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Everything posted by Polly

  1. And they are home! 2.45pm
  2. Well they are 35nm out of Plymouth and should get there at about 3pm by my reckoning. What an achievement! I gather the party ashore is quite something so I hope they enjoy every minute after a bumpy crossing and 4 days of non-stop effort.
  3. Nope I am doing it best because the champion of varnish will see it.
  4. Sorry Helen! I think the ferrets didn’t help! Brilliant has been at a standstill awhile. I am just picking up the thread myself with sorting all the locker tops and doors I brought back here to do.
  5. Sadly Lynsey no longer has ferretsv, and they do bite.....
  6. Polly

    My Day

    Timbo get stuck on Sutton Broad? Surely not!
  7. Timbo is out in Royal Tudor with granddaughter Gracie.
  8. Sanding the first layers now. I will have done all the interior doors by this evening. My idea is to do everything I have here once then go back over it all with the next grades and the next. I like the Makita Random Orbital a lot; it is much better than our other sanders. Its less of a shake-up for a start, that means longer to work before you need to break off. I maybe need a better mouse sander; any suggestions?
  9. Doh! I missed the gate West of Scillies on the Virtual Regatta Fastnet and had to go back from Plymouth
  10. The Rolex site says it is a bumpy ride, so I hope they aren't feeling seasick at all.
  11. They passed the Fastnet Rock at about 3am and are now well on the way back across the Celtic Sea.
  12. Sorry Mrs G is on care duty. All the best to you both.
  13. Nope, they are about 1/3 of the way between the Scillies and the Rock, doing 8knots I am in 3900th position in the Virtual Regatta Fastnet, (which is better than you might think) and expect to get round the Rock mid afternoon. We got much better wind than the real sailors.
  14. They are past Lands End but getting beyond the Scillies separation scheme in the continuing contrary winds will be time-consuming. Zig zag stuff!
  15. I have a razor scraper as well as an ordinary one. Yes Timbo, I have both random orbital and mouse sanders ready to use next, but I LIKE my heat gun, it is very satisfying peeling off melted varnish, and it smells nice! I really do not like Nitromorse.
  16. Stripping and varnishing gets a bit of attention at the moment. I use a heat gun for most then have bought a Makita Random Orbital sander to improve the tool collection for the next stage. My question is; Nitromorse would sort out the odd corners of old varnish but I would prefer not to use it. Does anyone have a better idea?
  17. It was a monastery of course, but one of them (French or English) was also a prison later, I think. I have been to both and cannot recall which
  18. The super trimarans are passing them on the way back. Must be annoying!
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