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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Christmas! Special delivery from Brundall has arrived! Just need to work out where I'm going to store it until we install it.. erm...
  2. Thanks Polly appreciate your review there
  3. I'll go in and try my luck! I know they gave an account to a mate of us but he was full time in the trade...
  4. Actually I googled and found them... it would be so good to get an account with them! Do you think they would if I went in and begged? lol
  5. I must admit I like the look of that one Mark! I think its a bit big though I'll try and have a wonder around some caravan places though before we buy so I can look and measure... good tips though
  6. Hi Alan, I think these are too big for us on this on this boat.. I'm thinking the moonlight: http://www.marinesuperstore.com/item/99297299/smev-moonlight-3-burner-oven-grill Starlight: http://www.marinesuperstore.com/item/99336080/smev-starlight-cooker-oven-with-grill-cabinet-2-burner-hob-marine-super-store Or neptune: http://www.marinesuperstore.com/item/04857/plastimo-neptune-4500-cooker They all seem to be around the £400 mark depending on where I look. We probably want to be going for propane because we will want to use the boat out of season and as you say the freezing point is lower although at the moment there's a butane bottle in the locker so that may do for now!
  7. Wow she looks stunning inside and out! Lots and lots of hard work has clealy gone into her.. Happy enjoying her now!
  8. Alan, I'm hoping to have enough space as you say to have a little plinth or drawer underneath as a pan storage area. I know I will need to chop the back of the cabinets down to get them to fit (we are putting a household kitchen units in to save time), although I think it will fit ok! To be honest with what I've seen on the range of LPG cookers for boats (excluding the fitted household ones) and ones that fit they all appear to be stainless steel type ones and as mentioned I kind of like the look anyway.. we have one at home and I know it don't stay shinny (nothing ever does but as long as it stays reasonable and doesn't melt and does the job then I'm happy.. (Does anyone know of others then? I admit I've not looked too far and wide for these though (I've not got measurements to hand but 500 wide by maybe 400 deep).. all
  9. John! I was trying to count how many hours to start with but when we moved the boat close to home so we can work in the evening that became impossible I'm hoping we can do this in 12 months roughly.. (That's been the average for us before).. So 52 weeks in a year.. 2 of us work 2 days a week for roughly 12 hour days (I'm ignoring week days because the odd weekend we have off should counteract this). so that's roughly 2500 hours.. which isn't bad considering what work will have been done I do hope this one doesn't go over the 12 months though! it's so hard doing 7 day weeks!
  10. lol I think Iain thats more of an excuse to eat out! I'll have a good look round! Mark your are right thats the other thing I need to measure is how deep the base is as the inner hull lining on the tapers in quickly and I dont really want to cut it about... geez.. tape measure added to the packing list
  11. Thanks chaps. We are a bit limited on the space for the kitchen on here so I'm trying to aim for a cooker of 500mm width otherwise we wont have much kitchen, the full size household ones are 600mm I think (but we have one on the houseboat and as you say are a good alternative! I quite like the look of the stainless steel cookers Iain lol I'll just have to get a cleaner! Sorry Mark, I forgot its Norfolk marine although I'll happily walk around sheerlines if they let me (Wroxham in thorpe though!? lol), that "Kingfisher" boat is amazing! I'll let dave know about the gas bits as that's his department and I'm not sure what he's using... Annoyingly the shower room covering is out of stock for 2 weeks so the shower room is on hold for now. Tom at JPC contacted me and offered to post the heater to us and that should be with us this week so that can be installed. This evening dave primed the shower room again and varnished the dash and door.
  12. Hi Alan, I'm planning on they typical marine stainless oven with built in hob... (i.e Dometic - Moonlight or starlight). We had a look in Wroxham marine and there was one I liked but I stupidly didn't note it down.. but there was also one which felt very poorly built.. so I'm going to check.. We had similar on Jessica and it worked well. We have a cheap buthane oven an hob on the houseboat which works sometimes but the space is limited on this boat and can't really do this. If I do like a dometic one thankfully (and a very good tip there) supply caravans too (The camping store in blofield and camping international here in medway supply them) so i will be able to source like you say from there and the price should reduce down a bit! Thankfully too though my local chandlers do all they can to price match so I can just go in there, he does hate me though because I'm really good at finding the best price! Bryan wards though are also very very good though sometimes I cant beat them and have brought from them before (my parents use them a lot).. Thankfully cooking off buthane on the houseboat means I'm used to it and now enjoy burnt food!.. The broads are much better than here Grace, here we have 7 metre tides (so the rise and fall is 7 meters!) so you need a ladder to get on and off and it drys out for km's so you can only get to the boat 2 hours each side of high water!) and the tide on the estuary runs very fast (like yarmouth).. yesterday we had 2 foot waves even in the marine and one boat even broke off its moorings and could be lost ... I can't wait for the calm off norfolk!
  13. Lol Grace, at the moment it doesn't look any different from last week (apart from theres more wires everywhere!)... I think mum wasn't sure how to go the previous page! We are really aiming to be finished this side of January (that will be 12 months then), I had a bit of a stress moment yesterday because it slowed down a bit and we really need to getting the timber veenered boards delivered although its a pain because they will need to be cut to shape in one day as we don't have a shed and that's a big job (and we need 8 full size boards!), it also doesn't help we are back to norfolk week after next (but I need to look at cookers in wroxham marine before I can order the kitchen) Arrgghh my head... we are trying to break it down now though and start doing room by room (so shower room this week/next weekend).. then front cabin.. etc.. I sat down yesterday and finalised lots more parts so now know pretty much every part required to build it (which alone is a huge and forgotten job!)... I think worst case we may just slip into easter next year though depending if we get dry weather to cut the boards and I can get the boards delivered in helpful batches... but I certainly don't see it going into next summer which is good We will bring her straight up to norfolk (probably by road) as soon as shes done... theres no point messing around down here.. so hopefully up there for easter time My parents are in Eastwoods yard which is in brundall but we wouldn't go in there as its expensive and thankfully no space! We have always started from brundall with the hire boats so don't know any different but I think I'd like to be on the end of rivers.. so places like wayford bridge (I need to talk to Jon at some point!), stalham, or maybe Loddon... I'd love to based in ranworth though but I think there's a long waiting list there. Loddon though has a nice feel and I think would make a good base.. But I'm not too fussed really although really. (If anyone has spare moorings for Easter time.. please let me know).. Keep reading though Grace.. next week the shower room will be almost finished
  14. Another vote for travelodge acle. It's actually a really good travelodge (on par with the old premier inns) and you can't go wrong
  15. Geez Mr B Navy... you are sir a nutter! But thank you for restoring her! We would love to gave the ability to do a woody although our last boat was half timber and that was hard enough! However its brilliant to see woodies being restored and I look forward to watching your progress.. (it makes our little project look like a walk in the park!). She will be something special when you finish. Good luck
  16. Scroll up on click previous pages mother...
  17. Weekly update: Quiet week as we really need to do a timber order. Although we have ran all the cables and surprisingly we appear to have ordered enough cable first time?! We did reduce the size of the shower and it feels good now! but it meant a bit of work.. i.e we had to reduce and reglass the shower sump. We also reduced the thickness and the opening of the door but as I say it feels much better now.. The sink has also been placed and the wall it will go onto built out, reinforced to the sink and squared off (that was fun!). I've ordered the wall covering for the shower room so next weeks job is to install that. Finally today the floor was primed in the shower.
  18. Oh I forgot about the fendoffs! We covered a whole dinghy is jetsam fendoffs one year! We did see an otter just off oulton dyke, wont see with up north with all those tourist! Southern broads are the best
  19. There is also trying to work out how to reverse out the reed banks after falling asleep after the long passage down!
  20. Bill. He's been brilliant so far.. Looking forward to collect in a couple of weeks time! Thankfully he only recommended the base webasto Airtop 2000 one.. (The cabin is only small!)..
  21. Hi Tim, Timber as Alan said, go to any timber yard and get a board which is the wider than the curve and just cut to size with a jigsaw. Sapele is strong enough (although it can be a bit brittle) and wouldn't expect it to cost you more than £30 for a board an alternative is to use thinner timber (again like Alan said) and laminate it up in various sections to get the same curve.. although I doubt its much of a curve so its probably wiser to just cut out a larger board... (If you really want to bend yourself out of the right size, get a drain pipe, cap the end (drill a small hole in it) and use a steam wallpaper stripper to make the steam) Brass - I'd say ebay but I just looked and there's not much on there.. Google pops up with http://www.themetalstore.co.uk/.. You could try model shops as they do thin brass sheet for model making (depending on the thickness). I'm sure Jon at wayford bridge, Marthams or Maffetts could all help you though. Good luck.
  22. We found though that it did deteriorate and needed doing every year though. We aren't doing on the power boat for this reason. Although if you are happy to do each year then its probably worth doing.. means you can change your mind too Garage Floor paint is another alternative and a bit harder wearing.
  23. I've done a virtual handshake with Tom at Brundall based JPC Direct for a complete 2 outlet Webasto marine kit and thermoducting! He offered a really good price but good to see a small Norfolk company can beat many big online chandlers and far better service!.. Only thing is we have to come up and collect august bank holiday (Of course he will post but I'd rather collect and I don't need much of an excuse to come up!!) So mum wherever you are I need the boat lol! Thanks for your help though everyone.. I need a cooker next ...
  24. Thanks again All.. Thanks to Andy at freedom, its nice to hear advice from a hirefleet as the hirers really do put a boat to the test! Tom at JPC said the same too about the other units I've not heard of a wet system before (This isn't something I've done a huge amount of research on!) although I don't think we have the space on the cruiser for that type and I think its a bit overkill for the cruiser as the cabin is quite small.. Although it maybe an idea on our houseboat which already has radiators although they are powered from a back boiler from the log burning stove which isn't brilliant (it gets there but it takes an hour or so!). Good to hear a further tip on the insulating the pipes too, Tom suggested this and I wasn't sure if it was a sales pitch, so I'll certainly aim to do that. I've found a really good deal on a complete Webasto Marine kit and I'm just hoping Tom can come close as I'd rather buy from a smaller company. Although his service so far has been brilliant.
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