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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Orca's Come Back Weekend! So just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water.. ORCA'S BACK!! Following Orca's recent shark attack, She's nicely relocated away from Bruce and co down south. Here's a brief autumn tale! Saturday 19th December. It feels even different just the run up in the car, the sat nav tells us to use the new road, a dual carrageway (A/M11) all the way from London's famous car park. We arrived into Nelsons county 2 hours later.. The postwick road spagetti's junction looks finished but I think with some irony the sat nav tells us to use the wee junction just after, up through Plumsted (if only it was as close to Plumstead London.. There was no traffic Wroxham bridge and you immediately notice that at this time of the year Norfolk is returned back the locals and feels very different. Very Norfolk We turned into Tesco's car park at Stalham, made use of the cheap fuel and filled up some jerry cans for Orca, parked up we wondered into town (I try to refuse to use that tesco). We headed for the butchers for some yummy looking meat (The butchers there is amazing, a million times better than Tescos), 4 sausage rolls for lunch the off next door for frozen croissants and pasties and other forgotten supplies. This weekend was a bit of a sudden idea, the thought of wrapping presents or a weekend away on the boat.. the weekend won, we also wanted to check on the boat and do a couple of small jobs as we are hopefully spending a few days over new years, so wanted to make sure all is good and well. Boat was loaded with 2 weeks worth of supplies! All was well with her, so engine on. The plan was to make for ranworth although the swimdeck took a beating during the recent winds so it was kinda in bits so not sure we was going to make it! We navigated out of the berth with no problems, hitting nothing Onto the main river, we really was the only boat, Amazing! A bit further down we passed another boat and there was a few more around but still immediately relaxing and jumpers off it was just t-shirt weather! Irstead staite was empty and Dave wanted a low bank to repair the swimdeck so we moored up there. The swimdeck is just canopy fittings, I wanted a welded one but no Dave wanted to try that... hmm lol, so for now he had to replace the screws for nuts and bolts and there was a few of those so it took some time. He had to rush a bit though as the skies started to turn yellow, reminding us that it's really not the end of september (as it felt) but a week before christmas thankfully he finished just after three but it was already getting dull. Engine on we decided to make for Neatishead as at least there's a pub there and there was no way we would get to Ranworth before it got really dark and I'm a bit inexperianced with Orca on these rivers at night. The sunsetting over Barton looked lovely though. I spotted a hose at hose at gayes staithe and made a mental note, Orca's tank was dry! Onto Neatishead it was nice to think that we wasn't going to come across hireboater on the bends (certainly as it was dusk!), almost missed the moorings as it was empty! I've never ever seen it empty! Annoyingly I noticed there was no hose here, we needed water so I said to Dave we will have to run back to Gayes. Off we went, there was a hireboat here (from faircroft) so on the second attempt we moored up on the end of the quay near to the water hose. (I need to learn how to drive again!). Off again, back to neatishead (we thought the boaters here would appreciate the moorings to themselves and it's a long walk to the pub there). It was now pitch black and it was tough navigating the river, thankfully the sky was clear and the moon was bright so the water shinned back, lighting the way. All moored up safely, we sat and relaxed for a bit considering it was only about 4.30pm! The white horse was quiet but it quickly filled up, the food was yummy though and it's a nice thought to think this is probably our new local (out of season). Back to the boat is was an early night. Sunday 20th December. It was a warm night, we had the heating on for about 20 mins last night but the hatch was open and it was still warm one. Much warmer than being at home! I didn't really sleep too well, I think I was too warm and there was little wavelets on the hull and sadly Orca needs to prove she's fixed. Bit surprised as I peered out the curtains I saw lots of fisherfolk looking back! Dave had tidied up already and tried Orca's christmas present which is a window vacuum, which worked well, the windows were bone dry . As I woke up I will still stuffed with last nights grub so there was no way I could manage the planned fry up, so croissants it was and Yummy was they! I wanted to head down to How hill for a wander but the estate there was sadly closed (I googled last night in the pub!) and it was erm late so Dave said we should really head back to the berth as we had bits to do there. So yup no more playing. Engine on and allowed to warm up I carefully reversed out, sadly one fisherfolk wasn't fully awake and forgot to remove his lines, I just gave thumbs up and got the same back so he it probably got away with it.. During the day light I have no idea how we came in here last night! It is narrow in places! I gave Dave the helm just as the river widened and he took us back to Stalham. He's not helmed since we put the new steering and throttle in and mentioned she feels much nicer now. She really is, very relaxing. I motored into the berth for the first time, apprehensive was an understatement but the wind was on the nose so it was easy, I didn't hit anything Tidied up, I washed the superstructure down again, it's looking whiter by the day (She went green as on the hardstanding she was under a tree ) we made up some mooring lines and added a few fenders we brought so she's all happy. It was nice to be back out and it feels very different being up north. It's very special out there this time of the year and I'm certainly looking forward on spending more weekends just like this
  2. That explains why Apple copied it then Good luck with the virus scan
  3. Yup my andriod is fine.. I think what you need to do Branden is grab a hammer.. Apply a continued hammer action to the phone .. get down to your nearest phone shop and buy an android phone... I'd suspect it's a malware on your phone, maybe try and download a virus checker and/or do a scan.
  4. to the forum from me Jamie, Please do share away.. How about daily updates Ideally too if you can offer the odd NBN member a 95% NBN special discount on your boat building course, just me know (and I'll be around tomorrow!!). Looking forward to seeing more from you.
  5. All, I agree with Strowager, The slagging match of someone who I suspect many of us know little about is hardly nice to read. Please make it friendly again.
  6. Jonzo, as always he's probably really good at playing golf with his buddies.. It's a big big shame we can't have Trudi on the forum..
  7. Nothing wrong with dreaming Iain! Although I think they would struggle to continue to do 4% above inflation rises if the number of free moorings shrink for whatever reason.
  8. I think Cockshoot is owned by the wildlife trust there and I suspect they will want to keep the moorings otherwise no one can access it. That report does go on to explain the BA are focused on not reducing the amount of moorings and are looking for new spots.. In some way that maybe nice as it will give us new places to visit. They are also trying to renegotiate the moorings at thurne. But certainly agree at present it's not looking good.. At least we should get a reduction on our tolls as there will be less facilities!
  9. Whoops... This is probably the interesting article: http://www.broads-authority.gov.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0020/663122/Mooring-Action-Plan-Update-nc101215.pdf
  10. You were diagnosed with emphysema? First I heard?? Certainly sounds like you will have to move to norfolk now then!
  11. Similar here too.. Was dreaming away one night only to be awoken by some really annoying alarm sound Crawled out of bed only to be confronted by a haze.. The log burner chimney has somehow blocked and the CO alarm was going off... Everyone thrown outside windows doors opened.. Phrew that was a close one... Don't play with fire!! If you do at least get a CO alarm..
  12. Sorry Robin, those are outdoor heaters, the writing on top tells you so including clear instructions: "Do not use inside". I wouldn't recommend the use of these inside an enclosed space as you say it may just being over cautious but I don't think it's worth the risk. You can get catalytic heaters (http://www.direct-chandlery.com/partnumber.asp?pnid=435726&source=googlebase&utm_source=googlebase&utm_medium=cpc&gclid=CMzG7emCz8kCFSsEwwodpooDiw) but these need to installed as per BSC etc which may make things complex if you don't have a gas supply as it's a whole new world for them to find fault with (sorry I mean test). (Robin I think you will find it was these types of things on older boats.. I certainly remember firing these up in the mornings).
  13. Mark, You probably need to ask others, I've only just moved north but reading Howards (NorfolkNog's) posts, it seems out of season there are plenty of moorings. I'm not sure where electric posts are though, I guess; Horning, Potter, Ranworth only.. Hopefully others can advise. Just be careful to with them fan heaters as they can get hot. They also obviously drink lots of electric. I'm a bit of a worrier with heating and hot things on boats. A oil filled radiator is what we use as an overnight heater in a cabin and I find that safe enough to leave on, they also don't drink lots of electric. We should be doing some out of season crusing so give us a wave if you see us.
  14. Whatever you do and whatever advise you get DO NOT try and heat with gas or fire.. it's a small space and I suspect your ventilation is so low you seriously would run the risk of Carbon Monoxide poisoning. A small tube heater connected to a 240v shore connection is probably the only way to heat a small space like that.. (or just put more jumpers on )
  15. Firstly you need to share pictures of shinny varnish on the forum...
  16. Thanks Viking, I think we really need fenders as not many people seem to have tyres and I agree they make the place look a bit on the rough side and as you say it's not brilliant with fibreglass. Lol Peter, we used to play that game too.. it really helps grow your helming skill.. Fender at five oclock.. grab the boat hook lol.. Very kind offer if you could kindly send some pictures over I'd be very grateful. I can't find the shop you mention at victoria terrace on google maps, is it closer to oulton broad. I must admit I didn't quite notice this road was there, we always drive the otherside of the lake to lowestoft. St olaves is a good tip too I forgot about that one! Many thanks I've never heard of drainpipe being used Paul, but that's a good idea, I'm looking at basically covering the mooring in fenders, sadly because it's a fix pontoon, in this wind she's being blown into the pontoon so although for now I've used our 4 ball fenders I think it needs tons of fenders (or a few big ones) on the pontoon.. joys of moving berths Thank again chaps
  17. We really need some fenders for our new mooring. Our old pontoon mooring had lots of tyres (which we can't steal) but we really need/want to wrap the new mooring up with fenders as it's not a floating one and I still can't drive!. I'm really looking for ones as large as posible although lots of normal size will be good too. Heaven would be some large ball fenders and some corner ones. Condition doesn't matter they will just be on the berth, As erm close to freebies as posible please please (but will happily consider buying if need be). (Really need a boat jumble ). Many thanks in advance.
  18. Iain.. it's nice to be back in it was rough down here, cars being blown all over the roads.. Seems to quietening down though. Stay in warm mate! (And/or send Ruth to get some pics there!!).
  19. It was a bit too windy for us! and by the time we got there (3.hours and 10 mins gulp!) and sorted paperwork out and wash her and tidy up it was time to come home!! But pic attached.. proving she floats and she was all dry. The adventure can continue!
  20. That's good news it will certainly be interesting to see more come about.
  21. One of the joys of having a pub by the river... Funny you don't see the locks inn appearing in the edp with arms crossed outside a dry carpark.. funnily I think they have appeared but serving drinks to passing canoes..
  22. Strowager, Interesting thread as usual I read somewhere else that a gas one is pointless if the engine is running to as the engine will just suck the gas through, does that sounds likely. The best advise I saw was that you have a means to manually trigger it (Maybe connected to a smoke alarm).
  23. Will try Howard, It's meant to get a bit windy tomorrow and I don't want to crash into everything on our first day in the marina!! One reason I forgot why we went south is because it's a bit bigger so less things to crash into I'll get used to it.. or the bow thruster will come sooner rather than later!!
  24. Yeah so erm.. last weekend didn't go too well (As usual I'm not going into any details as it's not fair to do so).. But I just heard she is afloat and on her new berth just outside Stalham on the northern rivers.. We will be up tomorrow to check her out.. Maybe go out for a quick spin but we should certainly be out sometime around christmas. If you are about look out for us. I'll probably be zig zagging as it's been a long time! But I'm confident all is sorted now and we can get back to enjoying it.
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