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Everything posted by riyadhcrew

  1. Thanks Alan. I got on there also.
  2. I just got a new computer yesterday and I can't seem to get any of the cameras, or the web site that supports the cameras. Does anyone know of a general problem, or is it me? Thanks in advance.
  3. Brilliant. Real people with real memories of real people.
  4. I wish Iain. Unfortunately, they're not that stupid any more. I'll just have to wait until April, but rest assured, I will have a bottle by the 4th April.
  5. Thanks Grace. I think I learned my lesson from this.
  6. I just got home from spending 4 nights in hospital with more drips in me than an irrigation system. The reason why - was my own pig headedness and ignoring the advice of my wife. What happened was as follows: Last Saturday at 2.00am whilst in bed, I started shaking quite violently for around half an hour and I put it down to the flu. My wife wanted to take me to the hospital (which is only 2 mins away) but I said I'd be OK. Saturday - didn't feel well all day, but kept taking panadol flu tabs until bed time. During the night the shaking returned and once again, I put it down to the flu. Sunday - didn't feel well all day and went to bed at 5.00pm. Shaking started again and this time, my wife forced me to go to see a doctor. He said that the flu would not give me the temperature that I had and took some blood tests and I had a chest xray. After 1 hour, the results came back and the doctor called me to his office from the waiting area. I asked "when can I go home?" and he said "I'm admitting you for treatment". It transpires that what I thought to be flu - was infact PNEUMONIA. He also told me that the shaking was due to a high fever and at my age - was prime fuel for a stroke or heart attack or both. That frightened the sh1t out of me - especially as it was on my birthday. So peeps, don't self diagnose - go see a doctor - please.
  7. Gordon and Julie. Enjoy your time on the forum. We're on the water in April and will wave if we see you.
  8. Isn't the one on South Walsham called Russell Marine? Used to hire the Sancere boats.
  9. I'd have some great fun trying to check it in as baggage at Gatwick - "Excuse me sir - Did you pack this yourself?"
  10. They're winding you up Grace. There's a village not far from Iain that is called Moscow.
  11. Congratulations Poppy. Someone else to empty the wallet lol.
  12. My girls have played in snow on the mountains in Lebanon, but they have never seen snow falling. Must take them one of these days. Send a piccy please Iain.
  13. Mine is the 10th, so let's see what pressies I get on Sunday.
  14. Grace, I work in the indusrtry and if we get bookings 3 days in advace - it;s good. 3 months in advance is brilliant.
  15. Went on-line this morning to book Acle Bridge for dinner on the 2nd of April 2016 and they couldn't do 7.00pm for 3 pax. They offered 8.00pm and I accepted - but it's nice to see that the broads are busy and I hope it continues.
  16. Happy New Year Robin and Sheila. Brilliant video and blog.
  17. I booked Richardson's Commodore on the 2nd May 2015 for our holiday starting 2nd April 2016 - so booking made exactly 8 months ago and exactly 3 months to go. Easter falls the week before, so ROLL ON EASTER.
  18. To all my friends on the Forum, Working out here in Riyadh is often tough Some people say "It can be rough" I find when I get really uptight I log on the forum and hey - it's alright A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL AND MAY YOUR WISHES BE GRANTED PS. I'm going out to a party, but I can't overdo it because I'm working tomorrow.
  19. Nice picture Griff and the lassies are lovely. Don't listen to what anybody says. However, for a couple of beers - I'll get the sod who did that to your hair. lol.
  20. Welcome to the forum Vaughan. It sounds like you live in an idilic place, but I agree that the broads is something special. I have cruised in the Med, Scotland, Holland and all around Indonesia but I still like my fix on the broads. The two girls in my avatar are my daughters who make up the Riyadh Crew.
  21. Hi Steve, It has been banned out here. No decorations, no turkey, no nothing. Just a normal day.
  22. to the forum from us here in Riyadh. No boats i"m afraid,
  23. It's still cheaper than water. 91 octane is 10p (yes pence) per litre 95 octane is 11p per litre Diesel is (are you sitting down?) 6.5 pence per litre
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