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Everything posted by Polly

  1. Our threads are like Chinese whispers! How on earth do we manage to arrive at 500 Chinooks at Salhouse Broad?
  2. Polly

    Broads Bug

    I reckon it's incurable.
  3. Wow birthday cake from Roys will be provided. I can't make one because of being afloat in a tiny two berth saily all week, but will get a tray type one. We have Yorkshire Tripper and Howard on the day, then Mike a few days earlier. Any more?
  4. I think my dad was on about that as a weekly wage in 1957, just to put it into context.
  5. Wow! Lots to celebrate! As a reminder then,: Saturday teatime, please bring cakes to share and feel free to wear some red white and blue, as a nod to 'the Royal wedding' Footie scarves for teams in the FA final are an optional extra for true believers. Pat, on Chameleon, has kindly offered to run a bottle stall, so please let her have contributions if you wish to bring anything. More details nearer the time on where we plan to put tentage, BBQ area etc. Given that outpr party tent isn't exactly vast, anyone who can bring a gazebo would be welcomed as a long lost relative!
  6. Thought you'd be interested Q
  7. The Mackintosh House is 78 Derngate, and is a gem of a place. Nice cafe in the adjacent visitor centre. The decoration is awesome, but I couldn't live in it!
  8. This is for you model makers and steam fans. We went to the Charles Rennie Mackintosh decorated home of Basset Lowke, in Derngate Northampton, today. i photographed some of the display items for the enthusiasts here.
  9. We will be open for business at 8.30
  10. Nope, it's going to be Wayne.
  11. I think he is on essence of frog, myself.
  12. Nope, I was using the heat gun as practice for cooking the bacon butties!
  13. Martin, Malanka, is i/c on this, but last year we set off at 12.30. He will confirm no doubt. if I can echo the invite above. Do join it, even if you are at Salhouse Friday and therefore have to go to Malthouse and then come back. If you haven't done a C in C it's a lovely experience. Martin, I have the big Forum flag, which I will put on BA with Robin's agreement for delivery to you for Malanka on the C in C. Hope that makes sense! On mooring at Salhouse, pass it back to us on Jenny, and we can use the mast as a flagpole thereafter. We will not be on C in C due to setting up stuff etc. Hooray! Looking forward to this.
  14. Operation varnish began today. Heat gun and scraper took off most of the varnish from one bunk support and I began the second. These need to be done and varnish sparkly by the time we head up to Martham so that Doug can use them to help structure the port side of the saloon. Then he will be able to give us the opposite pair to "'go and do likewise'. In between whiles I have locker tops to work on, goodness knows what is on them, one candidate is Ronseal!
  15. Yes Steve, there will be people to meet and chat with in an informal way, no bother. Sorry the tides are an issue. Oh and don't forget the summer gathering is at Beccles.
  16. Ooooh that sliding canopy looks challenging! Still with wood it's all replaceable, given time, skill and a money pit!
  17. http://www.nbnquiz.co.uk/chat/index.php Hi Delilah, follow this link, put a name in I.e. Delilah, and don't put in a password. See you there!
  18. Brief update then. Mike Chameleon is funding bacon butties brekkie and ham and/or cheese rolls for lunch and tea; and Coffee, of the instant variety. Doug/Timbo have an expresso for purists. I have sorted two picnic tables with stools for a quick break, and will undertake to make cakes for elevensies and afternoon tea, as well as making the above mentioned courtesy of Mike and keep a flow of T/Coffee coming as requested in between doing my bit of sanding/undercoating/varnishing as commanded by Doug/Sensei. This is Saturday and Sunday. Please, in the interests of t'environment, could everyone bring a couple of mugs of their own? One if you are happy with your own tannin, two will give a chance to have a clean set , at least sometimes! You know, Doug, we may be working with Timbo's 'blessing', but I, for one, have met Timbo, I mean, 'blessing' is this wise? Timbo, you need a clipboard to walk around with.
  19. We will travel on Friday so as to be there for the full 12th & 13th extravaganza. How many worker bees Doug? I will make cakes.
  20. Oh dear! Well we will just have declare an 'official birthday' some other time and come for the May 12th weekend working party. June 9th is out for us completely.
  21. We are on standby for a family birthday on 12th so it may be difficult for us that weekend.
  22. Dredging the lower Bure would solve a lot of problems. Fishing platforms near busy moorings so that anglers and boaters don't fight over the same spaces. RUBBISH COLLECTION (oops )
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