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diesel falcon

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Everything posted by diesel falcon

  1. Last one not a traditional view of the brods.......
  2. And a slightly more modern one........
  3. ok here,s a traditional broads holiday boat....
  4. Must admit the wife had a near miss there, some crazy b thought he was at brands hatch, not good!
  5. Sorry couln,t write ont tother post!! a bathing platform is very useful!!
  6. I took this on holiday in Furaventura a few weeks ago, it,s the approach to the old harbour at El Cotillo (they now made a new one), the reef provided sheltered water for launching from the beach......the channel is though the two rocks!! sooner them than me
  7. Its been 7 months , since we had band review from Lodden, last time it was "The killer tomatoes" this time we give you................... "The british rejects!!" enjoy!!
  8. Hi, all Just got back from a really good weekend on the boat, we had a trip to Loddon this week , here,s a taster of the pics Quo been trying out his new nickon all week end so here,s a couple i did......... here,s a long exposure shot, very windy so the tree,s have blurred a bit...... And an unusual duck........... more to follow.......
  9. http://www.ourgreatyarmouth.org.uk/images/uploaded/scaled/img046.jpg here,s an earlier pic
  10. There,s another one the other end just near the 5 mph sign, but that too looks wodden
  11. You can not fish at Langley dyke.....any time of year only one i know
  12. It was only on .......No.6....mph. against a strong TIDE!! :
  13. so you don t get a crick.......
  14. What I have noticed is a massive increase in the last 2yrs of signal crayfish in a part of the upper Wensum I fish. Last time I fished it a dead bait came out after 10 mins with 5 crayfish hanging onto it. Now they are a pain. A pain? you can eat them....
  15. Pilgrims!! think it,s the wherrymans way sign, or the circular walk sign
  16. That,s in the footpath at Loddon, the sybol is a route for pilgrims !!
  17. hi and congrats on your new purchase, as for re naming,,,, if your worried try this First: You must de-name. Example: Bless the former name and allow that name to go to the everlasting sea. A simple thank you for its former service and a good-bye to <old name> should do. Also remove all traces of the original name. Your Denaming Ceremony During the Denaming ceremony please feel free to utilize this "Former Name" poem which I have written for you to help in your ceremony. Former Name Poem (This reading to be done at the beginning of the celebration) I bid hail! Aeolus and Poseidon! And seek your benefaction upon this vessel, May the name she carried before, be gone as the winds of yore, Having served the former master with honor. I now, with deep respect, petition you royal beings, To give this vessel's new hailing and her next voyages, your kindness. Be it known by one and all! This vessel, from this day, will be hailed as, <new name> ! I further offer the following plea (If you are also performing the renaming celabration on the same day you would now read the "To APPEASE the SPIRITs of the SEAs" poem) Second: You must establish the new name, here comes the fun part! There are 3 methods you can use, the first method is more common today. More on the ceremony can be found below under the more historical information for you to consider section. 1st method: You must pour very good red wine (red wine, not champagne - see below ) on the bow and offer some to the godPoseidon (Neptune) pouring the wine into the waters of the Home Port, saying out loud the new name, asking Poseidon to bless the boat and all who ride within. If it is a sailboat, don't forget Aeolus, the god of winds. Both god's blessings required. Also, the Captain, crew and guests should sip the wine as well. Please understand the spill and intake quantity is not limited, the gods like generosity! 2nd method: After de-naming scuttle (to sink a ship by making or opening holes in its bottom) the boat out of sight of land then refloat and rename. Not many of us can do this one at least not on purpose. 3rd method: Have a Virgin urinate on the bow while renaming the boat and asking Poseidon's blessing. The major problem here is ahhhhhh -- well, I'll let you work on that one. You may think this is offensive, I am sorry for this, however, it was really practiced in Eastern Mediterranean in the early days of seafaring. I used method 1 and 3 (a friend has a baby girl). By the way, all the methods have REAL historical backgrounds. Your Renaming Ceremony During the Renaming ceremony please feel free to utilize this "To Appease the Spirits of the Seas" poem which I have written for you to help in your ceremony. To Appease the Spirits of the Seas Poem (To be read as wine or liquid is spilled on the vessel being renamed) Aeolus, whose mighty hand doth charge the wind, To this vessel gentle zephyrs send, And we who sail within will bend Our heads in tribute, Never end. With breath from high that maketh heaven's breeze, To cause we sailors joy, or fear, upon the seas. We call upon you Aeolus, please - grant this ship and its' mortal ease. O! Poseidon, you spirit god of waters great and small, On this vessel, by your grace, allow these sons and daughters all, to pass from port of hailing to their port of call, And on these sailing subjects make your gentle blessings fall. You who cause the seas to rage or lie in sweet repose, Please list' to we mariners here, your servants of the flows. This ship, the captain, crew and all of those - Who love the wind and seas - will follow where thee goes Here is more historical information for you to consider in your ceremony: Red Wine is the Wine to Spill Red wine is the wine to spill, it symbolizes the blood of a virgin (yep, they used to sacrifice a virgin and spill the blood on the boat). In later history the blood of captured enemies or slaves was used. Urine has a History Urine has a history that is almost as fascinating. In some cultures leather was used to cover boats and urine helped tan the leather. The moon was most often considered female and urine and monthly cycles had connection with blood. Urine was also used to "wash" away old things and to clean wounds. Since boats were thought to have souls, when captured, the soul needed to have the old wounds washed away and renamed to reflect the new owners culture. Do not use Champagne! Drink it, don't splash it on a vessel! champagne is a very "new" invention and was not used until the late 19th century. This was a "Gimmick" that the champagne producers came up with to sell more wine. You can blame Cliquot and Moet for the tradition of champagne. Today several large ship builders refuse to use champagne to christen their ships because of what they considered to be too much of a commercial intrusion. Later in the history of ship building christening a NEW ship may have symbolized baptismal water. And Champagne may be viewed as that. The Word Christening By the way the word "christening" should be a consideration when renaming. Not a religious thing but you really are not christening a new boat when renaming. Also, It is possible some folks might feel it not appropriate to use Greek and Roman gods to bless a "Christ-ening" If that is a concern , Then simply exchange the "Gods" names and use LORD or God in the place of the Mythological names Garlands of Flowers and/or Greenery For hundreds of years garlands of flowers and or greenery from trees or Leaves from trees were used to decorate the vessel. I would like to emphasize this use of greenery it is a practice done pretty much all over the world. Hanging green leaves and branches was one of the first traditions not so much at Renaming as a launching ceremonies, but still it was a common practice. I've witnessed a Christening and a Renaming where the owners decorated their boats with Green Leaves and flowers.. It was very impressive. Today it's acceptable to either place flowers or greenery or decorate the boat with flags and Pennants. May Poseidon and Aeolus bless your boat ! - Ralph E. Ahseln, April 1996 (revised 2003) Ralph E. Ahseln Gresham, OR rahseln@comcast.net Important: The opinions expressed here are those of Ralph E. Ahseln, and not those of the Catalina 36 National Association, Catalina Fleet 5 or Catalina Yachts, Inc. Additionally, this material has not been reviewed by a classics scholar, theologian, or archaeologist for historical accuracy. Note that this page's maintainer cannot guarantee that your preferred divine entity will smile upon your engaging in the worship of other gods or goddesses. Please consult a competent priest or theologian before engaging in any of the practices described here. The author of this article, Ralph E. Ahseln, has given the Catalina 36 Fleet 5 Long Island Sound USA permission to post this information.
  18. She does moor at wrc and does trips to oulton broad, including a "curry run", plus you can charter her http://www.waveneyrivercentre.co.uk/betsie-jane-river-tours
  19. congrats Lori, on capturing a totally different view of st bennets, so many people concentrate on the outside broader view, your pics show what the original building used to look like (with imagination) ps beans look good too!!
  20. was in lincoln today....no one mentioned it!! work as per norm!!
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