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diesel falcon

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Everything posted by diesel falcon

  1. Yes your right.......very close to there!! A ny way we spent the afternoon sipping ice cold beer and had a very nice barby and watched the traffic going by(got some funny looks ref the double moorng!! here,s some snaps of the river....... hang on a sister ship!!! a cross section of the passing boats. We then went for a short cruise in the evening to The Ferry House to see some friends,had a couple then another night time mooring, up. Shattered we retired to bed.
  2. SAT PMish, we motored up the river ,it was a glorious day ,as said the plan was to spend the night mudded on Surlingham broad, there was only one problem........yes you ve guest it we hadn,t got any eggs for breakfast!!..doh. We hatched a plan!! we would go to the shop in brundel and moor here........... We got to the mooring before Bob , but there was only room for one boat....hang on look what it says on the sign....first time for everything!! when bob arrived we double moored, and lined the boats up so it was an easy step from boat to boat. Bob and Jeff walked to the shop and got papers and eggs ect, There was plenty of comings and goings to the moorings in the afternoon ,and we were told that there were a lot of boats on the broad so we decided to stay on the moorings for the night.....it got very hot!! Later on the afternoon we lit the barby......as you do.... to be cont..
  3. SAT MORNING. We awoke saturday morning to glorious sunshine ,and it was already very warm...............warning the following picture may cause either offence or a stamped of adoring fan,s After some tea and a Bacon sandwich and a lazy morning we let go the ropes and headed up the river originaly for surlingham broad but we didn,t make the broad ..............more tomorrow.
  4. Well here we go again.....we decided to get a head start on the weekend and left the mariner on Friday evening late!! ,by the time we got to braydon it was already getting gloomy...we motored up the yare ,the gloom mounting as we went, we made the decision to try and get a spot on Langly dyke.....a brave move as at cantely sugar factory it was already erm gloomy!! we crept down the dyke at zero moles an hour, and to cap it off the windscreens fogged up!!,after a bit of searching we got moored up ,cracked open a beer and relaxed ...it was 1015pm an intresting trip!!
  5. He was ok ,.........really needed a good turbo blowout by the way the muck was coming out of the exhausts!! have some interesting rag and stick pics coming up.
  6. Hi Jonny long time no speak!! spot on Brundal church fen moorings,
  7. Hellow all ,i am afraid Trev and Bob,s boating blog is back!! ,we,ve been out at the weekend .....and remembered the camara! here,s a little taster for to night, more to follow..... How to get from Berny Arms to Goodchilds!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wm0J0Jtdui4&feature=youtu.be
  8. Just for a bit of fun guess where this was taken ,there,s a mooring at the end!?
  9. Be careful !! the tides can catch you out.DOsome reading first, there are usually people out paddling at high water along there and at blakny you can paddle out to see the seals(read first line again!) .here,s a guide www.thecanoeman.com/seakayaking.asp he does organized tours....save getting lost!! lol
  10. I live out of the Broads area ,and i can honestly say if you didn,t know the broads existed ...you never would, in day to day life they are not mentioned whatsoever , there are referances on the television ocasionally on documentries ect ,but no trageted tv or radio advertising at all ,so what would we actually get for our£ 13 500 .........another office based burotwit no dought producing leaflets to be distributed IN the broads area (if your there already you know abou them!!) ,sounds sad but when i mention to people where i keep my boat some just turn round and say where,s that!!.
  11. when i see Bob i,ll tell him Lol
  12. i ve managed to find a referance ,which reads thus,one for the libary? rob_benton -- Aug-9-2012 @ 11:05 AM Dave your in luck. Only 2 days ago I phoned Broads control as I couldn't find their numbers anywhere. I didn't want to travel to the bridges to then find out they wouldn't open and have to turn around ! Reedham 01603 675372 Somerleyton 01502 730510 I was told they would open 24 hours a day ! Rob
  13. Just a quicky..... will reedham bridge open for you after dark?? or just after sunset?
  14. Because of the good weather i have decided to give Bobs boat an ensuite, , i can,t decide which side to mount the toilet roll holder though!! .....sun tan lotion extra
  15. Those women with there parrasols.....................priceless
  16. You know what they say............................good things come to those who wait!!!
  17. Well done , looks like a solid platform for a project............keep the pictures coming!!
  18. Yes it was deep dredged 20years ago i believe!!
  19. There,s nothing stopping them dredging the basin , it,s banks are not going to collapse, then at least there would be adequate water in the basin to wait for high water, the Chet only does this if conditions are right in the north sea and on a spring tide, but increasingly even under "normal" tidal conditions the river is now very shallow and needs dredging. At a very least they could dredge from the public moorings to the basin this year??
  20. Well that was nearly live via Bobs smart phone more updates sooon! they have just moored up at wrc.
  21. see this is what happens when your let out on y our own!!
  22. Water sports tonight!....................................... these are only a few minutes ago.
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