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Everything posted by riyadhcrew

  1. Clocks stay the same here Jean. UK is now 3 hours behind Saudi.
  2. Evenin All, Don't forget that the clocks change tonight.
  3. aboard Kris. We are on the water in April next year and will try and pay you a visit.
  4. When we returned and filled up Carousel in Richos earlier in the year, the pump had to be reset at 150 litres and we had actually used 181 litres. No problem.
  5. Mandy, Almost forgot. Buy 2 tokens to be on the safe side "cause it is on a timer and we needed 2 tokens.
  6. Mandy, There was no blue when we used it. Also, have an old pair of gloves handy, as you have to screw the end into the boat.
  7. WRC was definitely coin operated for the pump-out when we used it earlier this year.
  8. The one at Ranworth was less than 50ft - not 50m. Even my crew said " Is it going to hit us?".
  9. Alan, Unfortunately, I know them all. I remember having a "hickey" made from steam pipe with a "tee" piece on the end for forming "swan necks" on the 5/8inch conduit. Sore knees was the order of the day.
  10. There was one not so far above our boat coming into Ranworth ar the beginning of the month. A bit of a distraction when coming into tie up.
  11. Hi Jean, Lovely write up. Glad you both enjoyed it. Roll on next year eh.
  12. I promise to come and see them when they are all full.
  13. Many thanks for all your replies. I will probably have the first op next week and the second one 10 days after. Will keep you all in the loop.
  14. Hello All, I've been having a few problems with my eye sight lately and I have been told today that I need a cataract op on both eyes. I am a little scared and I wondered if anyone on the Forum had any advice or tips on what will happen, or the best way to handle it. Any and all comments woud be appreciated.
  15. Hi Iain, Sorry to hear of your woes, but you are the one who knew what decision had to be made and you made it. Hope things improve for you, so take care.
  16. Iain, Never mind how long the engine runs. Just get the back better, so you can push the throttle forward and get different scenery to look at. Stay safe.
  17. I remember them on an old Ford Anglia I had. Put the foot down and the wipers stopped. "Singing in the rain" had nothing on them!!!! It was "Tick-over in the rain".
  18. You lucky bugger. Amazing photos Grendel. What was the sound like????
  19. Glad you made it ok Iain. Stay safe.
  20. David, It was Lori. I was moored up next to her for a while at Stalham.
  21. Griff, If you put all these qualifications as letters after your name, how big would your business card need to be????
  22. More pubs in Beccles or Oulton but all 3 places do good food.
  23. to the friendly forum. Feel free to ask as many questions as you want. If we have an answer, we'll give it to you.
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