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Everything posted by riyadhcrew

  1. Looks good Griff. Is there a big difference with the 4 bladed prop?
  2. Hi John, I have to suffer this place for a month
  3. Good morning peeps, It's 7.55am here, sky is blue and temp is a beautifull 28degC. Our little villa is very peacefull and all the girls are still asleep. There is a 'fountain wall' that runs into the swimming pool, but it doesn't come on until 9.00am, so very quiet until a motor bike goes past. Girls went shopping and hair dressing yesterday and I was forced to sit at the bar in a nice pub on the beach, watching the tourists (female variety) and having a few Carlsbergs. It's a tough life. Had a lovely meal in a nice restaurant last night. 4 X 3 courses, a bottle of wine and some soft drinks for a 100 quid - not bad at all.
  4. Hi Grace, Yes - we are here after a looooooong journey. As you can see, I have internet (Bali speed) and will keep in touch with a few pics now and then.
  5. Just 1 word for that pic, but it's made me "SO LAID BACK", I can't think of it.
  6. Hi All, Just waiting for the car to the airport. Should arrive in Bali at 10.00am UK time tomorrow morning. Will log on if at all possible. Stay safe.
  7. Beautifull Alan. I would swap you for Bali in a minute. Stay safe.
  8. Grace, That is a lovely letter and reminded me of something that happened last August at the stern-on moorings just under Wroxham bridge. We were moored up and a boat was trying to reverse into the space next to me. He was obviously treating the reversing like a car by turning the wheel in the opposite direction and he was getting nowhere. I told him to leave the wheel full to his right and head for me and then using a little forward throttle, to turn his stern away from me and into the mooring. Once moored up, he said "that was his first stern on mooring" and thanked me for the help. I said "we all had a first time" and it is now over. Lovely feeling.
  9. Just looked on Norfolk Mead's web site and full Afternoon Tea is 15 pounds/person. If you want a glass of champers, its 28 pounds fifty.
  10. There are 4 videos in the series and they are all good. Paul is actually a member of this Forum.
  11. Understood Polly. Thanks for that.
  12. Morning Polly, Talking about brakes on a sail boat - and this is a serious question - Can you make a yacht "reverse" using the sails. I've never seen it done intentionally and I just wondered.
  13. Bob, do these boards come with an outboard bracket???
  14. Thanks Iain - Whit yea haf te dea fur the bairns eh!! Oh an ah furgot SWMBO, or the preverbial hits the spinnin thingie.
  15. MM, We hope to make Sunday morning, 27th September at WRC for the Autumn meet. Pick up the boat from BB in Hoveton in the afternoon of the 26th.
  16. Villan, Couldn't spell the other word, so that is why I used the company name. lol.
  17. Good day to you fellow Forumites. I thought I would let you all know that the pilgramage to visit my outlaws (some of whom I haven't seen for 10 years) starts next Sunday 19th July for a month. We will fly from Riyadh to Doha in Qatar next Sunday evening to catch a direct flight from there (10 hours) to - wait for it - Bali - YIPPEEE. For those of you who don't know, my wife is Balinese and I promised her that if we got 2 holidays a year on the Broads, I would go with her and the girls to Bali. Hopefully, we can turbo charge the visits to the family and it should be over in a few days, leaving loads of time for lying by the pool, or a quiet beach and using the local beers to keep cool. I don't know what the internet connection is going to be like, but I will do my best to keep in touch whilst away.
  18. Porter and Haylett used to have a big 2 berth with the galley up front. Can't remember what it was called, but hired it a couple of times and it was nice.
  19. Hi John, On Robin's latest blog, it was said that a 31 and a half pound pike was caught there in 1912. Wonder if its big brother is still around? lol.
  20. I'm trying to get google translate to work on that one Polly.
  21. JM - that is what THIS forum is all about!!! What a fantastic offer. GOOD ON YOU.
  22. Hello Andy and to the forum. You have made the right decision to come back on the water and I look forward to reading your tales.
  23. to the Forum Jean. This is a great place to chat about "all things broads" and anything else that takes your fancy. Enjoy!!!
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