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Everything posted by riyadhcrew

  1. Geoff, Watch out for the discount deals. I booked next week's boat last August and got 5% off 2014 prices. I also got a discount from BB for September because I booked in December last year. By the way, I'm on Rhapsody the same week you are on Topliner, so I'll say hello in the BB yard.
  2. Alan, I'll be your ballast. It will only cost you an endless supply of Scotch an I will be in the bilgies.
  3. I would use a little of the boat water every day and my Scotch didn't taste bad at all.
  4. Hi Brian, Love the pictures and the waves. Maybe I could open a shop there selling wiper blades.
  5. Many congrats Alan. Just make sure the boat floats the right way up. lol.
  6. until
    We want to try this Hybrid and see what electric boating is like.
  7. Hi Alan, Put it on again, so we'll see what happens.
  8. until

    Been waiting since August last year for this.
  9. until
    Heaven again
  10. Had another look and it has disappeared again.
  11. Just tried to put it in again John, but still nothing.
  12. Just checked the calendar Alan and I can see that the birthdays have gone, but now it's completely blank for March.
  13. I hope you don't mind me digressing a little, but many years ago I was travelling back from Calais to Dover on the SRN4 and when I pulled into the car park, the hover had just left. A few minutes later, another one turned up (he was testing after a deep service), and they let the 4 cars that were waiting go on board and depart. Anyway, the crossing seemed to be going very fast and we actually overtook the other SRN4 and landed first. Just before leaving, the Captain said that he hoped we had enjoyed our flight and "please don't tell anyone how fast we crossed". TWENTY FOUR MINUTES FROM RAMP TO RAMP.
  14. Overnighted in NYS last April and no problems were had. Used to overnight there on every visit and can't remember having a problem. Hope I'm not tempting fate for anyone.
  15. There are actually 4 videos. The 2 above and "The way we were" and "A Spring day" (I think). They are all pretty good. I think the gentleman who made them has posted on the NBN.
  16. to the best place to get all the information and advice you will need. The broads is a magical place and I have no doubt whatsoever that you will "catch the bug" and return many times. Enjoy!!!
  17. I always wondered what a "Cobbler" did. Now I know.......
  18. When I was a young sparky, we used to fit immersion heaters in round water tanks. They used to have a special inside flange that took up the circular shape of the tank. I don't know if the are still made or not.
  19. I blame any one, or worse, both together. It was obvious that neither hand was on the wheel and I have no idea what effect the phone call alone was causing on his concentration. All I know is there was enough distraction to cause him to weave across the lanes.
  20. Seeing people driving and talking on the phone is common place here in Riyadh. I'd go as far as to say 30 - 40% of cars. The other day I was driving home and the pick-up in front of me was wandering between lanes. When I eventually pulled along side him, he was on the phone with one hand and trying to light a cigarette with the other hand. He must have been steering with his leg. SCARRRRYYYY!!
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