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diesel falcon

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Everything posted by diesel falcon

  1. There,s nothing wrong with having gas appliances on boats, there is one factor which was not built into boats and that is ventilation, without the correct amount of combustion air appliances will soon start producing greater and greater amounts of CO , the bss i think does mention this but it,s still only an avisory, open your doors when cooking .for example will keep you safe.
  2. Ok sounds as though if the plugs are wet it,s either flooding, or not sparking??
  3. I know of someone who.....filled his waste tank up instead of his water tank so swapping the caps over would be ...not good!!
  4. http://www.qvsdirect.com/10-x-330mm-Cab ... tAodVW4AWw These come in handy for cabling aswell
  5. Thanks for the update any news when she will be launched??
  6. We had a family of otters at st olaves last year, but havn,t seen them lately, think the construction work must have buged them,saw one at the ferry surlingham last spring
  7. Well done for sponsoring the forum hope your investment brings you more contacts and business
  8. Don,t worry it,s ALWAYS very windy !!!
  9. I n deed ,life is increasingly bieng lived in a goldfish bowl....nowhare to hide!!
  10. i have..............it crept up on me from behind noisey thing as i recall
  11. ermm it,s in the cupboard right in prow of the boat next to the chain locker!! and the outlet is where the sterio speaker was
  12. no the heaters are room sealed, the com bustion air is drawn from out side and exhausted out of the same skin fitting
  13. gas usage, HS2000 HS2800 Average consumption 142 grams/hour 225 grams/hour 3.9kg propane cylinder 27.5 hours 17.5 hours 4.5kg butane 31.7 hours 20.0 hours 13kg propane 91.5 hours 58.0 hours 15kg butane 105.6 hours 67.0 hours 19kg butane 133.8 hours 84.5 hours 47kg butane 331.0 hours 209.0 hours 904 Camping gaz (1.81kg) 12.75 hours 8.0 hours 907 Camping gaz (2.72kg) 19.0 hours 12.0 hours
  14. I ,ve been using one for4 years, i too had a board go down when the unit was new,but it was replaced without charge or argument, they produce a lot of heat when warmed up(28ft boat), i wouldn,t go for a model with electric option, a friends got one and it,s rubbish on electric, not sure why but it just dosn,t seem to work, touch wood apart from the teething problem it,s run fine....and hasn,t needed a de coke once !, thet,ll run on both gases, put it as far away from were you sleep! you can,t hear them outside, but you can hear the burner if you have a short output duct
  15. Some nice shot,s there, but the term ..windmills is not strickly true, in some cases ,there actually wind pumps
  16. http://www.ebay.co.uk/sch/sis.html?_nkw ... 0464289660 FILL your boots!!
  17. Definatly says VIEW not buy,not the best ,suprissed ebay havn,t stepped in on that one
  18. ok this my last post....... before th e new nbn crashes in!!
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