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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Completely of subject but there's a broads rangers job going there.. If no one wants it I'll have it.. imagine that.. so much better than sitting at this desk job ... one day...
  2. Neil (The last percent is the killer!!) You have a good eye there! We did cut the table to fit the bunk insert, to be honest though it's only a couple of inches short but it's a bit of a shame when used as a table. Brilliant Idea about the flap though! I didn't think of that. We did test sit there though and it didn't seem too bad.. We also noticed there's a couple of advantages about keeping it a bit smaller (I.e makes the room feel a bit bigger, That seats not huge enough for 2 people really).. But we will see.. Probably to get to the finish line though we will have to redo at a later date (I'd like to do a really nice solid table with a rose insert )
  3. Totally with you there Neil.. I've had a model boat for about 15 years.. no chance it will ever be finished.. it's far too much work..
  4. Neil.. if you steal my mooring spot at Geldeston.. I won't be happy lol actually we will just mudweight and I'll just swim to the pub!
  5. Niel I second/third...Coltishall as is geldeston are terrible places (We only been up to coltishall a few times though with Janet from Marthams - I got mum and dads big boat through beccles (just..!) ).. If you hate sitting on the front of the boat watching pike (fish) chasing little fish through the crystal clear water then don't go to either...
  6. Geez paul, looks amazing! But it looks a hell of lot more challenging that a boat project!
  7. Paul.. The devil is in the detail.. I can't wait for it to be done! and yup once it's done we aren't doing anything major to it!! Unlike the last timber boat which need work every winter!)..
  8. Thanks Guys Don't worry Iain we are trying to get it done.. We've got a couple of deadlines.. BSC next weekend so all systems need to be done (Dave said he has a little to do in the week), weekend after that is our mini christening party so I want the majority done! And then a couple of weeks after that I want to launch on the travel hoist to make sure it floats so dave needs to rebuild the leg.. If all is fine (BSC and float test) then we should be in norfolk for easter weekend... fingers crossed.. Don't worry Grace the kitchen was only a mess for a few moments.. it's all tidy now
  9. So today was a nice day.. nice days are good! We started on the table... We cut it roughly to size and put on the veneered top (c grade oak veneer) It still needs it's trims and I need to carpet the bottom. Whilst I was varnishing this dave put together the little bits of wood on the bunk sides to take the table (and "v" berth insert). The we got the foam all cut and in.. Looks and feels (and smells) very different! A few pics below (notice I only just over ordered foam for once (in the kitchen picture)!!). Next weekend BSC..
  10. Well done to Debs! They look brill. (I'm no expert either though.. We outsourced to Daves mum lol)
  11. Today was devoted to getting the boat all ready for the BSC which is next weekend. In the week we tried the catalytic heater and didn't want to go so to save any problems for the BSC we removed to this morning. Dave retested the system and it's all air tight he also installed the battery boxes and secured the tanks and done the last bits of cabling. We noticed the heater isn't on a switch so he used the spare on the dashboard for that and in stalled a rocker switch in the kitchen for the fridge that was on that spare switch. I installed the BSC stickers all over the boat (Pointless things!!). Dave installed both the fire extinguishers. We also tested the cooker for the first time and thankfully it's all good. We went through the bsc requirements and everything seemed ok.. We noticed one of the busbar is missing a cover so I'll have to order from asap. But we are confident it should be ok. Finally we tried to install the kitchen doors, I've gone for posh framed doors and it was all a right pain, we got the frames on eventually and the single drawer but gave up with the hinges as the ones they supplied weren't right (but I've ordered the right ones now) so try again later! We have a ton of supplies in the car! Including all the foam! and timber for the table so tomorrow we can tackle these! I'm also going to order the teak deck flooring the wheelhouse tomorrow so we can tackle that next weekend.
  12. and to both the forum and the broads... It sounds like you have caught the broads boat bug.. after your first week it will only get worse! Have a brilliant trip! Couple of initial bits of advice.. Don't rush it.. you will be back... and go south.. it's the best bit
  13. I've seen a lot worst apps! it's not bad but at times has a mind of it's own... (I'm somehow registered on the tenerife forum and I can't work out how to un-register lol)
  14. Siddy, If you open a browser on your phone. goto http://www.thenorfolkbroads.net/forum Firstly it should ask you to get the app (There's no skip option)? do you see that? if so click the little "X".. You should now see the mobile website version of the forum. On top of this screen you should see "Open in App".. if you see that click it. It should open in taptalk now. If you don't get either options go to your apps (It's normally an icon which looks like lots of squares), flick through in here until you find "taptalk" (You may want to drag this to one of the main screens as it's easier to access the site using this). Once you are in taptalk it may automatically show the forum, if not use the search option to search for it ("Norfolk Broads net" should do). Let me know if that helps. I'm not sure how I signed in..somehow it used facebook and worked out my user name.. but I can try and signout and try work it if you need me to.
  15. Unfortunately google is quick to pick up on rubbish... (And slow to pick up when it should be helping small businesses)..
  16. They don't need any encouragement Neil... Dad already bumped his head on a norfolk bridge.. (Mum was driving I think!!)...
  17. Hmm Iain I think it's too late... Don't worry Revilo, I am never touching another boat ever again!!
  18. Thanks again guys.. brilliant advice.. Sorry Barry have you got some rope in that picture??.. my eyes didn't make it past that brightwork.. Absolutely stunning
  19. (Sorry I do hate winding mum up on here although sometimes she just falls into it lol! ).. I hope you aim to do some coastal/continental cruising Revilo? she's certainly the boat for it! I hope you can tell us all about your times afloat too we would all be very interested
  20. Good point.. the front cleat is big enough but probably wouldn't take anything too big.. I'll have to take a look..
  21. We will be there Mark.. We will probably grab it then too.. not long to work out what I need too lol.. Say hello if you see us (Look for dave's mohawk.. you wont miss it!).
  22. (Mum..are you on the wherry again?? see the first post.. big letters.. )
  23. Thanks all. I think we will check into the chandlery as suggested and see what feels best. Apparently we have a garage full of rope so we probably have some bits for some spring line. No pink ones though I do remember the tip about 1 and half the length now (thanks for that.. Good point matt on the keeping them short to...thankfully our leg can be lifted clear of the water though ). Lot's of good tips.. Thanks again! I'd properly get a reel of it and cut and splice ourselves as we did that before and after all this work it's nice to sit and play with ropes/lines!! I'll let everyone know what we find! Oh whilst on the subject.. any tips on the length of the mudweight line (we do like mooring on the mudweights).. our surveyor is suggesting I put chain on it to although I think I just need to ignore him as I've never seen a broads boat with chain.. Will putting chain on it cause any problems? (It's a 22kg mudweight anyway).. I'm thinking something like 18mm multiply? all
  24. Good advice MM thanks for that.. I thought there would be a bottom guideline but if you say there isn't that good to know! I need to go to the chandlers the weekend so I'll stop in
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