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diesel falcon

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Everything posted by diesel falcon

  1. Did you notice that film was made by keepturningleft??
  2. Why bother?? if the fridge is wired to the 12v system, and this has a charger on it surly the charger will run the fridge whilst on sure power? i know mine does.
  3. Great ,hope you enjoy your new camera..... now all we need is some examples!!
  4. If youv,e got help why not do it yourself ,with him advising then you,ll get the feel for the boat?
  5. !! i think i know were that is?? but have only been past it twice?
  6. Jill re Thurn mill thanks ,but it,s not framed right!(i chopped the left hand sail tip off) here,s a better framed one....just!
  7. We had a steady cruise over Braydon and arrived at the Berrie Arms ...where quo had had a shower and a meal before we got there .... THE END HOPE YOU ENJOYED!!!
  8. Day 8. 1030am.......what a good night last night....but it,s costing me this morning!! We decided to start the return journey down south as soon as we are ready, we had to put the generator on to charge Quo vadis but it doesn,t take long to charge her up,the weather was still a bit windy but nothing like the gusts of the last 24hrs. When everyone was ready we started the diesels and there was that lovely oily smell in the air ,from about 800hp of mercruisers. It,s let go of the ropes and creep out of our mooring as we were wind on the boat on the left of us, soon we were clear and it,s a quick left turn and up past the island mooring and steady cruise up the winding dyke up to the thurne,a right turn and were passing thurne dyke and the mill and are soon at the mouth and onto the Bure, here were getting a good push from the outgoing tide.A event free cruise followed until we reached the Ferry Inn stoksby moorings were we tied up to wait for the tide. As low water Yarmouth was a t 8pm we decided a meal on the boat would be best policy before we left(we were on the public moorings not the pubs), so a member of our party was dispatched to the local shop to get a meal which sue could cook for 4.We thought that he,d been gone for a while but he soon appeared with shopping bag in hand....apparently he had help from 3 local ladies who helped him put together the ingreadiants for spagbol !! Sue cooked us up the food and it was mighty tasty with fresh garlic ....yummmie. whilst we were waiting a sealine cruised buy on one engine ,heading towards yarmouth ,we knew who it was ,and there based in Brundle so going for the bridge,we got itchy feet so we let go the ropes and span our boat out of the moorings...much to the bemusement of the hirer infront who couldn,t work out how i was pointing out into the river and not moving(the tide opposing and one engine foward and one reverse) so eased both into forward a squirt of power and were clear. A very sedate cruise down the bure with the outgoing tide and we are soon nearing Yarmouth ,we caught up the Sealine and kept station behind him for the run into Yarmouth we soon were drifting into the port and there was loads of room under the bridges Through the bridges and time to beat the tide on the run up to the lifting bridge...the sun decided to dip under the clouds just as we were turning and was absolutly blinding..... We turned right round the post and powered upto the bridge and the sealine and quo were gone!! we decided not to speed over to save some diesel for our next trip.
  9. This holiday tale will end shortly ,in the mean time here,s some entertainment while your waiting
  10. DAY 6. we woke to a stiffer breeze blowing....a sign of things to come but the view wasn,t bad, After the normal cups of tea ect we consulted the weather forcast...it was grim 50mph winds expected by nightfall, so we need a bolt hole , we decided that Ludham straithe would be sheltered. To get out of the dyke quo went down to the bottom and turned ,and i reversed all the way up, we had a steady cruise upto the turn to Womack water ,by this time the weather was getting worse, so we went down past the yards and on to the straithe ,were,e getting the hang of this northern lark timing it right and got a mooring for two...lovely! Got settled and decided on pub grub again .The weather got even worse so not much to tell really,the moorings were busy with boats coming and going. It was soon time for the pub, The Kings arms, what a meal!! we had the spicy cod yummmie twice!, drinks followed and then it was back to the boats. Day 7. we woke to a gale, we made the decision to stay where we were ,there was some breaks in the wether but not many .... A slow day followed been beaten up by high winds and rain so there was nothing to do but go to the local butcher get some sausages and have bangers and mash on the boats,then all too soon it was time for drinks in the pub Sue my shmbo didn,t fancy it so the lads went on thier own ...two of the naughty boys got back at 2am hick!! Day 8 on the morrow if you havn,t fallen asleep!!
  11. Can you see a man in the mill sails and a diving harrier? click to go big
  12. Day 5 part deux. This dyke is quiet narrow ,and we were a bit concerned about the larger cruisers coming down,with new helms, with a stiff breeze, the chances of getting "cuffed"( the most popular word on this trip) but must say most of them did really well ,only one bottled it, and his friend had to take the boat down to the bitch of a turn at the bottom....then he caught a boat and started that horrible sequence of full revs back then forward ect, managed to stop him and calm him and slowly he got the boat to the river. Wespent the afternoon chilling out and watching the fun and games. the evening was spent in the lion ,and the bottom of the dyke which was very nice with good pub grub...steamed steak and kidney pie.....yummmii!! here,s some images of this most photographed place..........
  13. didn,t notice Johnny but it,s a diesel twin screw unusual for a carver it,s in one of the pictures but can,t read the name
  14. Day 5 We awoke to a sunny day ,with a light breeze i really like Ranworth straith for some reason, after tea,s and breky, we thought where have we never been before for a pub meal in local area,we were in, and one of the pubs was the one at the bottom of thurne dyke.....so that was the plan ,to moor in the dyke overnight. Oh i forgot to mention the chinky was great Sue and i had wandering Dragon, and helped the kids out with there,s!! would recommend this service the guys come round with a menu and you just phone them and they bring the food to the straith. Ranworth got very busy with a constant stream of cruisers coming down the dam and circling for a mooring,we had a request for jump leads from a guy with flat batteries,so we joined two sets together and jumped him from a kind gent with a Carver private boat. We filled the boats with water and soon it was time to make a move so we slipped the ropes and pulled up the anchors. Underway we noticed the wind was building, and by the time we got to the dyke there was a noticable breeze but still sunny we slipped into the dyke and moored about half way down...... The kids had had enough of boating with a load of old fuddy duduies so arangements were made for them to picked up,and get back to playing with thier friends. More to follow later
  15. Thank you ,for pointing that out i,ll try harder next time ! great news the repair is done...ruby murry next time
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