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Everything posted by NeilB

  1. NeilB

    My Day

    Not heading out this weekend, forecast is strong winds and heavy rain so will batten down the hatches with a takeaway, beer and some Netflix! Flying to Sweden on Sunday night for a week's training, will mostly involve playing with various boats 25 to 80ft in length. It's a tough job but someone has to do it.... Only back a couple of days and Rambling Rosie comes out of the water, coincides with my wallet becoming suddenly empty!
  2. I took mine through very early in the morning as it's very quiet, no one to see me mess it up!! Water levels seem high and my mooring in Stalham is a good few inches below deck level now.
  3. NeilB

    My Day

    Maybe, although most of the people who can afford these boats are usually the older generation. The chap who owned this was retired and had every gadget you could think of, I particularly liked the under helm seat beer fridge on the flybridge!
  4. NeilB

    My Day

    By the way, I’m happy to see you back, like a breath of fresh air!
  5. NeilB

    My Day

    After a rather long drive home I’m finally back on board, M25 was pretty bad. I would say that in my 35 odd boat shows this was probably the best. Great weather, great team of people and we even proved that women can drive boats….. IMG_0499.MOV
  6. NeilB

    My Day

    Last day at the boat show waiting fir next demo slit to arrive, feels like I’ve been here forever!
  7. NeilB

    My Day

    Day 6 of the show although been here 8 days., my liver is starting to complain so early night tonight. Still going round in circles on the demo boat! IMG_0502.MOV
  8. NeilB

    My Day

    Some of the staff have gone home, some of us are staying here. The show is putting on a TV and refreshments for exhibitors.
  9. NeilB

    My Day

    Day 3 of the Boatshow although I’ve been here since Wednesday. Bit different this year as we have our own boat for docking demos. Also means comfy seats for when the aching feet kick in ! IMG_0493.MOV
  10. Yours for £850K.. Ludham Bridge, and several others may be an issue!
  11. I think a few are suspending day boats but Monday is a turnaround day for cruiser hire, I suspect they will continue as normal. Southampton Boatshow is closing on the Monday, myself and a few others live too far away to make it viable to return home so we’re just staying in the hotel. Show organisers are sorting a large screen / refreshments for those of us stuck here.
  12. The boat I was testing and calibrating the assisted docking system on was one of these, we don’t have any involvement in anything much over 120ft on the leisure side. Only problem was it wasn’t very windy for a good test but I have access to the boat for another week or so.
  13. I must admit feeling a little tired while having a few drinks at the local brewery! Especially as I’ve heard one manufacturer is introducing brushless motors with unlimited thrusting !!!
  14. The cheap ones used on most broads boats are single speed. Proportional thrusters are quite common on sea going craft, some with run times of 10 minutes. I was actually playing with one in the Solent today!
  15. Managed to grab a spot at Irstead, as I've got a lot of "housework" to decided to keep the weekends travels short!
  16. Thanks. It’s been a constant struggle from the day we realised something was wrong when he was around 2 years old. Junior school were not much use, we had to get a private diagnosis. Then he was slightly below the threshold for extra funding and tuition etc, etc. Just constant setbacks yet he continued to plug away and has exceeded both the teachers and our expectations. So, so proud, he’s a bit confused as to what the fuss is about and definitely did not want a man hug!!!
  17. Thanks Turnroar. I’ll probably keep the blue superstructure stripe but the “Herbert Woods” blue hull stripe will be going in a few weeks time. I think the blue fenders will also be replaced, they are a bit tired, at least 2 have holes and the forward 2 are missing. Had a very lazy morning and was back at my home mooring by around 2pm. Weather was bit overcast and even had some rain so not much in the way of photos. Had a double pump out at Sutton Staithe along with a nice chat with Robert. Might only have a couple of short trips as need to prep for the upcoming major works plus I’m away for a while at Southampton Boatshow. Planning for 2 weeks off end of October to give the new engine a nice run down south!
  18. I normally reverse in so when I leave it’s easier to see if anyone is coming up the dyke. Plus I could be a little hungover after a few of those ciders in the White Horse!
  19. That's exactly what I've done with my freezer, replacement 12v was £610 plus no stock, 240V from Argos was £150, plenty of stock and choices in the under £200 range. Apart from the voltage they looked virtually identical.
  20. It was a smidge under 7ft on the upstream gauge at low tide. I’ve been told that a reading of 0.38 on the below website equals 6ft9”. Not measured it myself though. https://check-for-flooding.service.gov.uk/station/6211 It’s quite good as you can often see a down or upward trend depending on the tides. Helps decide whether to risk it or not! Barnes webcam does point at the gauge for a few seconds, have to zoom in to see the height.
  21. Woke up fairly early for a Sunday around 6:30, in time to enjoy a misty start. No real plans for today except to get through Wroxham bridge fairly early. Arrived just before 9 when all the day boats were heading out so gave a good blast of my horn. They are quite loud and a car going over the bridge beeped back!! Probably thought another car had beeped but it made me chuckle. I must be going through a religious phase as I stopped at Horning church Staithe and walked to the Ferry Inn for their carvery. Mmm, it was ok with lots of choice but I would say quantity over quality. Still, saved me cooking! I’m now settled at a busy St Benets watching the world go by. Highlight so far is helping a couple of ladies pump up their paddle boards, turns out my dinghy pump is a perfect fit. Managed to type the above without any smutty innuendo!!!
  22. Cruised to Coltishall passing plenty of boats heading to Wroxham, virtually no one there until the day boats started to arrive. Had a couple in the Rising Sun and the plan wos to compound polish some of the superstructure. My cheapo Chinese polisher worked fine but the polishing pads that came with it were rubbish and kept breaking up!! After 3 pads and a pathetically small area I gave up. I’ll have to buy some decent ones and start again. Fancied a change of scenery so set off for Belaugh and secured the church Staithe mooring. The quay heading is a little crumbly and so is the steep path with a drop to one side, so please take care if you stop here.
  23. From what I’ve seen they are doing a proper job…. Friend of a work colleague rebuilds or breaks engines for scrap so he’s going to have it. Pretty sure it’s the original so it’s done over 30 years in hire and nearly 4 as private. I suspect it’s a bit like Triggers broom by now!! Leaks and burns enough oil I don’t need to change it!
  24. Hopefully between now and mid October, just asked our dealer to deliver the engine to Sutton Staithe on Tuesday and I'll need pump outs by then so I'll remind them. They have been super busy plus have an unexpected massive job with Malanka.
  25. Are you talking about the earths atmosphere or the pee?
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