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Everything posted by JawsOrca

  1. ray to the forum.. Agree too.. Griff please stop working so hard and get back to this.. I can't believe you left us at such a cliff hanger!
  2. Iain, My dad was there when it was the (old) lady and he said the bar wasn't there it was pretty much her house! Shame we didn't see it like that as unfortunately we only found when it obviously had its extensions although it still holds a lot of character (shame they lost the Labrador though) and still feels very remote. It's certainly still a cool pub and joking aside any visit to the broads wouldn't be a full visit without a stop there (Don't forget if you can't get threw the bridge there is the ferry)
  3. Do we need to delete the posts on here which refer to this untalkable talked about place? The last thing we need is the place gets overun with people... I for one, would be very very annoyed if MY mooring spot and MY seat by the open fire (in the winter) is unavailable.. if so just advise and I'll find the pesky Mod lol I can probably even add the words Locks Inn to the sware word filter so they will show up as **** *** when typed?!! lol
  4. Sad to read .. hope you catch them Jon (ability assisted by Mrs BroadScot!).. traditional punishment there is probably the best
  5. Don't worry Neil. I've already got no nails left so I don't think I can get even more anxious!.. I think I'm at the stage... "if it happens it happens!.. If not I'll worry about it later!!" This is the worst bit though.. once it's in and floating it will be fine! I know for certain though no one is using the slipway that weekend apart from us!
  6. Well done guys.. Brilliant read! Glad you like my favourite pub! It's certainly going to be our local
  7. I assure you Neil somerleyton slip is booked from late friday to saturday so it's not coming out then!!
  8. Hi Alan, I'd like to think that this is a good mid season check.. I understand the servicing companies test inflate them at pressure and do other bits (?!) but this again is a good self check that I do when they are being used (also shows how long it's been since I had any serious use out of them!!)..
  9. Hi All, Ok so now it's the new season I thought I'd dig our lifejackets. I was a bit surprised to see that both the auto activators were out of date and I thought I had replaced them "last" year?! Apparently the dates on these are only three years. So I need to order new kits for both A few years ago, someone at the yacht club showed me how to check these myself, I've shared below encase anyone interested. Obviously this is my advise only (and better than ignoring) and all lifejackets should be serviced by a professional company every two years. Annually (Although I do most of this before serious use) - Check the condition of the jacket, buckles and webbing. Any damage then discard the jacket and replace. - Carefully unzip them and check that the seams are all good. If not replace the jacket. - You can try and blow it up manually if possible using the blow tube. - Carefully unscrew the CO bottle. Inspect the bottle, if rusty or doesn't look brilliant discard and replace. - The CO bottles have a weight on the side, weigh these on kitchen scales, if the weight doesn't match then discard and replace. Screw back in (hand tight. DON'T Over tighten). - Check the date on the plastic case (auto only) if its out of date discard and replace. - Ensure all the plastic activation caps are in place. If not replace (You may need to purchase a co2 bottle and activation cap too). Before use. - the co2 bottle can come unscrewed, if so carefully screw back in (again hand tight.. don't overtighten. You can put lock-tight on there but I've never fancied that idea and religiously check they are screwed in). - Check the date on the auto activation case, if beyond the date get one ordered (be aware too the jacket may not auto activate so ensure the manual pull cord is accessible and if you go on be prepared to pull it). I use this company for service parts (http://www.lifejackets.co.uk/Lifejackets-Servicing.htm).. I did look on Brian wards website although I can't see a full range .. Again ... this post is intended for advice only and I am fully aware that all lifejackets should be serviced by a professional company every two years.
  10. Sorry Geoff I only just saw this (I had a filter set incorrectly - I wondered why the forum had gone quiet - Unticking it I find 5 unread pages of threads!!!) Have a brilliant time! Don't forget to look out for a big lorry carrying our boat to lol
  11. and from me Gareth! Have you got any pictures to share of your first trip?
  12. One day...! Although I can't get a broom 37 up that far
  13. A portable VHF just has a smaller range of sending/receiving compared to a fixed vhf so it will still function and I'm sure on the flatlands of Norfolk it will perform well. I suggest don't test/play around with it too much if you aren't sure how to use it. Don't forget you also need to have a licence to operate it and the boat needs to be licensed too. Take a look here for further details (http://www.rya.org.uk/coursestraining/courses/specialist/Pages/SRC.aspx). (The course will tell you how you can test it ) Good luck with the outboard hunt.. Beaulieu boat jumble is in a couple of weeks and you will find an engine there! (http://www.boatjumbleassociation.co.uk/)
  14. Thanks Paul, we can not rule out a squeal although for now it's pretty much as good as it's going to get. So tomorrow will be "That's all folks".. I can't wait for the first night afloat although I hope it's a bit warmer next weekend otherwise the heater is going to get a good run in!! We are planning on going down to the WRC Thanks for the kind words Iain, the forum has really helped getting through the dark days! It felt really weird being out and about this afternoon it really shows how engrossed in the project we became! Don't worry though certain bits have been left to be completed with norfolk items; Teatowels will only be the broads ones! Mugs etc will be suitably norfolk lol, Soap will be handmade in norfolk, even the cupboards will have norfolk apple juice and colmans sauces lol (I'm not a fan of supermarkets up there considering there are some brilliant little shops.. the truely local shop in stalham is one of my favourites!). Thanks Neil! Did I make it to page 50? I think Grace will.. she's a bit late tonight!! Yourselves alone showed how mad this forum is considering the number of times you drove out your way to come look!! Really looking forward to catching up with everyone on the broads and sharing a few wherrys!
  15. Thanks guys..I must admit I still can't believe it will happen.. I don't think I will believe it until the lorry arrives and maybe even not until it's lowered into the waveney! Oh erm Fenders are aboard already (I think?!!) I need to make a list! Dave will be driving up so I'll have some spare time to post frequent updates throughout the day but I'm sure its all ready and it will a good smoothly!!!
  16. So guys this is the last saturday post!! In the week Dave painted the final coat on the wheelhouse floor and it's come up really well.. it looks a lot cleaner.. its a shame we didn't get the teak deck down but thats a job for another time! It was a rainy morning so Dave finished off the cushions for the wheelhouse seat, we test fitted and they came up well. He also realligned the driveshaft coupling as he wasn't happy about it (playing)... Other than that we gave the boat a good wash down and waxed the hull.. After lunch we had our first afternoon away from the boat for a long long time! although we went to Ikea to get random bits for the boat!!
  17. Oh Geoff don't worry about the zig zagging.. My mum still does it...
  18. We can all but Dream! Clearly in comparison then the BA should be providing the facilities.. tut tut BA lol... Up go the tolls!
  19. Geez is it next week Geoff! Have a brilliant time.. I'm sure you will and the weather looks really good! Don't forget.. no rushing! Looking forward to your tale!
  20. This is a tough one! The local authority is probably being squeezed so much so they have to focus on local issues as you would expect from your own local authority however they should provide the odd rubbish bin for the casual visitor although I don't expect to see them providing huge rubbish bins at every corner for boaters as you don't see this elsewhere.. I don't agree we should be taking it home though as that's just going to cause serious problems...I'd expect the BA to be providing rubbish facilities near their free moorings and certainly at the "yacht stations". I would expect hire boat and private yards to have rubbish facilities too. For village moorings perhaps they should provide bins but as a boat using this perhaps as we are using these facilities we should pay for this, I don't agree this should come out of local residents tax money ... I personally have no problem putting a quid in a pot to pay for my refuse at such moorings. Does anyone know what happens on the inland canal system?
  21. Congrats on finding the engine! From what I understand from when I brought my last engine (which was a fair few years back now) is that not all engines allow for both tiler and remote operation. Some engines were sold as either tiller or remote although some old ones did allow both. So it's perhaps worth checking before you purchase if you require remotes. .I suspect the manual with it will advise and it should tell you how to change it over. it may just be a case of unscrewing a bit of the case. Again though I'm purely guessing. It does sound like you need to change the cables. They aren't expensive and you should find one for less than £20.
  22. Thanks Paul, We will be based in somerleyton so I wanted to get the rough idea. Thanks for your tips though! I'll note these all down so when we are doing this I'll hopefully get it! Lol Steve, tbh I'm normally really bad and sods law I always hit the current!! I don't want the engine under too much load to start too so this is nice to know
  23. Ok thanks guys sounds good .. I like the pub idea too an hour early just in case lol..
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