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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Is Mr Pikemans son a ranger on Breydon water then? What purpose is that SOB meant for then apart from a play toy?
  2. How strange is it to see Orca in the blog.. Feel a bit guilty we was running a bit late Thanks for adding us though and thanks again for the company! It was a brilliant end to 2015
  3. behave Steve.. I have it in writing you dont really mean that (between such comments lol)... you need more positive thoughts though as i'm sure she still has more blood to draw..
  4. oh is that what they are.. that answers that question.. I couldn't work it out. First time I saw it I thought it was some climbing frame for the army lads there.. When I drove past the next five I was lost.. Surely the bats can and do just fly anywhere?
  5. Thanks Steve, Was a shame you both couldn't join us. But next year will happen! Thanks Robin, it was almost we experianced 2 seasons in those couple of days! Looking forward to seeing the vids! New Years Day 2016 I woke up quite early and there was a slight chill in the air.. peeping through the curtains it was strange to see the first frost of the winter and a haze over the river.. it looked very picturist so I grabbed my camera and headed out. Once out the wheelhouse the coldness hit me (Orca’s insulation works bloody well!!) the canopy was frozen stiff and the frost was on the inside of the wheelhouse windows.. I took a few pictures. We went for quick walk around the village before catching Robin and Sheila and wishing them an enjoyable and safe trip. We left the mooring nice and early and we were in no rush so drifted down the river being overtaken by the boats moored at the pub! Thankfully the Ant was quiet and we slipped under the bridge with no problems. Dave took them helm at Barton and took us to stalham handling the helm back to me to do the tricky bit. I nicely slipped Orca in her berth without any contact J All packed up we was soon on the road on the way home. Not sure when we are back out but if it stays mild it will be very soon.
  6. Thanks Guys, Believe it or not all these photos were taken with my mobile phone (samsung s6).. nothing fancy. point and click so it's certainly worth trying. I think though there maybe something in the camera that's adjusting something because they have come out better than it looked.
  7. New Years Eve 2015 Woke up nice and toasty, it’s been very mild lately so it was hatch open and no heating! Hard to believe it’s New years day and not the end of September as it feels. Still the windows were condensation and we used Orca’s xmas present which is a window vac, windows dry in a matter of seconds. I jumped out and grabbed my camera and took a few pictures of a blue skied empty Ranworth! I can’t remember the last time we moored here so it was strange but nice to wake up to Ranworth. Robin was awake so it was a quick hello before Shelia called him in for Breakfast. Too early for food for us but we went off for a wonder again down to the church (still closed) and around the boardwalk. We saw some black birds and some white birds on the broads.. Lots of then.. I don’t know anything birds lol Back to the boat we discussed the plans for today. We didn’t have any hot water yesterday so we both wanted to give the boat a good run. So we discussed Wroxham or Thurne. It was still windy and wroxham is a bit busy for the wind game so we headed to thurne. Dave had adjusted the gear cable yesterday as we have a replacement throttle control (Thanks to Alan, RanworthBreeze) so a few test manoeuvres on the broad to check all ok and all was good. We was once again on our own and Orca’s engine was happy to come out of tick over at the 6mph speed limit! Arriving at thurne I noticed I have to keep the power up as the wind started gusting and threatened once again to push us onto the bank, it was quickly apparent that the wind was going to win. Once the throttle was eased it did indeed win.. (Me: 2 – Wind: 3). I managed to easily spin her around though (One of the joys of the legs though, turning around in thurne dyke!). I thought Womack/thurne would offer a sheltered spot and remembered there’s a pub there for some lunch. Off we went.. The entrance to the dyke here is now all cut back and much more open than before but it was nice to be able to look over the fields but lots of wild moorings are now history.. shame. I love this little dyke, it’s very “Norfolk” so is always nice to visit. Thankfully at the end the water was still indicating no winds. There was only one boat here so I span Orca around and we moored side on right by the boatyard, giving other boats plenty of space. Off to the Kings arms ludham for lunch. We’ve been in here before but I think only once or twice. It was nice and warm and a good welcome, we found a seat and ordered some baguettes, both good and we will be back. We wandered around looking for a couple of geocaches before heading back to the boat. I must admit I had completely drifted away and forgotten about the time and the winter darkness issue! So back on the boat as the sun was setting! Whoops, considering we had to get to Horning and poor Robin and Shelia was waiting on the way for a little cruise in company. Thankfully I managed to message him and let him know and he reassured me an hour should be plenty of time and it would still be light then! The sunsetting over the rivers here was really magical and reminded us how lucky we really are to be out this time of the year. Once again it’s a huge shame that there are many missing this spectacle. The sun vanished below the clouds just as we reached cockshot and we could see BA lights shining through the trees, I radioed Robin and BA lead the way into Horning. Orca’s automatic solar fairy lights also flickered on. Robin was struggling with the wind which made me feel a lot better as BA is a heavy deep keel but it was clear the wind was the beam and the current flowing strongly. Orca eventually moored stern on where she wanted to which was nowhere near BA as planed but no harm done. It was actually nice to look over to BA. I do like proper boats Robin very kindly invited us over for lunch so once all dressed we ventured over. Dinner was lovely and we watched some of robins videos and had a good chat, Dave and Shelia hadn’t really seen them so it was a good chat. Close to 9pm we decided to head into the pub! It was rammed. Close to midnight I said to Robin.. “c’mon lets do the airhorns at midnight” it’s what we do here at home and at midnight the medway is a harmony of all the ships airhorns. Sadly it was only Orca and BA that could be heard (although we are both loud!) no complaints so all good. After the fireworks stopped I sat down and fell asleep.. lightweight.
  8. Yeah I'm on both of them but don't really follow. Nice bunch on there as usual though. I was posting pictures on the NBN group quite a bit though
  9. Very Kind of Kris and co at Wayford Bridge. I'm sure we will make use of this offer soon.
  10. Wednesday 30th December 2015 I slept really well, I think I’m now starting to trust Orca again although my fears of strong winds were becoming apparent. Readers will know; Orca is a planning boat and very light so a bit of wind and she goes off and tries kissing everything nearby. I’ve been chatting to Robin (LondonRascal) who was up with Sheila on Broad Ambition (BA) and I heard from him that he managed to book us both a spot at the New inn for New Years Eve. Eventually we got the boat tidy and read and in a lapse in the winds we pulled away from Orca’s berth..(Sorry no idea what time!) Onto the main River the winds didn’t look too bad and I was pleased we didn’t hit anything. The main river was still and no other boats were insight. I knew Robin and Shelia had stopped at “Paddy’s Lane” so I thought we will have a quick look. I’ve only chatted to Robin briefly in Person so really looking forward to meeting him and meeting Shelia. As we turned into the dyke leading to Paddy’s lane a gust caught Orca and she decided to investigate a nearby tree, I had throttled right back as it’s a tight turn but my instinct took control and full throttle was applied. Orca understood and her hull grabbed the water and she quickly came around. All good.. Me: 1 – Wind: 0. No sign of BA. Thankfully the exit the gust were beam on but it quickly opens up to Barton broad. Little wavelets though were quickly apparent though but thankfully on the nose and our planning hull were no match. The wavelets were only about half a meter high and about a meter apart so sadly they really were no match and at 5mph the bow is lifted enough that only a few bigger splashes had any affect lol Further down the sun rising above the clouds just beside a windmill made me grab the camera, I didn’t quite notice the burgee was hinting that wind was beam on so whilst I grabbed the shot Dave suggested “bank”, as soon as my eyes returned to the helm there was little I could do apart from reduce throttle to make our crash a bit nicer. Orca slumpted against the bank but very gently. Once stationary but pinned I gently put the wheel over towards the wind and gently reverse out. No harm done but yup Me: 1 Wind: 1. Ludham bridge was quickly upon us and thankfully it was empty. Head scrathed, the wind was blowing through the bridge but the tide was flowing out so technically it should be easy. I reduced the throttle down expecting the tide to guide us gently through (I really can’t see the starboard front corner). Strangely we was pushed sideways towards the quay and then turned around, not quite sure I understood what happened there but I let the boat turn around and then turned back. This is actually part of the fun, she’s very different than other boats I’ve helmed so it’s nice to learn and better to learn when there’s nothing about, certainly as if we experience these conditions when it’s busy I know what to expect and can make the call about staying put. Ok so (Me: 1 – Wind: 2 grr), I closed my eyes and put more throttle on and to my complete surprise we went through bang in the middle no problems (I’m claiming that one, Me: 2 – Wind: 2 J ). The lower ant is very open now s we was sideways most of the time but all fun. It was a nice sunny day. I wanted to go to Ranworth and see if quiet! So off we headed. On arrival I could see lots of boats but quickly reminded myself that this was the private moorings! The main staithe had a couple of boats mainly day boats but the wind was nose on so we headed for a corner where we could land/crash with more ease! First attempt and it was clear that the wind was actually changing it’s direction and it pushed us past the quay heading so reprostioned, 2nd attempt the wind pushed us away in the oppersite direction, 4th attempt power! Landed.. easy.. (The guy sitting at the bench could be seen smiling and I could read his thoughts “Stupid boat owner”. Orca tied up a large hireboat arrived and to my disgust they came in perfectly, stern on..lucky gits! I grabbed their lines and commended the mooring attempt. Further to my disgust they said first day out for the first time from wroxham. (But it was a lightship bow stern thrusters probably even autopilot!). No they did a good job. Nice people to talk to, hope you guys made it to Norwich.. Breydon must have been fun!! Off for a walk the place looked very different in the winter somewhat smaller if that makes sense.. (I think it’s because you can see through were reeds normally are). Into the pub on the way back to book a table for later and grab a drink. No wherry so it was a ghostship for me. Back to the boat we spotted Broads Ambition just in front of us! Nice to meet Robin again and we had a quick chat. I wanted to clean the wheelhouse as it looked like a bomb went off in there. So quickly did this in the remaining daylight and then put up and switched on Orca's lights. Then it was back to the Pub, Robin and Shelia had also book a table so we sat together. (Nice Cajun burger, chips tad underdone). Really nice to chat to Robin we obviously share the same interests. I hope Dave and Shelia wasn’t too bored though! We silently got kicked out of the pub at 11.30! On the boat I wanted to see if the TV would tune up here, We put the ariel temporarily on the wheelhouse roof and nothing.. I gave up put it on the hatch in the wheelhouse and 90 channels loaded in.. strange..at least it works though not quite sure why it wouldn’t work outside where it was higher.
  11. New Years Cruise – “Dreamtime” Tuesday 29th December 2015 We wasn’t sure if we wanted to go up today or tomorrow, we got lots of toys for Christmas and the week was already flying by so thought about spending another day at home. However at 11pm we decided to pack and jump in the car. We grabbed my car though, we’ve been using Dave’s car as it’s larger and better for carrying lots of stuff but as we only had a few bags it was my car.. It’s the first time I’ve driven up to Stalham in my car and the sag nav sent us via the M11. The journey felt like it went on forever although surprised to see we arrived in Stalham about 2.5 hours later which isn’t bad. Car unloaded and the boat now looking better ballasted (We will managed to fill up the whole of the Astra with just 4 days supplies!). We needed a few shopping bits so over to tesco carpark and the walk into the town. Stalham high street is pretty cool, we went to the Truly local shop (which is a community project shop) grabbed a few bits including fresh bread. Next butchers for breakfast supplies for tomorrow (The beer bacon is heaven!). Sadly they didn’t have any fresh sausage rolls and we didn’t quite fancy pub lunch so reluctantly it was sandwiches from tescos. It was getting a bit late and Dave wanted to spend some time out and about in the car (I wanted to go out on the boat) he suggested Norwich. We needed Halfords for service parts for Orca (and my car) and that seemed the only Halfords in Norfolk! So off we went. Halfords all sorted. We wanted to get into the city centre but traffic was heavy and all the car park signs read “Full”. It was already getting dark though and we discussed Lowestoft for the evening, there’s a really good Chinese restaurant/buffet there so off we went. Eventually we arrived in Lowestoft, quick wander around the shops and a go on the 2p machines in the pier arcade whilst waiting for the restaurant to open. The restaurant is up in the old town (I think that’s where), weekends they do a buffet but midweek it’s a restaurant but eat as much as you can but it’s cooked to order, we’ve been before and the cooked to order is soo yummy. Highly recommended and once you get recognised the service is really good. Finally back to the boat. We brought a TV up for the weekend and an Ariel annoyingly we couldn’t get it working so it was reading magazines we brought from the shops before passing out (after a bottle of bud).
  12. Coming soon... lol.. made you look...
  13. Lol I was doing this morning but it's a long one. Will try to publish this evening
  14. Happy new year everyone. Orca and broad ambition are here (side on) at Ranworth all little up! Horning new Inn tomorrow evening (hopefully!!)
  15. Thanks Paul's We won't have it on that much probably just these out of season times and stuck yarmouth way..
  16. Hey All, I need someone who understands the most technically confusing items on earth... TV and TV ariels.. I'm so lost... The TV has DVBT-2, what on earth is this? (is it sky Freeview or digital TV?) What do we need to have it running on the boat. (It has a normal TV ariel inlet too).. We only have 12v. (Will this do? http://www.piratescave.co.uk/supergain-ballade-tv-antenna-dvbttnt-235-db.ir).. I'm so confused with TV's lol Merry Christmas y'all.
  17. Sell the bloody house and move to norfolk now ..
  18. Have a good one everyone.. We are out in just a few days so I'll put some pictures up as and when. I'll probably put more on our facebook group though (as it's easier on my phone).
  19. Les we saw a Faircroft Loynes boat out last weekend (http://www.hoseasons.co.uk/boat-holidays/faircraft-loynes-wro002). I'm not sure if they will hire to a lone sailor though. Probably worth a call though
  20. from me Vaughan. Thanks for the introduction, what a fascinating life you must have seen. I just about remember hearts although I only started hiring late 90's lol. Looking forward to hearing more!
  21. I bet you still rubbed your eyes though
  22. Hi Howard, We are certainly planning being out for new years although I still need to find someone to look after my Cat, which is easier said than done as most people are out! We actually went for Orca because of the hardtop knowing it should be good for out of season cruising, (we've done a bit of cold winter sailing before too as the winds are lighter and bit more predictable in the winter), we also equipped Orca with insulation and a good heater hoping to make full use of her throughout the year, we would have been before if we didn't have the shark attack so I'm really looking forward to being out more now! I am worried about icing though and the Marina have advised we don't go out if it's below freezing as we probably won't get back (Probably not the best place to be for us then but we will see) and I doubt we really be out during the summer season (or we will just run south!!) so we will probably spend most of our time now out when it's quiet which is going to be amazing! Thanks David. You should try to get afloat out of season! Fingers crossed LadyP will be up and going soon Thanks Doug, will take a look
  23. It was nice trip Howard, I could easily have been aboard for another week!! It's certainly nice to feel that we can go anywhere and get a mooring. I must admit I felt a bit precarious being the only moored overnight but that's probably just me. Nothing happened and the fisherfolk got there really early anyway. Thankfully we are back out in just a weeks time so looking forward to it!
  24. Glad you liked Grace Thanks Doug, certainly as enjoyable. Where's Nicholson's? I don't know this area all that well, Only the riverside really lol.
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