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Everything posted by riyadhcrew

  1. Good morning peeps, The time has arrived!!!! After almost 6 years here in Riyadh, we are leaving today. We are on a plane tonight to Jakarta to put our 2 cats in quarantine, before we can take them to Bali. It maybe a bit tough for me to be on the forum for the next few days, but I will do my best.
  2. Was that appointment to get a "wisdom tooth" put in Peter.
  3. Charlie and Inge - all the best to both of you.
  4. Today is Alan's birthday - so all the best to him and have a great day.
  5. Just been on their webb page and facebook page and there is no mention of closing that I could find.
  6. Will it just close for the winter or for good????
  7. Sorry Iain, Mine has gone back to normal. Try deleting the link and then go back to start again.
  8. Andrew - one word for that post - BRILLIANT.........
  9. Looks very good Clive. I hope she is looked after by all.
  10. Brilliant David. A great read and happy that you had a good time. Love to your mum.
  11. Write it all down Tim. I will put up the money to print and publish it and we'll both make a fortune.
  12. Look on all the camel movies and you will never see a camel herder standing behind the beasts - enough said????
  13. I know it's odd, but Greenland is almost all ice and Iceland is almost all green.
  14. Brilliant people!!!! Just like a dose of medicine.
  15. Tim - you are an angel in disguise. I'm on a bit of a downer at the moment and your little anecdotes are giving me a nice smile.
  16. Very sad when this happens. I suppose that I was lucky when my German Shepherd was running at full pelt chasing a tennis ball, when he dropped like a stone and was gone. RIP.
  17. Good morning Tim. I'm here!!!!!!
  18. I think I am right in saying that most, if not all commercial passenger ships have twin screws (as a minimum) which means that controlling the stern of the vessel is relatively easy. This is when a bow, or multiple bow thrusters come to the fore. When a ship, or a broads boat, just has to moor in bad conditions, all toys should be welcomed and used as required.
  19. Glad you got home OK David. Look forward to the tale.
  20. Congrats Mike. All the best of luck with your lady.
  21. Where's the trigger? Looks like a shot gun with a tele photo sight. lol
  22. We're pretty safe here in a compound. Authorities are not allowed inside, unless invited. However, if I travelled outside the compound and was caught with booze, all hell would let loose.
  23. It's just that I make my own wine here in Saudi and for 17 litres of grape juice, I add 650 grams of sugar for the yeast to work on. The other thing I found is the ambiant temperature. The cooler the area, the slower it worked. Sorry I can't be of any more help.
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