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Everything posted by riyadhcrew

  1. That is directly outside of the Berney Arms pub at the end of the river Yare.
  2. I would go one step further Q. I think IMHO, that all the terrorism abroad and the recent attacks on civilian aircraft has also been a deterrent to brits going ''foreign''. Moreover, without the cost of flights, people can afford to book a higher class of boat, as can be seen by the hire cost of all the new boats being built and being quickly booked up.
  3. Costa Del Beccles - sounds good.
  4. Maybe he was practicing tacking or trying to find out how the boat was best handled. Bit slow for me though.
  5. Thanks for that Mark, you learn every day. PS. Just had a look and saw the GMT - never noticed before.
  6. Skipper, Avatars have just started disappearing all over the place, so I presume they are trying to fix it.
  7. Sunset is at 19.45 Low water at St. Olaves is about 17.15 Travel time to Beccles from Reedham is 3.00 hours If you work that out with the tide times, you will be pushing against the tide at some point to make it before dark.
  8. I can see most of the avatars on my screen. Yours, Iain's and mine for example.
  9. I'm OK, but many of the other ones have gone.
  10. That is a beauty JM. It looks like it could take the strain of whatever it is given.
  11. Hi Q, Shouldn't that be Sunday 31st July? Please correct me if I am wrong.
  12. Do you mean the stern-on staithe moorings, or the side-on river moorings?
  13. Many happy returns of the day Alan. Enjoy.
  14. Not showing on my laptop either Alan.
  15. We're up in 3 weeks and will keep our eyes open and a camera to hand.
  16. Nothing to loose on that one Jaws. I will certainly be looking when we are there.
  17. It's a little bit too much for the open forum. Better to change it.
  18. I can see it on my computer Ray.
  19. I used to love going through the catalogues and picking a boat. Then when your booking confirmation arrived, you had the little handbook to go through, which was even more fun. Even ordering groceries to be delivered to the boat was fun. Times are a changing, as they say.
  20. We have hired from Stalham recently in the off-peak seasons and the mooring basins were quite full. If Richos take on or move more boats into their hire base, they must find somewhere to put them. IMHO, the basin at Horning is quite big, so it is possible that quite a few boats will go there.
  21. Now is the time to offer the best boats afloat. With all the problems abroad, people are into staying at home in the UK. If you check the bookings on the expensive boats - you will see what I mean.
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