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diesel falcon

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Everything posted by diesel falcon

  1. All clear..............................................................
  2. hanging about!!.................................
  3. The weather is definatly improving................................
  4. Big jump!! now the new cut........................
  5. And around the corner..................................... looks a bit windy!!
  6. Hi, due to personal circumstances, i am not boating at the moment but............here,s Quo Vadis about 10mins ago!!
  7. hi,http://www.thenorfolkbroads.net/forum/index.php/topic/3338-october/ this was last October, chill at night but canopy down in the sunshine!
  8. Not fallen out they ve fledged, still been fed though.
  9. Update. we have several of these around the garden.............. They are repairing the nest at the moment think there going to have another go shortly
  10. Surlingham ferry house has changed!!.........the beers gone up! Nice work interesting stuff.
  11. Basicly what,s already there then you can,t go wrong, depends on engine size or requirements of the heads.
  12. Well some people still check this forum, are you based in the uk?? the link is usa.If you are replacing the through hull fittings you could fit any available cocks available in uk here..http://www.asap-supplies.com/.1/12 inch pipe plenty big enough for black water hope that,s a little help.
  13. After we left Sonia,s we headed for Loddon, for a night, which was overrun..............with these!!! : arghhhhhhhhhh
  14. When we returned the pirates left for thier next venue.......only to be replaced with a second invasion, these were more organized and were play egg and spoon races and sack racing??? ............. The games continued and a easy going holiday atmosphere was in the air.......then the first party of pirates returned to complete the afternoon,s comings and goings, after a quick rest and wash up it was time to eat,another great meal from Sonia. The evening was rounded up like this whilst sipping my favorite tipple!!....nice
  15. Surlingham church nature reserve ,and views of the uppper Yare.................................................... Willow in bloom with pollen collecter... Surlingham church nature reserve.......... Looking good on the river................ A view over the river, this didn,t work well, there is a cricket match going on and a herd of cows!! some wear......
  16. Update......................sorry about the shot darn,t get the step ladder out as don,t want to disturb them...
  17. After our night at Rockland it was decided to cruise up to The Ferry House, so we rang in advance and were told 4 moorings would be available at 2pm so we timed our arrival for nearly 2. After we had moored up, we setled in with a table booked for 8pm. around about 2 30 we joined by Tony from our mariner with his regal sports cruiser, making the party of 4 boats. Strange things then started to happen.......they arrived in four of these..... We had been invaded by a party of around 12 pirates, they were in very high spirits!!!(steady Bob!) They were on a day out down the river and they were having a really good time, Here,s a shot of our party...... in the afternoon we took the camera s out for a walk up to Surlingham church nature reserve, it was very quiet with not much going on......................
  18. Thanks guys!! lol, Anyway we left our mariner ,and cruised upto Rockland straithe ,to try out the re opened New Inn, we had a nice cruise up in reasonable weather, there were three boats at this time . The Pub meal was very good, although the menu was not that extensive, the service and food were on a par with anywhare on the broads ,but a special mention for the chips....ummmy. Here,s a coupl of snaps, the straithe was quiet with spaces all the time we were there, Tommorow Sonia,s....and pirates.
  19. DUCKS AND PIRATES. We ve just got back from another long bank holiday weekend on the broads, down at our mariner we have a pair of really cheeky ducks! more updates tomorrow ....it,s been a long day
  20. Give Col a pm (happyjacks ) he is ct elecrician s sure he,d be interested,
  21. i find there normaly pissed!!!
  22. hi, u tube blocked my channel but i ve unblocked it see all the clips here....http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYQPFuVrQPDONPmfdBzoB9g
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