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Everything posted by riyadhcrew

  1. Grace, If I could get a bubble air lock out here, it would be better, but I have to use what I can to do the job.
  2. I'm sitting here at home having a glass of the red wine I bottled the other day and I'm thinking to myself, "if I was given this in a restaurant for something I had ordered, but didn't know the name, I would be happy". It really is quite good and smooth. I make it in a 5 gallon (20 litres) plastic water bottle (the ones you turn upside down in a water cooler). The ingredients are as follows: 17 litre bottles of pure red grape juice, 650 grams of sugar, 1 packet (heaped teaspoon) of fine baker's yeast, (can't get wine yeast out here) Stir it all together with a stick and put a condom on the top, at a slight angle. After 1 day, the condom will be blown up and I put 2 or 3 holes in it with a tooth pick, 2 or 3 weeks later, the condom will be flat and I leave it for another week or 2. Syphon with a plastic hose into flip top bottles with the rubber seal and that's it. I could probably get 13 or 14 litres out of it, but I stop at 12, so I know I'm clear of the sediment. .
  3. Hello Robert and welcome to the Forum. Richardson's web site has plenty of information on it for where to go, what to do, what to bring etc. Enjoy your first time.
  4. Never tried it John, so won't comment. Maybe if I see a small bottle, I'll give it a go.
  5. I put it in my Scotch when on the boat and if it's good enough for that then it's OK.
  6. Correct Iain. The only way you can move it is in your bladder. lol.
  7. This one is for Grace. Just bottled 24 litres of Chateau Riyadh red wine. It took 5 weeks to make - an hour and a half to bottle - and if friends come around, probably 2 weeks to drink. I need to find a diffent way to do this.
  8. Reaching where you planned to get to an hour before you thought you would and thinking - what to do now????. Absolutely bug*er all. Doesn't get better than that.
  9. Many years ago I went through PH in a C40. It was tight and the pilot gave it some wellie to get through on the way back.
  10. Tried both Alan and the same thing.
  11. I've never met anyone who hasn't dropped the ball at one time or another. When it comes to bumping a boat, hopefully its normally coming into or leaving a mooring and the magic word is SORRY. THE HELMSMAN WHO NEVER MADE A MISTAKE --- NEVER MOVED THE BOAT!!!!! My opinion.
  12. Hi Alan, I get the time, temperature, logos and the control menu - but no picture. Have restarted a few times and also reduced my security to low.
  13. In the last couple of days I have lost the ability to see the Oulton camera and the Barnes camera. I can see Horning, PH and the WRC with no problems. How can I fix this?
  14. I hire regularly from Enterprise Car Rental in the UK and for a non-refundable CDW of around 900 pounds, you pay nothing for damage. However, if you don't pay the CDW, they have a guage about the diameter of a tennis ball and if you get a scratch that is smaller than that, it is OK. Anything larger and you pay.
  15. Iain, that would be a great idea, but can you imagine a load of newbies trying to hold station in the middle of the river. I think it might make it even worse.
  16. Take care Iain and drive carefully. Check for fire extinguishers as soon as you open the van door. lol.
  17. BB, Thanks for that. I don't think there is much anybody can do if they are sitting eating lunch and not watching the river. It must have given you a hellofa fright. I will be more carefull now going under Ludham bridge and watch out for boats turning.
  18. BB, Can you tell us what happened please, so we can get an idea of what to look out for and maybe avoid something bad happening.
  19. Hi Wonderwall and to the mad house. I'm a Kirkcaldy man and I envy you because Kinross is a lovely part of the country. Enjoy your holiday and let us know how it goes.
  20. Aubrey and Wendy, and to the friendliest place on the broads. This is a great forum to be on.
  21. Glad you enjoyed it and got home safe. Looking forward to the tales.
  22. Aye, I agree Iain. That and a bottle of Grouse. Whit mare cuid yeh want.
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