ago now so cannot remember what happened to the hirers.
  10. I quite like the Horning church mooring too, only space for 2 boats and walking distance to Horning. Had it to myself on Saturday night!
  11. The lowest Norwich bridge is around 9ft at high tide so shouldn't be a problem for most hire boats. This info did come from the BA bridge height guide which also shows Wroxham at 7ft 3" and Potter at 6ft 6" as average for summer high tide...... We should be so lucky!!
  12. If your are hoping to tick Wroxham and Beccles off your list I’d suggest a low airdraft boat. Both the Coltishall and Geldeston stretches are stunning. Take care tomorrow as more strong winds are forecast. I’m currently at Horning church Staithe and heading up the Ant in the morning so I’ll keep an eye out for you.
  13. @Dungraftin2 If you are free the weekend of 18th/19th May we have the annual forum meet, you can sign up here - You'll never meet a nicer bunch of alcoholics, err, boaters.
  14. Spot on. You need to save some for the alcohol !!
  15. I did have a look into this but they have a tiny amount of subscribers and views, it's doubtful whether YouTube would allow them to monetise the accounts and they would be lucky to buy a Mars Bar with the yearly profit. You need hundreds of thousands of subscribers and a boatload of views to earn even a modest amount.
  16. Just spotted going through Irstead, either Griff is on his way home or they made him walk the plank on account of his jokes!
  17. That's not good, I wonder how many others have been incorrectly charged! I was there Saturday night, Rangers were there but no mention of charging.
  18. Here’s a link. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-68694486.amp I also think a surcharge for continuous cruisers is not unreasonable. Hire boats have a surcharge due to increased usage so why not liveaboards with no home mooring? I’m sure the BA are fully aware and taking notes….
  19. I’d like to hear about the Thames trip as it’s my old stomping ground.
  20. I was there a couple of weeks ago, only had lunch of a Chicken BLT which was ok but nothing special. The beer was pretty good though so I would give them another chance!
  21. Paid my £849 last week. The visitor tolls are crazy prices though, surely 1 month should be 1/12 of the annual cost with maybe 10% for admin. Sounds like the BA want to discourage short term visitors.
  22. That stretch of river is quite popular for wild swimming, I think because the water is usually clear they believe it's clean!
  23. I can pop round tomorrow and lend a hand, have a variety of scrubbing brushes and chemicals - some could even be used to clean a boat! Plus I need pump outs and diesel so will be there anyway.
  24. Not a great time for me so I'm going to look at the positive it eventually bought for me personally. The enlightened attitude to working from home allowed me to request and be granted a permanent work from home contract. There were other personal circumstances involved but without this I would not be living in Norfolk making the best of what I have. Bit lonely at first but I now have a steady stream of friends and family visiting me plus my fantastic children!
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