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diesel falcon

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Everything posted by diesel falcon

  1. hi Brian , yes it,s as taken on Bob s nikon coolpics camera
  2. Sorry Hylander, i missed your last post,the camera is new to me as my old nikon 200 got dropped onto a stone floor which cracked it,s body, the insurance company replaced it with a upto date replacement, it,s a nikon d7000 ,and the camera was used in raw mode set on auto ,and the stock 18 to 105 mmm dx vr lens for all the photo,s in this blog(except the one,s Bob took) and tweecked in nikon nx2 to process the raw images, the auto focus did struggle with the power boats as they were coming straight at me but apart from that i am very pleased with it.
  3. Hi, John, i don,t think the old patrol boat,s in service or was nt, it was moored at Goodchilds at the week end.Can,t comment on reallly because i don,t know,does seem over the top having her that far away and expecting her to get back at full chat though,l
  4. Failed a drop test!! Any how have been asked to post another picture of the boat racing.........Duck!!! no it,s a seagul! love it, taken by Bob
  5. We hung around waiting for the racing to finish, and a familiar boat came thoughthe lock and moored up....... oh sorry i meant this one On the way home there was more water sports......... We had a lovely evening cruise home in brilliant sunshine ..... That,s the end of the blog for the weekend we had a great time ,thanks for the kind comments, hope you enjoyed!! PS. powerboat racing was monday afternoon not sunday!!! doh
  6. SUNDAY AFTERNOON.....Powerboat racing!! To go powerboat racing, light an airport you need to control the birds.......... shooooooooooooo. The guy is shaking a tub full of pebles....a gun would have worked better You also need a pint.............................. Hang on .....does he want to join in??
  7. The weather was fantastic , and pretty soon a cold beer was in order....Bob thought it was a good idea to buy some of that 13volt wine.....Jeff and meshell thought so too ,and got comfy on thier boat with sixties music playing(Jeff is 67 ish and loves it) we just went . Seriously we had a relaxed afternoon and saw Adam come back from the meet at rnsyc. her,s some general shots from sat/sun. We went out for a few drinks round the pubs they were all jammed!! tommorow......power boat racing!!!
  8. If you look very closely there,s some christmas tinsel in the nest!!
  9. LODDON TO OULTON BROAD We woke sunday after a night out in Lodden , where we found that our regular watering hole there was for sale ,by the Brewery,the Swan ,hope it stays as a pub Soon it was time to let go and head up the Chet ,a better run this time , we were soon at Reedham and gliding though the village on tickover at about 5.5 mph with the tide and the bridge open, on entering the approach to the bridge and quo vadis behind i really couldn,t believe it but the bridge started closing, no time to stop in that tide so tried to move to the left but the gap was closing too fast ,ping ping ping went the vhf ariel , and afterwards quo,s ariel suffered the same fate.....not bloody amused !!!! Anyway were soon down the New cut and to the next bridge....there was 9ft 6 so vhf stick down and slip under, while waiting for quo shot this pic of the old pumphouse, should these be saved ,or has all the machinery been removed?? Onward then to Oulton ,the weather very sunny but breezy, very pretty on the approach to the broad..... we motored to the Yatch station and got nicely settled on the wall, as they were pretty full the staff as helpfull as ever.....more later
  10. Bet you thought ................................................
  11. hi, you may find it easier to use photobucket to store the images as i have done on our blog, then you just have to copy and paste the link ,and the picture appears in the the post?? regards Trev
  12. As promised here,s some images from Lodden , got a bit arty with the camera. Tommorow night were,e at Costa del Oulton Broad
  13. You can,t beat 13v wine!!! Friday. we woke and said goodbye for now to Bob , the plan was to meet up with Bob and jeff llater ,so we chilled out at Bramerton,for a while, we then set off down the river, but not for long....... we didn,t make it past Sonia,s! we moored up and booked a table and two moorings for the other two boar,s. A good meal and drinks and we were ready for bed. Next morning after a splash of diesel at Brooms and a parts pickup at brian wards we headed down the river the wind was picking up all the time and by the time we reached Hardly mill it was blowing a f6 .......... I am sorry for the poor quality but i was driving and it was the first time i ,d used the video funtion on the camara. we ended the day at Loddon after a slow crawl down the Chet, there wasn,t much water and we came across a sealine 44?? who had just removed a tyre from his props!! . Images from Loddon in the next report
  14. No probs Colin......tide and tide i am afraid had to leg it!!
  15. ......we just had to go to the pub, and gain a lodger for the night!!.We went to the waters end? and yes the place has been done up very well, we had a few drinks in there and were looked after really well, Frank Sinartra in the background?? juries out on that one!!, then it,s back to the boat and bo bo,s!! Our mooring at Bramerton ,next to one of the electricity posts
  16. I think i heard them talking they were opening on the Saturday, they were certainly very close, cleaning window and taking food deliveries when we were there.
  17. Thrusday morning we woke to good weather, and work going on in the New Inn, think it, s open now??, we had a walk round and did what we had to to the boat,and had a relaxed day in the sun,but the wind was cool, we were joined by only 3 boats all day. Always wondered why the out fall at the basin has a outfall to the meadows??? anyone know why? When we had enough water it was start the engine,s and let go the rope,s and winch the anchor, we were queite happy in the basin but when we reached the broad there was fair old wind blowing and the front cover went back on! ,Ww then motored on up the Yare to Bramerton where we were going to spend the night, We thought about having a meal in the waters edge ,but after a phone call from Bob we decided to wait for him to come down to the boat for a cuppa on his way back from Scotland and dine on the boat ,on Sue,s famous chicken fatheaters,mmmmm. Bob arrived and we ate the meal, then.......
  18. Approaching Rockland. set up for the night...
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