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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Long story but we came back to the marina. All good now and came back up this morning. We found a spot in Ranworth believe it or not so just grabbing lunch.
  2. JawsOrca


    Ok guys I was blowing off steam after an unusual amout of idiots. Iain feel free to lock this and we are returning back to the land of no phone signal so ill be quiet too
  3. JawsOrca


    Oh phone signal. Tbh honest we push the limit but I watch the wash and adjust accordingly and we have gps so Im on the limit (but not always) So to see boats overtake us against the current and overtake in seconds they are doing some revs.. so no excuse just selfush negligence. We do have vhf tuned to 12 so the rangers are within reach... we also have the go pro as evidence and if that catches anyone that will be passed over to prosecute. We dont need idiots up here.. if they miss the point of a broads holiday then they can go forth.
  4. JawsOrca


    Sadly we are currently seeing mainly hirers although sure if anyone overtakes us at a dangerous speed. Ticket on its way. Personally I think everyone needs to report it. Its ruining the broads.
  5. JawsOrca


    True boyee. We are being overtaken constantly and at speed. Theres no need... perhaps its the limited moorings up here or something. I really think its time for gps speedo. I can see why people stay south. Im going off the north very quickly. I am honestly reporting serious offenders though.
  6. JawsOrca


    Dear all hirers if you speed past us when im doing 6mph. I will report you... Its disgusting up here this week..
  7. Its dreadful up here Iain god only knows why people stay north
  8. Hi guys sorry im away on the boat struggling to get a signal and text and drive lol. At present you cant see submitted pics but ill do this when im home bryan try again. I may have to help when im home though.
  9. Hi . there's not really scrap yards.. you would have to ring round the boat yards (probably start with the norfolk ones) although I doubt you will be in luck.. You probably will need to commission a new one I guess a local one would be better and I'm sure they will have enough experience to design one to fit the superstructure without too much problem.
  10. Iain!... Ignore him Grace.. I'm sure you can use a calculator.. I can.. and I can even make words by pressing certain buttons and turning it up side down ...
  11. It's where? left looking upstream? where the fishes and loathes (or whatever it was called) pub was or the other (upstream) side of the bridge?
  12. Hi Jim, Basically no.. it's hard to explain.. It''s (I believe) because the way it's done the longer side ropes don't really get any tighter as the boat goes down (Think of a bridge onto a floating pontoon..The bridge is the same length on high and low water.. it slides back and forth although it only slide back a forth a little), so although you shouldn't do them very tight (I'd leave the normal slack) then you don't need to worry (Unless it's a huge rise and fall then you add more slack), but it's still tight enough to stop it moving back or forward other than a foot or so (which is just the bit of slack rope).. So n less tidal rivers (So the upper reaches or the northern rivers) you can reduce that slack so the boat will hardly move back or forward... Hope I've kinda explained.. I'd say have a practice and you will hopefully see what I mean. (Hopefully someone can explain further )
  13. Your air draft should be ok even on slack. But I'd aim for an hour to an hour and half going south as it will give you more of the tide behind you and a comfortable amount of draft.
  14. Nah.. On top of Edinburgh castle or on top of ben nevis then maybe! Come one Iain... lets at least see some effort Maybe we could extend this to where's the most random place you can get your burgee lol
  15. Oh Sorry I missed that lol! well done!! That's the best so far then lol
  16. Isn't that just it's country flag Mark??
  17. Lol Mark.. thats good.. shame it's not moored next to Orca though! Jaws' is kinda all registered with the BA but I've not made the name boards up yet.. and first time we blew it up he sprang a leak through its aft water outlet bit lol.. it needs resealing.. Hopefully we will get some use out of it next week.. if it's all good I'll get some shark teeth and some name stickers lol
  18. No I'm not Ginger.. I'm black haired although people in Work do always ask where I buy my black hair dye as it's so dark... I have thought about going fake blond a few times though.. maybe one day lol.. Keep the pictures coming Mark
  19. Lol really? I love the innovation there.. I guess when you guys use so much and it takes such a beating it's well worth doing
  20. Oh lol.. I can be a bit dim at times lol.. Thanks Grace and Peter very good
  21. (Gracie... I don't get it.. please help act blond and ask..)...
  22. Hi, once you've tried the norfolk companies here's another: http://www.bridgerubber.co.uk/index.php?route=product/category&path=60 (P.s I'd be very careful with Wilks, certainly don't take your wife as once you/she see's that teak deck you've had it )
  23. Well said Iain... Couldn't agree more lol Although Orca is named after the boat from Jaws although that was make believe so probably doesn't count either lol
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