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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. As you know we are in a yacht club and in the strong winds last year we had just that, a couple went over and took the next one out, only to be stopped by the last boat who had decent props (Thankfully no damage was done, these rags are strong things ). I think in normal yards they are generally OK but without being libellous, some of these boats aren't secured as well as they should be, largely because the boat owner arranges their own props. We have some large fin keelers next to us though and I wouldn't want to think what would happen if they go over, thankfully they seem well secured but If we go over (which I can't see we can now!) it would be a crane job as we have no equipment onsite to righten it! But people say the boats are safer in the water than out for such reasons.
  2. Oh geez I'm sorry Clive.. Hope you walked away without too much earache I think we will go back next year, good to hear there's a few more inland boats and it's getting better. Hopefully Clive you can take your new flybridge cruiser next year? I'd like to see that Mum (sorry all, I do hate using the forum to chat to mum!) what's wrong with your old fenders? you just brought them last season? Can you please stop spending my inheritance If you don't want the old ones we will have a couple for the stern deck..
  3. Sorry to hear that Grace hope he's well soon and can get some time away Thanks Iain, glad you like them, I got this idea from sheerlines/rc45 "Kingfisher" (Nowt wrong with copying good ideas?!) it does look funky though! You should know by now I can't speell (and spell) to save my life Thanks mum as grace said, I'm very lucky to have a mum like you and no wind, rain, snow won't stop us now, it's little out door jobs today but it looks nice out there .
  4. Sad news about Brighton there We had gust down here of about 60mph, unfortunately Orca is quite exposed when the tides out as the wind has enough room to build up. In the week two acros came lose and the boat ended resting on the back up timber backup supports but she happily sat there until re-secured her. We was further worried about the amount of windage the canopy provides so friday evening we added a further timber tower under the midships to give it a further support and she thankfully she was fine yesterday although we have worst expected midweek I think
  5. Lol, we will be showing her off up there although we aren't showy off type people (despite probably what this thread is turning out like lol) but she needs to look good really, I don't like unfinished stuff really We must catch up some time in norfolk.. are you planning on going up this year?
  6. Thanks Grace I think we are winning.. the lighting does look fun! You can have the double dinette if you want
  7. Poppy, Good to know I've not bored eveyone to sleep Today started early but we had to go to the timber yard to get the swimdeck hardwood decking and basically we spent an hour in there as we ending up in the oak shed too (and I brought nice timber to make some shelving!). So we worked on decking the swimdeck which was easy as the boards were cut to fit (Yup I'm learning.. why cut when someone else can!), although it was fidderly to screw down. We also chose to add more reinforcement beams so these took time to cut and install, I'd like to say it's finished although the order for these bits where incomplete so they need to send them out to us, it also needs oiling which will take some time. It looks good though and we made for about £200 which isn't bad either. Inside I carefully and slowly glued up the multicoloured LED lighting in the front cabin and we wired this in. Other little jobs, I carefully took the wheelhouse seat apart which we got with the boat, but it had seen better days and the vinyl was torn and brown. So we took it apart and will then use as a template to make a new one. It's suprising how its made but it's very cleaver and easy to remake. I also tried to glue in the handles on the cabin windows but the glue just wont work do it needs some sikaflex. Dave also installed the hose tails on the waste tank which was thankfully straight forward although it's a vetus tank and the vetus connectors were well made so a nice easy job, we will connect it all tomorrow and put in the skin fittings. Couple of pics attached, mainly of the multicoloured disco lighting! (And I even took a pic when it turned pink just for Grace... (No it wont match the pink fenders...).
  8. Stay safe up there Iain! At least you have 163 pages of "Welcome to the Broads" guide to read (a couple of times!)..
  9. With all respect but you can drown in a bowl of water. As I'm sure you know people have drowned in the broads, The broads have some strong currents, if you fall in around these strong currents you are in as much trouble as you are if you fall in at sea, plus you are likely to fall in on a rainy day when everything's slippery and you have a nice thick winters jacket on so therefore you will want as much help as you can get! I like to treat the broads with the same amount of respect as I would sailing at sea. I think (no harm intended) but the majority of us holidaying on the broads our minds are elsewhere, therefore we aren't thinking about failing in and we probably aren't strong swimmers. Thus should we be investing in lifejackets I think it's wise to go full hog with it. Needless to say that these are pointless in owning if no one wears them, which I admit, I rarely do on the broads although I had a strict policy at sea that all crew wore the jacket whilst the boat was in motion, something which we probably do want to repeat certainly if it's raining or anywhere near breydon. I was interested regard points made on buoyancy aids, I thinking of getting a couple for the nice sunny day as this would be better like you say, although it's going to ruin my tan lines lol (just MHO of course )
  10. I think you can buy the straps separate at many chandlers. I would google and provide a link although I'm in work and don't fancy my luck with the other sites that may be returned with such search... . With regards to the third benefit I think drinking more would probably help...
  11. Interesting stuff. I'm no expert apart from being told on my rya dayskipper course that these types of jacket should have crutch straps to stop them rising up, maybe it depends how tight fitting they are or maybe if worn with waterproofs makes it ride up more?!. My jacket does have a strap and I do feel safer wearing for some reason (Don't forget to service these frequently too, on that course they asked us to bring in and inspect them, scarcely even new ones where out of date and the co2 bottles have the habit of undoing themselves so before you use them make sure the co2 bottle is screwed tight and check annually that it's in date).
  12. Looks good Steve, These are pointless without the crutch strap though (these do come included which is good) and make sure you wear it.. Also go for automatic as the last thing you will be thinking is pulling the cord. Not a bad price either,
  13. Yay it's ale trail year! Ever since we first started coming up, I've been an adnams fan, although a few years back my dad introduced me to woodfordes and I've kind of converted. I'm not a drinker really because I drive all the time and It's against me to get anywhere near the car after a drink so I generally only drink on the boat. On our return to the broads 2 years ago (after a 6 something year gap) it was ale trail year and via the ale trail, we went into some pubs which we have never been to (such as upton, somerleyton and rockland), it made the holiday really and it was part of giving up on our coastal sailing ideas and getting our own boat and returning to the broads. So I'm really really looking forward to doing this again and see if I can better my last score this year! (Dad same as though please get me a spare sticker, I know you can do it!). Needless to say I think this is brilliant for local pubs so I hope everyone will get behind it too and drink the pubs dry! (If you don't want your stickers, I'll have them!). (If you've not heard of this, basically for every woodfordes pint you buy, you get a sticker (One per pub), every 12 stickers you get, you get a freebie which you collect in the giftshop which is close to salhouse. The gifts are generous and even if you don't manage a full set, for a couple of quid they let you have something )
  14. I can't even understand that sign and I've thought I was good with northern lingo after spending many holidays on the norfolk broads...
  15. Heres the link; http://www.ybw.com/forums/showthread.php?418245-Backwards-under-Wroxham-Bridge Comments are a bit harsh .. Although, Griff, I bet you can't do it through Potter...
  16. Oh no what I have I just started lol
  17. whoops added too many apparently, Continued new ones:
  18. Sorry Howard I cant quite find one at the moment although I'll keep looking. Is this one ok Griff ?? I've added a few more, Let me know if there's anymore ideas welcome
  19. Eric, that's not helping I dont think this road will bother me too much, I do the A140 now (I used to do the A146 (lowestoft one?!), but generally try to leave at 7.30am to get to norfolk for about 9.30am thus missing the traffic (although the "30mph'ers in a 50" wake earlier too) on the way home it generally takes all day as the last think I wanna do is rush home.. We have started stopping at pinmill as a break too for that last taste of "Anglia". I am a tad worried though what effect this will have on the hireboaters, what with Clives TV adverts too.. It better not get too busy again?!
  20. Oh sorry Mark, Have I lost you sorry.. If you are on a mobile, I think things are a bit different.. as John said the next version should be better for you
  21. Hi Neil, That was probably Rochester Sails. I think they are long gone Or they too busy to take on jobs.. I think they have gone though
  22. I'l have a look around for one Howard Sorry Mark, they haven't shown can you try and copy the URL link. This should show up then.. Sorry
  23. Hi All, As my first little job for the forum, I thought I'll add a the forum smiles, although apologies I made a bit of a mess and you may notice that some are out of order my bad sorry! I clicked the wrong button! As repayment though we are asking everyone if there are smilies missing which you may want? These are always popular so it's cool little thing to add. To give you a hand here's a website which appear to use the same type of smiles we have at present; http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys-basic-001.php http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys-basic-002.php To suggest one, I think if you just copy the code in the "URL" box as a reply, I'll work out how to update them again (this time without breaking anything!). Alan
  24. Pleasure guys, I lost about 3 hours this morning watching the broads ones.. They look very well made (I did make a small donation too )
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