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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. Just to advise she is off and floating
  2. Lol yes hurricane floated off this morning I will pick a good picture iain for my avatar
  3. Hey all ok we are here lol in wrc you should see from the webcam. All is good. The gear change will take some getting used too.
  4. Unfortunately, word on the ground is that they don't expect her to have enough water to move her this weekend.. Apparently when she went on the river was at flood and shes pretty much in the field there. They expect to move her in a week to 10 days when there's a bigger tide (I must admit the tide here in rochester wasn't as big as expected today ).. Although I'm sure they will give it bloody good go this weekend and fingers crossed for them..
  5. Thanks guys. Dont worry there will be am excess of pictures. I hope I dont annoy too many people. Couple of pics showing the last bits whilst the sun sets on her last night here in Kent!
  6. Thanks for my stickers Jonzo (I think it's yourself that sends them out)... I noticed you put in a couple more but I'll keep spares on the boat and if anyone else wants any just stop us and I'll pass some over
  7. Sorry guys soo much to do. Although I made up the toll plaques. Weird to see these.. kinda starting to feel real now!
  8. I must say the boats always look very clean when you do these reviews and it must be a bit of the pain doing at the end but I bet the yards must love hiring to you when you bring them back so clean! Keep them coming and thanks for doing them! Hopefully catch you one day.. Although I must try not make a fool of myself when you are recording lol!
  9. Hope you are all better now robin I think you need to get your gf back in the middle of august when it's nice and warm and its dodgems time that will keep her occupied!! Looking forward to these although apologies I may struggle to watch them all quickly.
  10. The only bad thing about the broads was given the boat back! although thats a easy(ish) fix! (the other minor one is theres no resi moorings so I can't move there )
  11. Hi David, I think you can download and use google chrome via the app store.. Although not an apple user/fan so not sure. Safari should work well though as it's not a bad browser.
  12. Brilliant Robin! Despite not being a Hirer anymore I stil enjoy these! it's nice to be nosy she looks good, not quite sure i like the second cabin, it seems to have taken a bit of space away but as you say I understand the idea. You are a pro at these, do you like cars? I understand a certain company is looking for presenters for a car show
  13. The more boats that moor there the less changes of anything happening.. so visitnorwich.co.uk!
  14. David, Make the most of your last night so it has to be surlington broad, it's only a very short but tearful motor back to silverlines.. I've only ever seen the powerboating once lol so we should probably do that again sometime this year. So here is (in Geoffs words!) the final countdown..! 24 hours to go!! I've got today off so I may try and load up some before and after pictures throughout the day and I will put one last post up tomorrow showing us on the lorry! (I need to pad this thread out a bit.. I notice I've only 1000 replies! geez)
  15. Hi Neil, Yup we are hopefully heading down to the WRC on saturday to overnight and then back.. we may had down to oulton too if I'm feeling up to it. My parents are coming too on their boat for back up
  16. and to the forum from me another liveaboarder (although not on the broads)
  17. Sounds like a good inventory there! But Clive have you ever thought about hiring scooters?
  18. Thank you for the kind words David. (Don't forget Orca is in a secure area to protect against OrcaFans! although she maybe visible from the river or from the path to the village (and pub!) from the BA moorings ) But David we are coming up on 1st May. We will probably be up quite early so could meet up for a quick personal tour I'm not sure which way we will go although maybe up towards Loddon or Rockland so maybe Cruise in Company for a bit
  19. Have a really good relaxing holiday Geoff and Wendy! You will love it! can't wait to see how you got on!
  20. Lol they actually look quite good.. Dave did say he wants similar! I don't think vinyl would stick to the pvc (and if it did it would probably come off when it's let down) ... I'll maybe see if I can find or make template and we can spray it on.. or make up a PVC pattern and stick it on.. (Maybe.. just maybe I can put a fin on the outboard too...) can't believe this lol I've not actually used this dinghy yet! (Infact I've not even seen it since I brought it year ago!)
  21. Geoff, I can't take anywhere near the praise for the administration side.. I don't really do much.. It's all down to Jonzo and the rest of the team With regards to the fever.. it does get worse, there's no cure.. just lots more trips to norfolk.. try not to drink and eat too much when you are here too as I swear its something in the food and beers..
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