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Everything posted by riyadhcrew

  1. I'm sorry guys, but I just got a picture of Bob in my head and I can't stop laughing. Absolutely brilliant.
  2. WELL DONE ROBIN... Another reason for a drink when I meet you one of these days.
  3. Hi from me here in Riyadh and to the forum.
  4. Alan, 30 in 1 day. WOW - that must keep you guys busy. It's funny, but in the last 5 minutes, I got a call on my house extension in a compound from a guy trying to sell me financial services. I will endeavour to find out how he got my number, but needless to say, he was told bye bye.
  5. Am I right in assuming that "full membership" is dependant on the number of posts, proposal/seconded and not a time line?
  6. I'd love to think that the owner had a credit card number and hit them for all the costs. Nice to think, but I know it's unlikely.
  7. Thanks for this Dave. Will have a look later today.
  8. I agree that rules are rules and they are there for a reason. The other angle that I have on it is - if the pilot is helming and hits the bridge, it is his fault and will cost me nothing. If I am helming and for whatever reason, I hit the bridge - I'm sure I'd be made to pay for any damage caused and it would be a lot more than 12 quid.
  9. If you have a barbeque with your meat, new potatoes and salad, try putting what's left of the potatoes on the last heat of the barbi. When the clearing up is done and you have a beer or wine in hand, a nibble on the now crusty new potatoes is brilliant. It doesn't come much better.
  10. Iain, A'm drippin oot oh baith sides noo. Joking aside, there's not much to beat the taste of some nice new potatoes with melted butter.
  11. Grace, This time it means "driving fast". lol
  12. Just a quickie to let you know that we are safely back home in Riyadh. Not a bad trip - 510km in 4 hours.
  13. Glad you reported it Griff and happy that nobody was hurt. Calm down and enjoy BA.
  14. We would love to go out "on the town", but unfortunately, alchohol is not for sale during the month of Ramadan and all bars are closed. Restaurants are open but no booze.
  15. Iain, Tried to count the beers and malts and had to take my socks and shoes off. Suffice to say that I went to sleep easily last night. Tonight will be a bit quietter, but have just put a few Heinekens and a bottle of wine in the fridge for later. Weather here is in the low 40s deg C but the humidity is higher than Riyadh, so feels hotter.
  16. Howard, You are also correct. It took me 2 hours in Carousel and I had the throttle pushed all the way over. It's funny though because I can always do Acle to GY substantially quicker than the return journey. Good help from the tide I suppose, or is it downhill. lol.
  17. But will it fit under Ludham bridge???
  18. Hi Everyone, We arrived in Bahrain safely, although we were driving in a horrendous sand storm for the last hour or so. Already had 2 beers and 2 nice malts, so looking forward to dinner tonight.
  19. Just went outside the house to check oil, water and tyres on my car and for the first time this year, the temperature has reached 50 degC. I thought it felt a bit hot and almost burnt my fingers lifting the bonnet of the car. Anyway, this is normal and it is likely to get a few degrees hotter in July and August. We will be driving from Riyadh to Bahrain tomorrow for a few days. The distance is about 500 km and hopefully, we will do it in under 5 hours, including passport control. It is Ramadan now until the 17th July, so there won't be any bars open, but I should still be able to have a few beers from the mini bar in the hotel. At least I hope so, or I will not be a happy bunny. I can imagine calling room service and saying "2 cokes (for the girls), a bottle of Chardonay (for the boss) and 6 beers please. If successfull, I think this order may be repeated a few times until Wednesday, when we drive back.
  20. JM, We go on the broads to "get away from the daily grind", but we are always courtious to other boaters, when asking for assistance or directions, etc. I've always been like that and wont change.
  21. If Swancraft were struggling, (which obviously they were) and they were up for sale, then it is someone from outside who might not get it right, or someone from inside who knows what they are doing. I know which one I woud prefer to pick up the pieces.
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