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Everything posted by Polly

  1. Steve, you will never get to heaven either!
  2. I agree with MM’s analysis of what went wrong. It’s a tone rather than content issue so very often when threads go wonky. I am also aware that thinking all day over a post demonstrates real discomfort, which isn’t good. Maybe there is a way to learn from the situation and take away something positive.
  3. Not sure I can make it tonight, the event I am due at may or may not be cancelled due to the snow.
  4. I am not sure I agree with Kadenza's take on what a forum is, well this one anyway. i think it is at its best as an exchange of views amongst friends and at its worst when the soap boxes come out. Maybe the difference between opinion and opinionated? To me the second is where discussion isn't welcome and offence is taken over challenges.
  5. Great viewing. Thanks Robin. Good to see you post again Steve, Sidestand.
  6. No Q because you haven't been in yet! Sorry Vanessan I don't know why, I would have logged out and back in to see if that worked.
  7. They are works of art, how clever!
  8. Polly

    My Day

    Ohhh we are waiting for it to arrive here, just a light dusting at present. Our daughter in Kent face time called to show the winter wonderland outside their house, and is working from home, there is no prospect of getting the trains in and out of London today in any reliable way.
  9. It was fun to chat and see such a good turn out. Thanks Arthur for being licensee, in providing the chat room.
  10. Ladies and gentlemen, I wish to announce the opening of the NBN Virtual Pub. It is in the extension of the aBroadscot Lounge and open every Tuesday fro 8.30 to 9.30 or until the drinkers stagger off home. I am your volunteer landlady for this evening, but the license allows others to pull the pints as time goes on, this is a community pub after all. Just go to http://www.nbnquiz.co.uk/chat/index.php and login, DO NOT PUT IN A PASSWORD See you there?
  11. Polly

    My Day

    Lovely bride Liz and genius cake!
  12. Polly

    My Day

    This was what I spent part of the afternoon playing at. It's definitely a dopey triceratops! Maybe I will iron the T Shirt, but there again.....
  13. Welcome Simon! Check out the Spring and Summer Gathering threads.
  14. Polly

    My Day

    Oh brave! I hope you had a flask of something warming with you!
  15. You can have anything you want, Steve. You post as SteveO and that would do fine.
  16. The customer requested it Ma'am . John said he wanted blue when asked.i just follow orders lol
  17. Arrivals at the meet will be quite busy at the end of the Cin C. so please can everyone attending moor close to the next boat with fenders out. We will take lines and help people move along of course.
  18. I just use the back of an envelope and tally marks, not exactly state of the art.
  19. Scoring the quiz is a flipping nightmare, especially with random discussions about dog flatulence distracting your attention! You should insist on Steve giving you that mark as a starter on the next one and chuck teddies if he doesn't!
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