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diesel falcon

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Everything posted by diesel falcon

  1. Been on hols last week and visited a lifeboat station... and thought i,d share some pics with you all .....please donate if you feel inclined ,or just enjoy?? http://rnli.org/Pages/Default.aspx The old station....
  2. We havn,t eaten there for about a month, but last time in ,there was a manger running it ,looks to be the same setup though,the sign advertising for a landlord has been taken down now, perhaps theyve found someone to take it on
  3. Thanks for that ,first time i ve seen one!
  4. Is it me or is the last paragraph talking about something else altogether???
  5. Well done !! on way to Bramerton woods end by road
  6. Came across this shrub on the footpath at The Ferryhouse surlingham area, is it native ?? or a garden import??
  7. This is in Broadland , no dought it won,t last long!!
  8. Good morning peeps, havn,t been able to update this blog lately as i ve been living on the boat over the last 3 weeks, working and playing, have been out and about though, We visited a not much mentioned Pub , Coldham Hall Brundel.The pub has changed slightly this year with the introduction of a £10 pounds menu so we thought we would give it a try, boat visits to the pub was very quiet, but when we went for our meal the restaurant was packed , The food was top notch with great service ,good pub grub of ham egg and chips ,i had the Haddock very fresh fish very well cooked, all in all good value and great food!! In a lovely setting.....Bob stayed still too long and turned green!! We spent a glorius few days around the top of the Yare week just gone here are a few images of the area i ve been chilling out so didn,t do much snapping..... That,s all for now folks ,looks like we came home just in time the weather s broke this morning!!
  9. I really enjoyed the free lecy .......so did my 3kw imersion heater!!
  10. Last weekend. We were there at Rockland.....some news about the pub,,,it,s up for rent!! again so if your brave you can run the PUB. After a nice night in the straithe Sue and i ,left Bob at Rockland to head down the Yare with the tide, and as we hadn,t got to get back until evening (i was working in Norwich monday am so we were staying the night) we stopped at Reedham and had a pint in the ship...very relaxing , we then caught the last of the tide down to the Berney Arms, stopped there for a drink and wait till the tide turns to get a push up the Waveny.....not impressed with the Berny, the place hasn,t changed but the welcome has!. Whilst we were there a hire boat pulled up to moor but was having trouble ,so i gave the erm Lady a had ,and the erm gent thanked me from the helm.................the picture says it all eaach to there own as they say!
  11. hi, i not sure (who could be) but i think it,s a chalk /flint mine drain /pump outlet???? ,on the Yare at thorpe.
  12. i know aswell so.....i am not saying either!!
  13. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/HONDA-OUTBOARD-ENGINE-MOTOR-STEERING-BRACKET-BF8-20-FOUR-STROKE-PN-53234-ZW9-830-/180848048114 think this is it??
  14. you need bsp end caps (the size you need is hard to tell), available from BSS who have branches nationwide and they don,t charge marine prices!1
  15. hi sorry this was really not fair, as it,s not broads related !! but the sign bottom right should say....Staight street!! ,a street with a terrible reputation!!
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