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diesel falcon

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Everything posted by diesel falcon

  1. Yes Bob it,s a washing machine didn,t you know??
  2. Think the wife overdid it!! my washing machine today
  3. Thanks for the update , will she be the brown colour (hull) when finished , i think it is paint? will loke v smart
  4. Tought a4 was 316, just another name, if you want higher quality go for a5, but a prop shaft should be ok at a4, a really though stainless is a feric one (f1) but machining it then becomes a problem, these figures relate to the tensile stress/elongation of fasteners , not a property of a prop shaft where the torque value is more relevant,the only reason to make a shaft out of stainless is to stop it rusting,a steel shaft is more than strong enough for the job...but rusts. Some stainless steel ,is not suitable for salt water use because of it s chemical make up...hence brown staining on cheap rails and screws, 316,a4 is recommended for marine use(salt water aplications)
  5. http://www.metals4u.co.uk/Stainless-Ste ... detail.asp don,t know what size yours is??
  6. Sorry but your only option is to replace it , over5 feet it is impossible to straighten to within the original tolerances,you could have it re meltled(sprayed) and re turned but would still be expensive as new, shop around , in this climate you may get a good deal
  7. spring launch....that,ll merit a song looking better all the time thanks for sharing.
  8. We were made to feel welcome in herbert woods when we had no were else to moor when visiting potter, got some very bemused looks from hirers picking up there boats though!,but is was midweek and there basin was just about empty
  9. Must admit that girder looks beyond repair, what a waste of time
  10. Depends on the length of the barge?? Goodchild marine may be abble to help, but if a crane is needed ,st olaves marriner has one that will do it on site,best to ring round though as prices vary .
  11. Wow £13000.00 on fuel!! ,sounds like a wonderful way of life ,like being on holiday ..with pay!! thanks for taking the time to type all that
  12. It,s not my attitude but the general attitude of this forum i believe, i am not saying this guys not been treated badly but to slander a company on an open forum,when for a example it may be one individual in that company having a bad day ,could have legal Consequences (worst case), if the op has a valid complaint against the company ,this should be done privately between the two parties.Sad but in these days of litigation ect you can,t be too careful,not a mods view all imho .
  13. Don,t worry grew up around Traction engin,es until about 11 !!,indeed Trevor the traction engine in thomas the tank engine stories is based on me! could be why i work on boilers now!
  14. Re quo vadis, bit quicker than a showman,s engine!!(i googled it)
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