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Everything posted by riyadhcrew

  1. I agree about the White Horse, but book a table if you can, as it gets very busy.
  2. This looks like a simple mistake of not knowing what is under you when the tide drops. Looks like a Broom Captain and I hope there is no damage to the boat. Maybe a sign of some sort to warn of submerged danger would be a good addition here.
  3. Hi Alan, Logged on today and all I got was "It's frickin hot here in Bali - please give me a cold beer". lol Sorry to digress from your thread, but I can imagine the stress you are under and I thought I would lighten it up a little.
  4. I will try and find the post
  5. Jonzo, Been looking around the site at the different elements of it and can't find anything wrong. It's all very good, especially the new calendar format. FYI, I noticed that Geoff and Wendy are still in the calendar for Sept. 26 and I'm sure I read a post that said they had cancelled that holiday.
  6. Great stuff so far. Will keep you in the loop.
  7. I know where you are coming from Jim and I wish we stayed in the UK. However, our love of the Broads means we have similar hassles to get there from Riyadh. 45 mins from home to the airport to get there 3 hours before take-off. Fly from Riyadh to Istanbul - 3 and a half hours. Transit terminals for the flight to the UK.......... Istanbul to London is around 6 and a half hours. Hire car pick-up and minimum 3 hour drive to the boat yard. In recent times, we have done it in 19 hours from home to boat yard. WORTH EVERY MINUTE OF IT !!!!!!!!!! Going home is not so good though.
  8. I can just imagine having them for breakfast covered in baked beans.....---- HEAVEN.
  9. Hello Peeps, We finished our time in the mountains and now we are back at the coast for the last couple of weeks. Must start "beaching" it tomorrow with the girls, so they can go boogie boarding. I suppose that's as close as I'm going to get to being on something that's floating on water until September. I must admit to missing the Broads, even out here and I wish I was cruising across Breydon instead of looking at sand all the time. Heh Hoh, not long now. I attach a couple of pics of our new villa, which is actually as cheap as getting 2 hotel rooms and this has much more privacy. We will have a cook who will come every day and cook us breakfast and a maid who will come and clean up, together with bed making etc. Loads of restaurants are within walking distance (the driving here is atrocious and has to be experienced to be believed). Please excuse the luggage on the floor, but we have only just arrived.
  10. Installed Windows 10 yesterday and went back to Windows 7 today. I lost my Free Cell I lost my Norton I had to unplug and replug my mouse every time I opened my laptop I may try it again in the future.
  11. Good luck with your letter Robin. It will be interesting to see what may or may not happen and if they reply to you.
  12. Thanks Jean. I'm OK really. Just getting rid of what they say I'm full of. lol. We met family yesterday evening that had never seen the girls (Chloe is 16 and Skye is 13). The last time they saw us was at our wedding in 1998. Well, they could not believe their eyes and started to chant them Hindu things. They said they had never seen such a beautifull mix of breed between a Balinese woman and a westerner. Was I proud - or what!!!!!!
  13. Good morning from sunny Bali, I shouldn't have said the sun tan is better, because even if it is, I have now got Bali Belly - big time. Age must be catching up on me. Anyway, Ubud is beautifull and totally different from the coastal resorts. Was stuck in the hotel yesterday (had to be within 3 yards of the loo), whilst the girls went to the local market for a few hours. Went up the main street for a walk last evening and the traffic was manic. I will try and post a picture of the motor bikes which was like Ludham Bridge on change-over day. Going out in the car today to see what's close by and to visit family. Few pics attached of our hote's location.
  14. I wouldn't dream of going to the broads without the girls and to be honest, I don't tink they would let me. We are tied to the school holidays here in Riyadh for the spring and autumn cruises, so we have to go when we can and pray for some decent weather. This year is 26th Sept. to 3rd Oct. and next spring is 2nd to 9th April. Let's hope for the best.
  15. Good morning peeps, Well, that's the first 10 days gone and although the sun burn is better, I'm peeling al over the place and the girls are pulling the skin off in strips. We've done most of the beaches in this part of Bali and today is check-out time from our little villa. We will now go to a little hotel in a place called Ubud, which is up in the mountains and is really beautifull. A few more pics are attached and you can see where they cut a new road to a beach, which was previously not reachable by car. The statue in the cliff side is about 25ft high. There was one beach where we had to climb down between the cliffs and it ws really steep. Had to stop twice on the way back up to catch my breath.
  16. Mouldy, We will be trying to moor up at Yarmouth on the evening of the 26th September from Wroxham. Up early on the Sunday morning and under the bridges as soon as enough light is available and on to the WRC for the Autumn meet. Will probably come back through on Thursday morning also. Good luck to us both.
  17. Iain, It used to be hot oxo cubes when I worked night shift on the platforms at that Bay in the north east. Lovely.
  18. Good morning all, SWMBO said she would take us to a beach cafe last night and watch the sunset. I had visions of a small little place but WOW, as you can see from the pics, there were hundreds of people and hundreds of tables. Each small restaurant (maybe around 40) had their own tables and staff and they were all side by side on the beach. The food was amazing and all very fresh. We had crab, giant prawns, clams, fish, squid and chicken for Skye. All washed down with a beer, some wine and fresh coconut juice for the girls. A few pics of the beach and a local family pick-up truck.
  19. Grace, the fillet steak was out shopping. Back to the beach tomorrow.
  20. John, You're bringing back happy memories. Coming out of the club on a Saturday night and a guy in a van selling smokies. What more can you want.
  21. If I drink any more, it'll have to go on a drip. Lol
  22. Good mornin peeps, I'm not in good form at the mo. Coming from the high 40deg and now in the low 30 deg, I stayed in the sun far too long with no protection and now the suffering starts. It's all self inflicted and utter stupidity on my part, but He Ho, too late now. Can't even lie under the bed sheets "cause it's too painfull". Hope to get some nice pics today and will post later. Good pain killer is Johnny Walker Black - still sore - but don't care.
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