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diesel falcon

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Everything posted by diesel falcon

  1. Thanks ,i now know who he is ,as was moored with him in Burgh castle have t pop up there and have a mardle or two!!
  2. Was he from Bradford, and is that his boat on the front?
  3. That would be 1500 hours on that clock mr rascal my boats 1993 and has done 1034 hrs
  4. Well i watched it................just going out of the basin,,,,,,,,,,,gets cut up!! say no more not a great advert for the broads in his own words "it,s supposed to be relaxing" a totally waste of space, rubbish pr for the broads well done all!!!
  5. The surlingham ferry ph normally does a small display around nov 5th , a long way , book a mooring early too
  6. The NBN Spring meet at Salhouse Broad is just a couple of weeks away - Sign up Control v, on out of date ie8 not a lot works!! on a buissness computer on a very large network
  7. For bank holiday monday we opted for Rockland straithe and the new,inn on our arrival we booked a table for six then chilled out in the basin, when it was time to eat we went to the pub for a roast dinner....i had the beef others had the pork, it was the best meal of the trip,and the season so far....well done the chef!!, we stayed in the pub for a few jars and got chatting to the landlord ...and his daughter a very charming five year old ,and a 10week old labradoodle (pin sharp puppy teeth!!)great night. to finish the trip off we returned to the leg and chew and had more drinks, we were a bit loud so if you heard us....sorry! End of the easter blogg.....next may be a foray upt ta north...for a forthcoming event!
  8. After our visit to Loddon we decided to steam up the chet ,and turn left at hardly cross past the very nice new moorings, although on a large spring and a lot of wind it could be a tad choppy!. We were heading to surlingham to try to get in sonia,s for saturday night, we did moore up but every mooring had been booked for a club meeting .....so it was plan B. We ended up here................ We still had to move a small boat with outboard which was side on to get all 3 boats in as there was a large 40fter side on aswell,and full at the front too. we went into the pub to eat , they had had a busy day so didn,t have all the menu selections available ,bit strange but we made the most of it and had a reasonable meal. The mooring was intresting with large boats speeding by causing big washes....not good on a windy day stern on! If your reading this mr pedro skipper thanks !! We were entertained also by the constant stream of holiday makers being shown by the yard at brundel how to stern on moor....next to me!,didnt click first time got a bit worried about the speed of a 35ft hire boat aiming for me!
  9. WELL, this means i can get to the yatch club!! if i dare spend a night there!
  10. hows about this stuff?? http://www.nexxia.co.uk/products.asp?s=Car%20Audio%20Accessories&c=Acoustic%20Material or the cloth?
  11. Whilst on the moorings at Loddon in the daytime something happened which is getting a little worrying , birds keep trying to invade the boat!! normally it would be flattering................but not when they get in your bed uninvited ,,,and leave a little present on your pillow! (Sue ,s language would grace a football terrace) Lol everyone was ********* themselves!!
  12. Hi all just got back from the broads, after a long weekend on the boat.......................i actually feel a little land sick typing this!!, The weather was on and off, blowing a bit at times and very grey, so not many photo opertunities but got this on our mooring at St Olaves as said the wind got frisky , Our first night out we decided to spend in Loddon and had those wonderful fish and chips from the chineese chip shop, drinks then flowed on Jeoff s boat and we were joined by another couple from our marinner who followed us out,a great night!
  13. we want to try and get under in may, can get down to about 8 ft 10, any info would be a god send thanks in advance.
  14. Top dog!! re spayed labs, bitches can have problems with bladder control in later life, as ours has now , but has only come on in the last 6 months but she,s 13 but worth consideration, a popular saying is let them have one litter then have it done, at 6 years though she,s a little old , give her a while to recover before the opp, if thinking about having it done read this first, all the best, http://www.medhelp.org/posts/Dogs/Incontinence-in-female-Labrador/show/971027
  15. If you have room we,ve had one of these, but dropped it , they give you that true barby taste though and you can dismantle them, cheap as chips http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Cast-Iron-Barrel-Charcoal-BBQ-with-Adjustable-Grill-Garden-Camping-Barbeque-/350995150842?pt=UK_Home_Garden_BBQ_s_Accessories_LE&hash=item51b8f0f7fa
  16. Try here for a start............sit down and take a deep breath ouchhhh http://www.outhill.com/work-category/deck-lockers/
  17. we have a thirteen year old lab, she,s got lumps and bumps all over and limps like an old lady through arthuritus(i know) but she,s the happiest rolling around having her tummy rubbed ,so your wipper snapper 6 year old has a long to go!! hope the news on monday is good
  18. Patience dear boy.!! Well we didn,t take the boat out this weekend ,but did get her and Jeff,s boat ready for easter, good meal in the bell sat night, we did have a visitor for breakfast!!! cheeky monkey................... More blogging at Easter, hoping for good weather
  19. Charges have been dropped!!
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