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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Slaves lol... You are brave!! I wouldn't get away with that one.. I barely get away with "Stop moaning and just do it!"
  2. Like these aren't they Iain? Although I think these are too thin at 12mm.. Need someone with a ruler lol! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/20mts-x-12mm-black-nylon-3-strand-rope-moorings-anchor-ropes-boats-builders-/271622647366?pt=UK_Sporting_Goods_Sailing&hash=item3f3df8ae46. (wheres the circles there Iain?... the mooring lines need to be in nice little circles!!)
  3. Hi All, Any Ideas what size mooring lines I should be looking for? (I can't remember what we had on the last boat!). 3ply? 14mm? 3 off the length of the boat? (Orca is 28 feet long and and probably about 4 tons, I suspect she will have a bit of windage being high topsides and deep V)..
  4. or maybe not! The Broads is the only National Park that has seen a fall in house prices over the last five years, down 2%...
  5. Lol ok I'll have to find it and take a look
  6. hmm don't forget being in the tech support group means I have access to the delete button... lol... (I must admit though you have lost me on this one.. is this a film?)
  7. Dear Mr Gracie... I'm sorry...
  8. Perfect... how much money and hassle did we just save? lol... I don't think the sinking boat is the best advertisement though although good work!!
  9. It just needs to say "Broads" the world will still get the point.. IMHO...
  10. Horning Windmill/Holiday Home up for grabs.. cheap too at £365k! http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2945679/Live-WINDMILL-365-000-featuring-kitchen-lounge-double-bedroom-dining-room-price-London-flat.html
  11. Thanks Alan, I'm quietly optimistic!.. the surveyor actually pretty much done examination of all the bits and suggested bits (he really did go above and beyond what expected!).. it's just hoping that all the bits needed for it arrive in time although we still have another weekend.. Thankfully it's a free retest when we fail though lol!
  12. Geez it's starting to feel like spring..it was lovely down here today. Weird nothing much day really.. I managed to painted myself a little further.. but I did managed to finish painting the sterndrive and all it's bits.. it looks very pretty... I also finished epoxy sealing the hull repair so next weekend I can put the primer back on. I also mixed just enough to epoxy the mudweight so it should rust any further now, although it wasn't in bad condition anyways.. It is still funny the amount of comments we get here when the the mudweight comes out lol.. I also painted the bit of glass cut out for the fuse box although some little flies decided to have a party on it so its modern art.. joy... (I also did lots of boat yard talking as I was outside lol... whoops.. I showed more people around the boat and as usual they like it.. one day someone will hate it lol). Dave tested the heater and he's sorted the leak which is good. He also tied the wiring so making sure everything is secured. Fixed the air horn but we didn't dare test it with the air horn connected as it's load and it's a sunday! He also cut and installed a outlet in the hull for the hot water tank pressure relief so it doesn't make a mess inside the engine bay if it goes off. He also kinda fitted the catch on the bathroom door but it needs work as it a bit cheap and wont really work Finally he tied up and its funny how much space is in the wheelhouse when it's empty.. I've just booked the bsc exam for two weekends time so lets see how it goes.. I expect it to fail on something. Also don't forget every member is invited to the boats (re)naming ceremony end of feb.. message me for details
  13. Very nice.. Good luck and many happy days sailing
  14. As it's warmed up now (well it's above freezing but the sun came out) I decided (Ok was told to by Dave) to paint the sterndrive. Over the summer we sourced the missing bits (i.e the nose-cone and bits for the steering bits), unfortunately though these bits needed sanding back and started from fresh... Thankfully though they was small enough so it didn't take long. So yup today I sanded these bits back, got a bit of epoxy on them (more on me as usual...!), thankfully the grey middle coat needs to go on as it's drying so I was able to get these all the way ready for the final spray which was nice! (see pics).. Whilst I was doing this I also spray coated the main sterndrive and steering yoke (it needs three coats though), it's a bit cold for this though so I'll probably do two coats and we will do the final coat just before it goes to norfolk, but lets see how it goes off. We have put inside where the heaters been on so it should cure well overnight. Whilst I was waiting for this to go off, I sanded back the hull repair which I impatiently primed a few months ago and the surveyor noticed and told me to sand back and put a few coats of epoxy on and because I erm mixed up just enough to do both jobs (Or over mixed)... it seemed the perfect time to do it... least it's done I was starting to wonder when we would find good weather to do it.. tomorrow looks ok too so I'll do another coat tomorrow.. Whilst I was doing all this hard painting work Dave was busy inside (Well in between, as he would say.. "bringing me paint brushes and paint :rolleyes:" ... He installed the flywheel plate and run the engine up to make sure it's balanced which it seems so. Fixed the gas leak and tested it.. all good (All Finished!) . Finished the bilge pumps! He tested the boats fresh water system which was nice to see.. it only had a couple of leaks on the hot water tank one fixed the system held pressure and it's a very powerful system. We didn't let the engine get warm enough to test the hot water but there's no reason it wont get warm. He had to drain all the water out though as I don't want any fresh water left in there just in case... I did some measuring up so I can comfortably order the foam and the boats name now. Finally we played with the heating.. reading the manual I noticed we put the internal temperature sensor up high whereas it should be mid way so I have to rip that out and remove it.. grrr. (the manual really is crap.. this was in the small print) We then tried the heating but Dave noticed the exhaust had a leak (he noticed last week but wasn't sure), so that was taken out and resealed with more sealant.. it needs time to dry so early evening.. Couple of pics attached..
  15. Ok thanks Peter.. That's certainly very disappointing. I hope we have a decent way to fight such decisions.
  16. I can see what Geoff means, if you just scroll back at this there's lots of regulations being quoted back and forth which can look like a bit negative but totally agree that this is how discussions happen and there are lots of very well informed people here hence we come to get our broads news! As we currently don't visit the broads that frequently I don't quite understand this discussion.. Perhaps someone could help explain what's happening (treat me like I'm blond!).. here's what I understand: The broadland area is governed by the BA which are a independent organisation whos job is to promote and protect, the broads in general, tourism and the navigational rights. The broads have their own unique law which provides the right to navigate (which is nice ) I guess the BA aren't popular and I understand sometimes they mess up (as we all do!). The BA for some reason (perhaps to increase investment) have decided to rebrand to the "broads national park" which is part of the "National Park" group. But they have been part of the "National Park" group for sometime? The BA agreed (For some reason?) not to become fully park of the national park group?! for now? Several people are worried if the broads did become a full member of the national parks group then the Sandford principle may come into force which would remove/restrict our right to navigate the broads and rivers?? Have I got it?! If I've got it?! surely at present we are ok because the BA have said we won't become part of the National park group.. i.e still managed by the BA (and the laws)? and surely the broads main income and interaction is from the boaters so removing that would be suicide for the area and surely no one in their right mind would do this? which is why the BA said no? (If anyone tries to restrict me navigating the broads I'll be one at the front of any protest movement).
  17. We have had our bosch green gop one for years and as Dave works for a power tool wholesaler (so gets staff discounts) we don't treat the tools with complete respect but this little bosch just keeps going with all the abuse it gets (including getting thrown (i mean dropped) from the boat!. Blue bosch have even better motors and gear boxes. (Here's his order of preference, Panasonic, bosch blue, bosch green, makita, hitachi..B&Q lol then ryobi dewalt etc..) Fein are meant to be really good so it maybe worth getting it repaired for now.
  18. Only playing Iain.. Your's ,Graces et al are all funny... Well done Geoff.. I think we need one more just for luck though... lol
  19. Geoff .. The two last posters who have felt the need to defend their jokes really indicate how bad they are.. although there is a third who's are just as bad...
  20. As dreadful as this sounds to some.. I think a harvester at stacey arms would be good.. sorry but I think it would; there's limited restaurants there and I think it would help make it a destination. Maybe one day.
  21. How many more geoff? You do know the only thing in the members section is some very bad (and I mean bad) jokes...
  22. She looks lovely doug.. looking forward to see the progress I've love to do a course there but the courses are just so expensive.. when I win the lottery
  23. Sounds good, fingers crossed! Have you got some pictures of your boat? (If you click the "More reply options" button you should see an upload option).
  24. No worries Ian. I sugguest you use the Creeping crack sealant (see above) to help trace the leak.. it's white (but sets clear) and if you use sparingly it can help to source the leak.. unfortunately if it's alloy it's likely the window will need to come out and be resealed, although it's worth following the instructions on there and emptying the whole bottle (over a few days) in the window as its good stuff and may fix it alone.. certainly worth trying (considering it's only a fiver!)! But feel free to message back if that doesn't work and I can give you further tips how to take the windows out and back in again.. (We did four of the 6 windows on our project in 2 days although they wan't sealed in too well to start with).
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