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Everything posted by riyadhcrew

  1. Just waiting on the car for the airport, so the next message should be from the boat. Will keep you all in the loop. Computer is going off now.
  2. You plug it into the place with ALL THE POWER.
  3. I also have an aerial in my pants - but it's SHORT WAVE only. lol
  4. Hi Siddy, Read your blog a few times and glad about the heating being good. I have the a/c on out here at the moment, so will use the heating a lot in the mornings and at night. Getting really excited now.
  5. Thanks Iain. Will get the Cardhu on Monday and toast you on Monday night.
  6. Thanks David. Just hope the flights are on time.
  7. I'm going down on Sunday and heading for Norwich. Will keep my eyes open for you.
  8. Have a great time and maybe we will see each other. I am on Commodore 1 from Saturday.
  9. I think it was at the hotel moorings, but not 100% sure because of the camera angle.
  10. Cooking a nice curry will defo get the neighbours knocking on the door. "What's that bloody smell????". Can I have the recipe please???lol
  11. It's been like that for the last few days Alan. One of Richos Commodores was astern there for 3 or 4 days - without moving.
  12. I'm an early riser John but we don't mind cruising and the girls will give me a break on the Breydon crossing. It will be "radio blaring and them singing all the way".
  13. John, The old avatar picture was taken 2 years ago and the girls have changed a bit. If you still feel that way after you have seen them, I will change it back again. How's that?
  14. Hi Steve, I'll keep my eyes open for you. We will be leaving Acle around 12.30pm on Sunday to catch slack water at Yarmouth and then on towards Norwich. Enjoy your potter.
  15. No knees-up tomorrow night then John. Best for the op.
  16. The NBN clothes supplier is at Womak Staithe. Can't miss it. Just remember - I think you must order on-line and get it delivered, or go and collect it as I do because the post to Saudi is not good.
  17. to the NBN Shreck. Humour is always welcome on this forum.
  18. Thanks for that Timbo. Can't get fish & chips out here that are worth eating at all.
  19. I wouldn't mud weight anywhere tonight - if the weather forecast is correct.
  20. The thing is - the p is nowhere near the b on the keyboard, so I don't know what happened. ooops.
  21. Grace, If the boat is OK - then I promise I won't break it.
  22. I might take your word on that and try Rogers fish&chips, which I've heard is good.
  23. Well peeps, it was booked last May and it has come around at last. We will be flying into Gatwick via Istanbul next Saturday morning (we hope) and driving up to Stalham to pick up Commodore 1 from Richos. First night is booked in the Bridge at Acle and then we'll have a lazy morning on Sunday, before going down through Yarmouth and across Breydon. Surlingham Ferry Inn is booked for Sunday night and I'm looking forward to that, 'cause haven't been in there for years. Monday morning will see us going into Norwich and mooring at the Yacht Station for a few hours, so we can go and do our shopping. Monday afternoon will be a run down to Rockland Staithe and dinner will be in the New Inn. Tuesday will probably be lunch in Loddon, then I fancy a run down the Waveney to overnight at Oulton Broad. Wednesday is a ''don't know yet'' day, but I fancy over nighting at Yarmouth, so I can go to Harry Ramsden's for fish and chips and a pint. Thursday will be back up north to Womak to pick up my NBN clothes order from the shop and lunch in the pup at Ludham. Friday - don't know. If anyone is around these areas at those times, please give us a shout. It would be great to say hello.
  24. I know it's early in the day - but don't forget the clocks tonight. I'm just thinking that one week from now - I'll be on a plane to Gatwick for my holiday.
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