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diesel falcon

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Everything posted by diesel falcon

  1. hi, can i ask you what sort of heater that is??, canister or piped?
  2. Alaska is calling!! Your getting. Closer.......
  3. Nothing noah had a boat!!...lol.. ....only a few inches on water levels i would think.
  4. Correction 500 instead of 700 !! ******* glasses! and now i ve read it,s a 300!! just ignore it! the links are good!!
  5. Personally for a good walk around lens i use one of these ,http://www.amazon.co.uk/Sigma-28-300mm-28-300-3-5-6-3-Nikon/dp/B0000CBILF/ref=sr_1_7?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1401210714&sr=1-7&keywords=sigma+28-300mm A 700 like the Racal used will break your arm!! , if you want to carry it around. as jonzo says that lens is a cracker,also the newer 18-105 kit lens with the d7000 http://www.amazon.co.uk/Nikon-AF-S-NIKKOR-18-105mm-3-5-5-6G/dp/B001EO6W8K/ref=sr_1_38?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1401211176&sr=1-38&keywords=d7000+kit+lens A bit more money but well worth it
  6. Hi, they were heading for goodchilds or misjudged the turn here,s a wider view..... the pier thingy jig is to the right!
  7. Until we came to the confluence of the Yare/Waveny, where this boater had got lost! The boat floated off later on the incoming tide. We moored up at the berney arms, where we were joined by the nya cruising club who were using the berney as a mustering point for a cruise to S outhwold in the morning.we had a nice meal in the Berney dispite it bieng full. We headed north on the Yare and spent a few more days on the southern broads ,before returning to our berth on the sunday. HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS INSTALMENT THAT,S ALL FOR NOW
  8. Yes Womack island, we stern moored to get the boats in as there was a couple of boats already there. We woke on thursday morning to a really sunny start, with a backdrop of woodland birds and a cuckoo,very idilic, all too soon it was time to slip the mooring ropes and proceed to our next stop for milk Stoksby ferry, we cruised down to the pub on one engine as there was a strong tide weather was great. after mooring up to wait for the tide/bridge clearance there was quiet alot of river traffic, one large cruiser got my attention because there were four men on the bow/cabin roof shouting and messing around,this made the cruiser (which was flat out)make a sizable wash the helm didn,t even slow down for a patrol going the other way!!! oh dear When it was time we set off towards the bridges and passed under with 11.5 ft clearance, then we were really getting beaten up by the tide,ther were a couple of hire boats infront , one moved over to let me pass.....straight out of the channel!! didn,t know i could still shout that loud, but he heard me and corrected his coarse...phew.Bob got itchy feet and opened up, and left us in his wake!!. All was ok the rest of the way over........
  9. More tomorrow (bet you can,t wait!) includes "in hot pursuit" and a lost hireboat!
  10. It was a wonderful day,good beer and food, you couldn,t of wished for a better day.....This won t work that well but prod the picture and turn your sound up.....all will be clear
  11. Wensday dawned on Ranworth straithe, and the temperature soon warmed up,passage planning was done after breakfast,already we were considering our options to pass from the the North to the south as low water was moving later and later in the afternoon, we wanted to spend a few days down south so we planned to do the run down thrus afternoon,, We left Ranworth and proceeded to our next overnight ,we were armed with plenty of sausages,burgers beer ect....guess what,s coming next....yup a barby!! but where??....... That will do nicely....
  12. uhhh iam not eating that it,s burnt!! Tuesday dawned on Womack straith, it was a far better day than monday, after a cuppa or two and some breakfast it was time to steam to our next destination and much needed electric for the boats(hungrey fridges and ebers), and so it was on to RAMworth .A pleasant journey down the thurne and turn right along the bure, We moored up in a stiff breeze but no issues this time,we got settled on our moorings and it was a typical Ranworth day with plenty of coming and goings ,and disappointed helms who couln,t get a place. The dogs name on the boat moored next door was Jenny......a name now forever stuck in the history of our boating on the broads, he must have told it off 1000 times!!!(well not really but it felt like it), all was ok when he finally put it on his boat. We ordered a chinnese from the delivery service and very nice too, a few beers to wash down and then over to the Malters. Late in the evening about 5 sailing boats from Ludon arrived and squeezed themselves in,loverly end to the day.... That,s another day done!!
  13. And there,s more.....if you can keep awake! we spent the afternoon (mon) on womack straith, waiting for Quo Vadis and restocking Le Grand Cru,with beer wine and vettles,and even got Bob some of his favorite tipple NBA!, B ob made good time and was soon with us,after some very scary thunderstorms.here,s a view of the river past the womac water.... After a couple beers we walked up to the Kings Head and had a loverly meal, the place has never dissappointed..mmmm,then back to the boats..Bob was a bit jet lagged ...so his lights went out early!
  14. Lol thanks Mark!! good job i spotted it before it crept down below!!
  15. Her,s a picture that got away from the nbn bash................................. we stayed at salhouse broad for sunday night the weather improving all the time, we had a strange visitor while we were moored here can anybody identify this bug i think it,s got a local name, it,s about an inch long! On Monday morning we set off for Potter, as we had run out of supplies (beer), but potter was full and we couldn,t moor up, we went for plan b, we decided to spend the night at Womac straithe, so had a nice potter down , we got settled ....then the phone rang....it was bob, just back from New Zealand he was on his way..... Que Bob!
  16. Evening all,the blogs been upt tar north, we left our mooring on thrusday night and headed for an overnight stay at the bearney arms ready for a run over brayden on friday....well it was wet, and a tad breezy, made good time to the Berney arms, then sue had to get off....straight into a quodmire of silty mud, i then followed to do the front rope and adjust fenders, what a mess!!! mud every ware .Spent the evening cleaning up having a beer and hot shower, Friday. woke up , it,s wet and windy....very windy in fact bloody windy!! , we waited until it was time to make a slow downtide run over Braydon , the new height gauge at Berney showed 9ft at yarmouth!!,all was going well until we were about 1/4 mile from the braydon bridge , we looked behind to see the darkest clouds tearing towards us, the shower caught us up and the wind grew to about 50mph!! then it rained...then it snowed....then it hailed...we couldn,t see a thing so i turned the leg and chew into the wind we were doing 8 knots with the wind....1 yes one against it!! we rode it out,turned and went thought the bridges and onwards upt the bure.....the ranger at the yatch station waved ...and then crossed himself....like footballers do.....he knew what was coming and we soon found out!! more wind more rain thunder ect, we eventually got to Salhouse broad and were warmly met by the other guys who helped with the controlled crash i called a mooring! (sorry no photo,s but weather was apalling! slrs hate water). Here,, s a picture from last week...... It was then two days of the Nbn do......a great weekend....see other thread. Quick quiz where was the above taken...??
  17. Hi, bet you thought this thread was all over................ it is now!! Just would like to add a big thanks to all for a great weekend, which formed a great start to 10 nights out on the boat, ps, sorry for the rather shaky photo,s......
  18. Yes Reedham bridge is not expected to back until tommorow mon, today we squeezed Que Vadis under, after he did an emergency demast!! There were some high boats already rafted up.
  19. hi guys, passage plan for may 9th south to northern rivers, We plan to arrive at Yarmouth before low water.....1210, and wait on the demasting pontoon at braydon bridge for more than 9ft of clearance(should get 10 easily). Once through we may tie up for an hour to pick up the flood up the Bure. If anyone is coming that way and wants to cin c , then give us a wave or channel 6. Let,s hope the weather gods are kind, it,s certainly a nice day today!! Do i need to bring a barby or is there going to be anything organised ??for say sat evening/teatime
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