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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Sorry to hear about health probs Iain.. hope you managed to get the car sorted and got a nice decent one too
  2. I think we have made him vote yes now just to get us back!.. (Iain.. no harm intended although I do like the blue bit on the red ensign ..)
  3. ok we will have to let him off!! I need to order some names soon so I'll try and match the font for you and order on my list.. early xmas pressy (See how good I am to them!!)
  4. Brilliant, top tip.. thanks Mark.. appreciate that.. I must admit most of the nuts on this outdrive when we have tried to take it apart have done just that (I thought it was me!)..
  5. I'm going to hopefully beat strowager too it. .although I notice Mark is on the thread! Mark.. it will push you at about 5 kts .. A norman (I think) is a displacement hull which means it's hull speed is limited to something like 5 or 6 kts.. You can go faster than this if you got a really big engine on.. but its not worth it.. There are lots of Normans on the broads with these engines so they do work.. As for hitting breydon against the tide.. you wouldn't really want to do this (anyway).. if you would with a small displacement boat you would only just beat the tide (you may go backwards)...and it would cost a fortune on fuel.. just go with the flow don't forget having your own boat means you can go after dark so there will be no panic to beat the tide anyway!
  6. Perfect for the broads Happy !
  7. Ohh ok.. good.. looks a tad less hire now .. I noticed the front numbers are a tad wonky? dad or you?
  8. and welcome from me.. you really were bitten hard.. geez.. what type of boat did you buy?
  9. I need to stop panicking (I need a holiday!)... They company replied stating that A2 is far less reactive than A4 and would be fine (as they have been since 1969!)...
  10. Good Luck Brendan.. keep going with it though.. it will be well worth the time and money spent! There is nothing nicer than relaxing on your own boat
  11. Thanks John (sorry .. I found that too.. It's the salt bit of the broads which I thinks complicates things.. although I had a big long chat with the chap about the boat being in brackish water although he still sent A2 so I'm hoping he knows more.. I think I'm going to send back though and get A4.. piece of mind..
  12. I ordered the bolts from the manufacture of the sterndrive to bolt the transom plate onto the hull and i'm surprised to see that they have sent A2 stainless bolts.. I at least expected A4 (316) considering they will be underwater... Am I wrong and A2 is OK to use underwater?
  13. Well done lol reads well.. is that a new scratch on the bow though?
  14. no because Iain will do the sensible thing and vote no... if not we have to ban him from the broads!
  15. 50/50 from me too.. we went in the spring and it was a nightmare.. I think they are "enjoying the populated spot and losing focus slightly"... we therefore avoided in the summer
  16. Clive... please divulge more when you can
  17. Hi David, Thanks for your comments.. A project is certainly very hard work and the rate we do them its hard to take a year out of life to do it.. but you are certainly right..it's an unexplainable feeling (and relief) when it's done.. it also means we get a boat to our taste (and thankfully with this one lots of new bits for the price of a boat needing work!).. but I really can't explain how much I want my life back and to relax on the boat!! This forum is a huge help not only the amazing support and help offered but for keeping me motivated! Thanks too for your comments about daves foot.. we've had a day off today to allow him to rest and I'm a bit burnt out too.. although I've designed the kitchen and he's looking up the parts manual for the outdrive finalising what parts we need! I've also had a good look round the internet for moorings!
  18. I suspect my dads intention was for the complete opposite... Newbies.. for goodness sake.. just do it and come south.. you will not die....
  19. We have done once on oulton broad although it was a bit rough and I'm sure it needed quite a bit of line.. surlingham (opposite brundall) is lovely though and well worth doing.. theres no additional advice needed really although surlingham is a bit small so try not to get too close to other boats. Enjoy
  20. Thank All.. (Sorry again for highjacking this thread we aren't sure what orca air draft is as we aren't too sure where the waterline would be after re-engining. I'm guessing we are somewhere between 7 and 8 feet. So we would be stuck downstream of wayford/potter/wroxham I think we would both be happy with loddon, its a good idea to reach graham which I'll certainly do that and I'm intrigued about pyes mill moorings.. that would be nice.. we had a walk down to princess cruisers in loddon but was stopped at the gate (which isn't a bad thing of course) but it looked a bit more like a yard. I'll start making some calls.. I don't want to waste anyones time though as we are still a long way off. Thanks All!
  21. whats the saying about boats;.. you either need deep pockets but no time.. or shallow pockets and plenty of time...
  22. Hi, to second what mark said. we found silicon eater did a good job at cleaning the surface and followed by a careful sand. Personally I would recommend replacing windows like for like.. I believe a boat with mismatched or non-original windows would effect the sale of the boat (but thats just me).. We refitted the frames used arbomast BR which is a brilliant product (better than silkaflex) as it doesn't cure.. our windows leaked like a sieve before we removed and refitted with this.. (Use black silkaflex to reinstall the glass to the frames if you are doing that) A good friend of ours, Jean-pierre restores windows although he's in maidstone (Hadlow Marine) (I notice you are showing as rainham essex).. if you have the windows I'm sure he can help..he can supply everything marine window including the rubber www.hadlowmarine.co.uk. Good luck.
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