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Everything posted by Polly

  1. Bring it on Robin! Well judging by appearances, that has been a loved and cared for boat.
  2. Very nice but they will never fit in a fishing box.
  3. OMG never in a month of Sundays! Some people lurk on here for years before getting up the confidence to post, imagine then that first post being met with a 'boring' comment. Some threads bore me, I don't read them. Sorted.
  4. A lot of anglers use two so that they don't lose their swim.
  5. For starters, you can buy the right size sticky numbers at a well-known chandlery in Wroxham and ponder more elegant solutions once you get a few weeks cruising done where you can check out what others do.
  6. We weren't serious Lulu, Diacworld is a tad off the planet.
  7. We just changed to an automatic, it is an easy life and is a turbo so she will go, but I do miss my feisty little 106
  8. I'd use a mudweight with chain then line. It's a good idea to do as Ricardo says, use the fwd/astern to break suction. Also trail it just in the water a short way to save a lot of deck swearing. i have floaty line on the end in case it comes loose from its fixed end in the fwd locker.. Like JM, we have a thumping big weight stashed fwd if need be. Had a Danforth but think I let that go with Rondonay.
  9. Yes I have been around that one too, Neil
  10. I think there is a future in self-repairing woodies. Griff, it's a big ask. Brilliant is booked into EW for painting etc, so that cuts a big chunk off the project. We shall see, I just reflect that without Doug we'd have lost Brilliant. May would be ideal, is all. and Doug is very quick when he gets the chance to be there, flu and weather have been big hurdles.
  11. Good news day! Doug has completed the ribs, so now it's planks. They look really good, but I really don't know where the loo has gone lol.
  12. Fred, Robin didn't make any mention of the instructor's ability, a tad harsh that comment, I thought. Every learner has mountains to climb that in retrospect look lower than they did at the time, it's part of learning. My own driving instructor was so scary-fierce if you made a mistake that had I not passed first time, I doubt I'd have ever gone back. He also had non PC rhymes/mnemonics for lots of routines which still occasionally come back after over 40 years. Some were very funny.
  13. Paul, when you are clearer about ETA could you refine which nights you want for definite? Thanks
  14. Great and quite moving video, many thanks for sharing on so many levels. From what you say, it sounds like exhaustion/battle fatigue more than a panic attack, but it's over now and you handled it just right. Respect to Griff, Howard, Pete, 'Crabfat' and later Doug. That was a tough call and met with skill and determination.
  15. No it's a rerun but still compelling viewing.
  16. The Reed and Rhond Anchor is open at 8.30; given that it was a World Book Day last week, customers are invited to come dressed as their favourite book character. I am your volunteer landlady for this evening, but the license allows others to pull the pints as time goes on, this is a community pub after all. Just go to http://www.nbnquiz.co.uk/chat/index.php and login, DO NOT PUT IN A PASSWORD
  17. Walk a mile in Gracie's shoes Jay and the pain will blank out all pleasure!
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