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diesel falcon

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Everything posted by diesel falcon

  1. I ve just found this............chriscraft!! wear did he get too!!
  2. Ellow!! Buying a larger boat? we like giving advise about spending someone else, s money!!
  3. Very good, can,t beat the human touch a lot more forgiving than craning and slings.
  4. That s never a finished Bruce Roberts boat is it?? never seen a finished one!!
  5. Thecno cloud.? silver flyer(sterling ) LE LIVRE AVIATEUR (THE STERLING FLYER)?.
  6. There,s no signal where your boat is!! whiskey, alpha! ect
  7. There doing it Norfolk style........................comes with blue light for 25mph chases!!!
  8. test off topic but how do you delete a post when you are editting it??
  9. work.....gets in the way of boating

  10. Update on bridges - 5 Nov 2013 Trowse Bridge - Not operational (but can be opened at very restricted times, see below) Network Rail have informed us that the current testing has been exhausted without achieving reliable operations of the bridge. Outside contractors are now being sought to rectify the reliability problems. Due to the fact that the bridge has been out of action for some time Network Rail have agreed that they are willing to swing the bridge manually by bringing in plant staff when required. Due to the frequency of London trains and the time it takes to operate a swing manually the bridge can be opened on a Sunday at 09:05 and any night between 02:00 and 04:00 provided seven days' notice has been given to allow for plant staff to be on site. Openings within these times can be arranged by contacting Network Rail through their Area Incident Control Centre. This is staffed 24/7 and they will then pass on the request to the Ipswich Distribution & Plant team for a response. tel 02079 793609 email CO-ANG-EAH-11A@networkrail.co.uk Please find below opening times for the bridge once it becomes operational. Times relevant from Sunday 9 December 2012 to Saturday 18 May 2013 Mon - Fri Sat Sun 1002 0910 0905 1107 1107 1128 1406 1405 1426 1606 1608 1726 1842 1809 1926
  11. Perhaps they can dredge the river under Potter Bridge......that way it will improve the clearance???
  12. I think i may buy one of these for a quick blast on braydon!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pxuYeZ9ewlE&feature=em-uploademail
  13. ok,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,http://dieselheaters4u.com/uploads/3/1/8/2/3182748/1363998.jpg?639684?4636009 you will have to check the preassure it will stand though its a eberpacher hydronic header tank,
  14. Bit steep but this sort of thing would be ideal ,has a handy bracket for mountin http://www.demon-tweeks.co.uk/Product.do?method=view&n=1849&p=107908&c=215&utm_source=Google&utm_medium=Base&utm_campaign=Header%20Tanks&gclid=CJiftrLS37oCFS_KtAodkB4Aog or a bit more teasonable.......http://www.ebay.co.uk/bhp/car-header-tank
  15. Or this is the pro way! http://www.wikihow.com/Buff-a-Boat opps didn,t see the above post!!
  16. Personally i use these..................................
  17. iam going in..................got me lj on!!
  18. OH 4 figures !! do i get a reward??
  19. Few pence worth hear!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCYHHFaPDPI
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