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diesel falcon

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Everything posted by diesel falcon

  1. hi and welcome to the forum, there may be a shaky video on our blog shortly!!
  2. Hi, hears an update to the blog, we took a few days off before the bank holiday, we left our marina on Wednesday, heading for Braydon when we saw Spirit of Braydon approaching heading for St Olaves, after about 10mins i caught something approach ing from the rear....fast,sure enough it was Spirit of Braydon,who had had a shout for a cruiser stuck on Bratdon i believe,He slowed to pass us but we waved him through, she certainly goes! I know people have differing views on the boat,but this is not a BA bashing update, please feel free to copy a picture and start a separate debate on a new thread if you wish. We cruised upto Langley Dyke, but they were digging the ditches out,,,,,swamp gas couldn,t describe the stench!!. we opted to spend the night at Rockland straithe and had a meal on board and a few drinks ,we were the only boat there....very peaceful and relaxing. Thursdays update tommorow night.....
  3. What next?? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxW9pVgI9vw
  4. This is BA,S spirit of braydon........banging in yellow posts!!
  5. This is Ian, gently dragging his anchor in the stiffening breeze ..
  6. Hi, thought we would start a blog of our boating on the broads....in pictures, this week we spent a night on Surlingham broad, This was taken by Quo vadis this morning.
  7. iconic yes , but needs to up it,s game ,make it worth stopping at , a free pint delivered to the boat on arrival will do I wish them well and hope they can make a living from the old pub!!
  8. Another problem i had was a loose cable(earth) which is attached to the outer burner surface,had to put a replacement screw in as the original wouldn,t tighten ,i ve run mine for 4 years and i suppose it,s failed 4 times, twice when new ,board once which was replaced free/exchange,and the rest starting after a long lay off,i now give it an occasional burst in summer
  9. Holey cow!!! major surgery ,what,s a nice plank of timber cost these days?
  10. I blow mine with my mouth, one good blow and then a suck on both the inlet and exhaust , and usually it,s good to go, take the hoses off at the skin fitting mine had water in after windy very rainy days we,ve had this winter
  11. hi, that unit is a little dynamo there will be no voltage if it s not turning? ,see if there,s a makers name on the original tacho head,(say vdo) then contact the maker for availability? if you have an alternator fitted why not convert and use the alternator for the tacho?
  12. Indeed she has certain useful features ahead of her time notice the boarding ladders?
  13. A bss ?? do you know a diving bss examiner?? seroiusly though if the boat could be saved it would be a treat to see it restored , but time and cost will be as said a major factor and when you,ve finished is it really a classic??
  14. Most tacho,s run off the alternator so perhaps that,s where to start??
  15. Apart from bieng sentimental , the onl y place that belongs is in several skips, which begs the question who,ll end up paying for it to be removed!!
  16. What a bloody cheeck , Ba are running riot and doing whatever it likes , one for the toll payers asc i think, a mooring fee will contribute to the cost of the ranger therefore ba must benifit at our expense again.... Reedham is not that an atractive stop on spring tides now..with this levvy local trade will suffer boaters will just bypass it imho
  17. There,s no pleasing some people!! last one ...promise!
  18. Thanks mark for reminding me of Photobucket, i ve just found some long lost pics from a crashed pc including this jem...as you say it,s easier than flicker.
  19. This is what you can do this one,s stored on Flicker
  20. There is ,and your boat can fail it...mine did , but the inspector said that it is an advisery matter, he should let you know how big the holes in your boat SHOULD BE !! he issued a certificate anyway, this was 3 years ago though will research and see if it,s been amended
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