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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Thanks Alan.. ideally we want to be on the "ends" so wayford/stalham, (ranworth - dream on!), or loddon.. but we are happy to resign to anywhere really (ideally a secure marina though) for the first year or so.. I think I probably do need to making a few phone calls already then..
  2. Just to piggy back off this post (sorry original poster).. I'm kinda on the same hunt (although I only want a mooring and a spot for the car).. people keep saying to me have I got a mooring yet?! I wasn't going to start looking until the week before the lorry comes and collects which is really easter.. but I'm getting worried now... do I really need to seriously start looking now and reserve/start paying for a spot? or will a weeks worth of phone calls find me a mooring in easter? Good luck with your search original and please let me know what you find and how much you are paying etc..
  3. daddy... i thought this post was going be a telling off about the lol On a neap tide (the opposite of spring tide) the bridge height maybe less but I suspect all broads boat would still get through. I think the empathise is put on bridge heights by the BA and yards because that where the most damage can be done to a boat (at high water the height is down to 6.9 to we wouldn't get through). Whilst the currents are stronger than up north we all know it's not deadly and as long as we practice "mooring against the current" it's easy. As with most things the south is far better than the north (..stay with us scotland..)
  4. lol no pink! tis undercoat will soon be covered with a manly black antifoul and white fenders
  5. Thanks Gracie.. dave has done really well fixing the hole so quickly.. he's getting good with glass repairs (although had lots of experience it's mad what a coat of paint does.. shame it's a weird colour his foots not looking good... he works on his feet so I think he will be off resting for a few days although i'll find him some work to do whilst he's resting lol
  6. Hello Mother... welcome home .. We need more words please.. you've had 2 weeks! So we expect more words.. plus at least 20 pictures (including the ones!)... and the closing comment isn't helping.. considering we are busy working.. unlike some (Don't forget we have a spare paintbrush here if you want a weekend away!) Glad to see Graham fixed the wiper.. it worked before didn't it? I'm a bit worried about him saying he enjoys working on it.. what have you ordered? although he's a good chap Chat soon...x
  7. chaps.. I was doing ok until i got to the underwater primer bit... it dries instantly so its stuck now it's a lovely shade of pink too! I do always think of putting gloves on but normally after it's too late!! I'll look out for the wipes though as that sounds like a good idea! I'm so looking forward to that winning post...
  8. Hi Steve and Deb... just to say I really don't like the look at that rudder... I'm sure its fine but if you do go along with it I highly recommend you get an independant survey or get someone who knows all about boats to take a good look (don't forget surveys don't look at the engine so get a mechanic to look over).. I'm surprised its not got hot water either.. it's not a complex thing to install so a little strange why its missing.. (Marks guestimate sounds fair, calis start at about £200 alone) We had a transport quote of £600 from rochester to norfolk so thats a little strange why they would throw that in.. they clearly want to sell.. I agree with the other comments that it makes a whole of sense to buy in norfolk.. norfolk prices should be cheaper than the south too. Also I'd buy one complete with all the bits (heating) so its ready to go.. the last thing you want to be doing is waiting around for things to be added on and fixed (unless its a really good deal) .. Happy hunting..
  9. Unfortunately Dave sprained his ankle yesterday and at the moment he can't drive (and has the works van!) so we couldn't collect the timber boarding that I ordered.. although the timber yard were very understandable and will keep somewhere safe for us, hopefully we will collect next weekend. He hobbled over to the boat though and got to work on the hole.. thankfully he done a really good job and with the warm day all patched quickly went off and its finished! even the D section! He even painted it with bilge paint... Whilst he was down here he drilt the shower pump waste trap and worked out where the shower bilge pump will go... I had a painting day (I hate paint.. I get most of it on my hands.. but for once it was nice to do).. I focused getting the outdrive transom plate ready to be mounted... Reading the instructions on the tie coat primer I learnt (in really small writing) thatit should be put on with a semi cured coat of the epoxy (we are doing 2 pack epoxy primer, then underwater primer as a tie coat then finally antifoul or top coat).. I had already done the two epoxy coats.. but I just did another and then 2 underwater primers so its ready for the final top coat and can be mounted tomorrow (If we can find some bolts). Once the patch over the hole was dry I pressure washed the hull and we found a free tin of underwater primer (it came with the boat!) once I spent 30 mins stirring it.. it had separated.. a lot!! I threw it on.. we have a small repair to do on the stem underwater which is slowly being built up so I left that bit and will sand back and prime tomorrow.. Nice to see the hole fixed and primer on.. certainly good to do these types of jobs when its a nice day so when the weather gets nasty we will be inside doing the fit out..
  10. Couple of pics on twitter: http://t.co/QLlJhcPuy3
  11. First time up was when I was 17 and could just about get away with hiring.. (Mum and dad where too afraid of us failing in to hire despite me begging them).. we hired silver melody from silverline.. arrived and the thing looked massive.. i thought how on earth am I going to drive that bloody thing.. Made it to reedham saw the ferrry.. it was raining hard.. so stopped ran for the boat manual to read up what we should do.. nothing found so just gunned it past!! First mooring at reedham quay.. we both jumped off with one rope in hand and the boat almost drifted off.. we was saved by someone who moored her for us!! Only other eventual thing that happened was we done the ropes too tight at oulton broad and had to cut the lines as it was friday and had to give the boat back tomorrow lol... poor boat... We booked 2 weeks in the summer before leaving! Brilliant holiday! Thankfully I worked for a well known travel company and got a massive 90% off so it was always broads holidays for 7 years after
  12. JawsOrca


    and welcome to the forum.. good luck with your project.. she looks like a lot of work there.. This is a good book (http://www.abebooks.co.uk/12-Volt-Bible-Boats-Miner-Brotherton/7406578810/bd?cm_mmc=gmc-_-gmc-_-PLA-_-v01) maybe worth grabbing.. Please also do a blog of your restoration project in the restoration section of the forum it helps get the through the dark nights and it's helps see what you've achieved!!
  13. Your new berth there looks a bit better! The sabre is coming on OK.. although we found a big hole in the bottom so a bit of time is being wasted on fixing that at the moment.. but it's still 7 day weeks at the moment.. hoping to be done for December Don't rush seal though.. enjoy the ride.. you will get there
  14. Hi Eric, I've never timed it to be honest.. We normally walk really slowly too.. Although it certainly an afternoon thing..(perhaps an hours walk.. maybe? - the train back is about 3 mins though!) It's well worth it though although its a bit industrial but its nice change from the prettyness of the rivers.. if you catch me...
  15. Welcome Glen.. I thought that was you (The essex bit and the 20foot boat gave it away!).. Still loving your blog by the way and good to see her coming along... you should share your blog here to others can follow too
  16. Oulton broad to lowestoft via the riverbank is nice and a bit different.. (plus i get to peer into the boat building school.. ) Lazy way back is by train or a guilt free fish and chips and walk back ..
  17. Hi Steve and Deb, I'm not sure about norfolk costs so I'm too interested to see what the costs are (I'm hoping on £2k a year though).. Regarding a owning a boat.. I thought long and hard about getting another boat... (neglecting the fact that my folks have a boat in norfolk).. I like the gym analogy; you really have to use the boat to get any value from it, it cost a fortune, there will be times where you just don't want to use it (i.e you would rather go to a beach holiday which you wont be able to afford now!), they are almost impossible to get rid off! Hiring a boat makes much more sense as you get to go on many different boats (Even posh new ones)!... (despite all this and despite my parents having a boat we still went ahead and got our third boat!)... Only couple of tips I can offer about buying one.. Don't buy the first one you see... have a good look around and take your time.. enjoy looking around - its the best bit!! Also do get a survey (Most boats have serious issues on them - Look at our project.. its got a 6inch tear in the hull!!) or have a very good look before you commit. Good luck
  18. It's also beccles.. ! http://www.visitbeccles.co.uk/
  19. I've taken a similar picture myself before ... Keep going that's fun though!!
  20. Once again.. welcome to everyone on here.. (Personally I enjoy both forums (I do)).. is it the time to move on now and talk about all the positive parts of the broads .. everyone I've ever met in Norfolk is truly lovely and friendly which is why we all choose to spend so much time up there (and you lucky ones who live up there!)... I'm not trying to moderate or anything, I can see it's clearly a very unfortunate issue but lets be positive now
  21. That sounds nasty Alan poor poor chap.. Thankfully theres no other holes in it (I've inspected every mm!) and only 2 seacocks This is going to be a bit of work. basically it looks like its been scrapped a lot and worn through the hull (this is the lowest point).. so it needs building back up.. he has already feathered the edges to start with and ensured its clean and the existing fibreglass strands are visible (to bond to).. next he will just put a board underneath (with a plastic sheet to stop the resin from sticking) (pressed tight to the hull) and put a few patches of CSM and polyester resin on the inside.. Once dried remove the board and slowly try and build it up the profile on the outside again with CSM.. he (I would say "we" but he likes doing this stuff!) will need to start with small bits of glass to rebuild the profile bit by bit. it needs to be bit by bit as it will want to fall off and it will need to cure slowly so it will probably take a few days. As the hull would have been made in a moulded we wont be able to make it look perfect but it should look ok and be strong again (and we will never treat the boat like this!), inside he will probably make the patch larger than the damage to further strengthen it and remake the middle d section using polyurethane foam carved roughly to shape and coat a with matting and resin... repaint and job done! Fingers crossed!
  22. The full extent of what appears to be a shark attack on the hull is clear.. The crack has been all brought back to fibres ready to be repaired it seems to measure about 6 inches by a couple of inches.. (The inside pic was taken yesterday and is now clean). Dave will slowly build it back up tomorrow evening... thankfully we have a ton of resin and matt so its not cost anything just time... poor orca...
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