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Everything posted by riyadhcrew

  1. Took one of the roof hand rails off when going through Wroxham bridge.
  2. That last comment brought back memories and made me laugh Stuart, because when I was in my late teens, Jonny Cash meant "change for the durex machine''.
  3. Morning John, A couple of small changes please. Day will not be attending, as she has to go to Indonesia to see her father. Chloe and Skye will not be going to dinner with us on the Saturday night, as they will stay on the boat. Note for Griff - If Finlay wants some teenage company, he can stay with the girls.
  4. Matt, Man after my own stomach. There is only 1 thing to beat a good sausage sarnie and that is another sausage sarnie.
  5. Hoo kin ye mod when ye dinna ken whit yer modin? Mibee a wid get it rang an embrass ma sel.
  6. No it didn't John. No food or drinks served for a while and a little screaming going on from time to time.
  7. Morning peeps, Just got back home safely. Will be on-line later.
  8. Enjoy Mickey and I hope it is all you want it to be. I am one of those people who book a year in advance and it is because I want a particular boat. If I wait, someone else will get it and my dates are tied to School holidays.
  9. Morning John, A couple of small changes for us, which will NOT affect us being at the meet. My wife may have to go home to Indonesia in July, but the girls and I will be there. The girls say they will stay on the boat on Saturday night and leave the partying to us kids. Looking forward to the meet.
  10. Thanks to all for your kind words. I was very close to my mother and she will be sorely missed. Odd thing is that my sister went to organise the funeral today (because I am a few thousand miles away) and the earliest she could get it was on the 27th May. Must be busy at the Crem in Kirkcaldy. I will be flying into Edinburgh on the 26th and out again on the 29th.
  11. I may be off line for a few days as my mother passed away tonight.
  12. Nice looking boat Bill.
  13. to the forum Rick. I visit your place every time I'm on the broads.
  14. Norwich is fine. Never had a problem there.
  15. riyadhcrew


    I've never had a refund on fuel. Always had to pay extra. I personally don't see the point in hiring a boat and not cruising as much as possible. Easy to see that we love cruising.
  16. Try this link Carole. http://www.oulton-broad.com/hotel-rooms
  17. Hi Jean, I always book ahead as much as possible to guarantee us a table.
  18. to the forum Ray. Plenty of daylight in June and SW broad is a lovely place to mud-weight. If it is windy, you could always try St Bennets.
  19. Just been watching the camera during a feeding session, but cannot be sure if there is 3 or 4 chicks. Nice to watch though.
  20. Bob. This is a nice place to be. Ask what you will and I'm sure you will get an answer. Enjoy the forum and enjoy your holiday.
  21. I have loved boats and the water from a very early age. From the little hire boats on the ''park pond'' to the little fishing boats in the local harbour. I was 19 years old when 4 of us decided to have a go on the broads. Glistening Stream was the boat and I have never looked back since then. I fell in love with the broads and still love it as much to this day. LONG MAY IT CONTINUE.
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