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diesel falcon

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Everything posted by diesel falcon

  1. can,t eat beens!! largers bad enough!! and I havn,t been wet yet.............unlike others i could mention!
  2. ok so i thought falcon boats arn,t made anymore?, i think this advert is wrong,,,,,,thoughts anyone?? http://motorboats.apolloduck.co.uk/feature.phtml?id=263013
  3. Give the cheapest item to your mate, let him buy it, wait until a different shop assistant is on the till then buy the otherone!!! save 3 quids....simples!!
  4. Used to run one of these engine,s in an open backed 23ft fishing boat out of Wells s , if you over filled the header tank it would fizz water out of the preassure cap until it reached it,s running level, it had a Bowman heat exchanger fitted with a silencer/swanneck straight to outside, worried the heck out of me until someone told me to leave it alone ,!!after this it gave no trouble. hope you get sorted
  5. Been there many times m8!! , and yes have been cut off and had to swim for it.
  6. Couldn,t say, ther,e toadstools i think, growing on a dead willow tree at Loddon basin if you want to risk it!!
  7. I am just a mushroom kept in the dark..................
  8. Mixed light and rain gave small windows to get good shot,s.
  9. Well it,s been a while ,but just got back from the boat ,and some mild but changeable weather!! spent the weekend at Beccles basin , great mooring. Saturday night saw us try the Weatherspoons (the old hotel) and can strongly reccomend it ,we had a great time....got a bit quiffy with free drinks with our meals and dirt cheap rounds..... 2 pints of lager,1 bottle of Newcastle brown ale, and a large siraz £10,91p!!! her,s some images of Beccles..... more to follow soon..
  10. I think we need a mrs London rasal?? to hold the the camara!!
  11. Ye s good stuff , admire the dedication to visit all those places armed with an old photo!!
  12. iso therm, with a remote compressor..................................so you can hide it in the depths,,,,,,,don,t look at the price standing up,,,,you may fall down
  13. hI Mark to empty your tanks(if they don,t have drains) can recommend this pump it,ll empty them completly and if you decant into tubs though a filter you can save a bit of red?? http://www.asap-supplies.com/search/transfer+pump/rule-il280p-306555
  14. how about rope fenders, don,t know if they ed float thou....but would be easier to weigh down thou??
  15. Looks like the high tide to me, think it does it on large springs
  16. yup been using them for a while, very good on seats aswell ,hard surfaces ect
  17. ok ok Lizard!!! Although it,s actually at church cove!!
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