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diesel falcon

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Everything posted by diesel falcon

  1. hi, sorry the trip up north didn,t add up to much but poor internet put a stop to it!! Anyway we spent this weekend at Loddon one of favorite stops, the weather was nice not too hot if a bit breezy, A Loddon there is a rather tame Heron that dosn,t seem to take any notice of people so we got some shots, sorry about the quality but got the camera settings wrong!!(i forgot to reset them doh) but not too bad A right posser............................ READY............. GO................... GOT IT................. GULP.............. We spent the night in the Angel with the new landlords , a warm welcome ,but we still miss"eric and val!!"
  2. Hi we spent the weekend at Loddon basin, very pleased to see new post s for electricity ......hope their not finished....otherwise your going to have a lot of people falling in, the card readers face the BASIN!!
  3. going to hyjack Jill!!! here,s a pub related one,,,,well sort of!!
  4. Looks like a double exposure?? perhaps you kept the shutter open,somehow,
  5. her,s some more for thought! http://www.ecompare.co.uk/search.html?p=Digital+Cameras&wcat=cameras&p2=Digital+Cameras&gclid=CLn3mdzH6bgCFRMPtAodJVIAHg will give you a better selection
  6. hi, it,s the age old classic...................what,s your budget!! her,s some info on bridge camara,s which may be a bit big, http://www.whatdigitalcamera.com/equipment/advice/501485/best-bridge-camera-of-2013.html
  7. Just updates your status and shows on your profile feed?
  8. must be on your phone?? i can,t see a what,s on your mind section!! , sent from my lap!! using ten digit computer!!
  9. Bloody hell....he spoke I think they got up early and had breakfast at thurne dyke.............
  10. Hi all,to this installment of Trev and Bob,s boating blog..........Bob goes north . No LE GRAND CREW this trip as work and holiday clash forced us to not go SAT. Everyone was ready early for there trip across brayden....good weather!and 25c They just had to do something whilst waiting for the evening tide.....bit stingy with the loo roll..... I think the weather gods got a bit annoyed look at Braydon...... Then this bit murky!!! fog on the lower Bure They spent the night at Acle with a meal in the Bridge....review to follow,
  11. If your into your Falcon,s here,s a peach!! Price well where could you buy a 275??? http://motorboats.apolloduck.co.uk/feature.phtml?id=310381
  12. It looks like a sort off colvic Northerner with a loads of modifications??
  13. Only four ehhh........taken Saturday at the weekend, so that,s two accounted for.....
  14. back early from the pub then!!
  15. Can endorse that Jill, having just gone through skin cancer treatment on my lower lip , iam fair haired and more prone to it but you are all in danger from the uv rays of the sun, in my case it involved surgery ,,,,,not nice on your lip.....take all possible steps to protect yourself, all the days out in the sun add up, it,s just not one overexposure!! GET SLAPPED UP IN THE SUN!! And dont,t forget your lips........i bet you never heard of lip sunblock?? you have now!!
  16. There were approx 150 falcon 22,s built, and this was the first powerboat hull Wolstenholme designed!
  17. Falcon boats are in the same club as Sealine............disolved! Will try and source some background ,and history an elite club indeed!!
  18. it,s losing the larger files of 9 kb (probably taking too long??) error message says no file selected for upload?? but worked on this one above
  19. i just had to start!!!
  20. just made a 4.9 file................. and it,s 82 plus kb jill is 124 kb so the 10kb is actually 5,07?
  21. hi just tryed a 5.11 mb file ,says error this file was too big? which is right as limit set at 5.07 here,s a 2,6 file................. ignore the firworks one that,s the original size!
  22. Still says 5.07 mb at bottom just failded one at 5.45 mb??
  23. Sunday we woke to a different scene it was cloudy but not cold, after a quick cupper we let go the ropes and started on the cruise back.....all went well without incident except for this............... Now i know everybody has different opinions on this !!! feel free to comment , Now back to the top for Bob,s engine cleanout. So that,s it for this entry of the blog hope you enjoyed!
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