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Everything posted by riyadhcrew

  1. Been singing it to myself all morning. lol
  2. to the forum. Please bring plenty of your name sake with you when you visit.
  3. Well CN, You have certainly come to the right place to stay in touch. The knowledge and experiences on this forum cannot be matched.
  4. to the forum Em. Good to have more members here.
  5. I know that when I hire a boat for a week - that boat is mine for a week - and I treat it like it was my own boat for that week. Simples really.
  6. They don't need thanked Griff. All they had to do was look at you and the joy was there for all to see.
  7. Happy birthday Griff. I could think of worse places to be on your birthday, especially with the locker open.
  8. No good for the bridges on the broads then.
  9. Well said Iain. If not for us hirers, there would be nothing there for anyone.
  10. I've never paid for parking outside. There is normally a charge for under cover parking.
  11. Excellent Robin. Still wiping the salt water off my face. Congrats to you all.
  12. Oh I know Vaughan, I certainly know. Cheers.
  13. Sounds like a very good idea to me Vaughan. Wish I could come and join you.
  14. I'm here and ready for anything (well - most things). All you have to do is ask and give me the ''know how''.
  15. Hi Carol, Just read it and IMHO, it is not much different to what would happen today, except that these guys would have a few more manners and respect for other people. Just goes to show that people have been enjoying themselves on the broads for many years. NB. Prices have changed a bit though. lol.
  16. Printed email is good. That is all I get here in Saudi and they have never questioned it yet.
  17. That equates to an average speed of 6.96 mph. (47 divided by 6.75) That is very good going in anybody's book. Well done Griff and BA.
  18. Wish I was with you. I love a nice long cruise. Stay safe.
  19. Not sure about this one Q. What would be the charge voltage at each 2V cell? Is it possible to connect the 12V battery across 6 2V batteries and get 13 or 14 volts? I'm thinking out of the box here.
  20. That is the same as a castell key system for bus couplers. You can't switch one on until the other one is off.
  21. I have been on a few new hire boats recently with all the mod cons on board. I believe that the yards installed the battery and charging capacities to cope with the extra loads, because I never had to run the engine at unsociable hours for electrical appliances. What I will say is that one of the boats had very little 'hot water storage' and the water would be cold in the morning, with nobody using it the night before. I duly reported this to the yard and hope they will do something about it.
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