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Everything posted by JennyMorgan

  1. Based on that the tides just have to be female!
  2. Down South it does appear that we have had less flooding this winter, both in height and frequency. It is the same North Sea that backs up the tides in the rivers so why would up North flood more than Down South? Any clever hydrologists out there?
  3. It might be an urban myth but my understanding was that in the case of a medical emergency the victim should be laid on sheets of newsprint as it would be sterile, Don't forget, we once enjoyed our fish and chips served in newsprint.
  4. From someone who is actually old enough to have had squares of newsprint hung up in the outside privvy, either News of the World or the Daily Sketch, the Telegraph if you were posh, the ink transferred to one's backside and thence onto your drawers. No lady of pride would hang out her grey nickers on the line to dry!
  5. Re the bog roll hoarders, a good friend of ours, Reg R.I.P., went over the top over a previous scare. Mind you, I think that he was hoping to profiteer, he'd done well over a previous sugar 'shortage' but that's another story. His garage was floor to ceiling high in bog rolls, not just in height but also several layers deep! What he'd made on the sugar, I suspect, was lost on his lifetime's supply of Andrex that, thankfully, his daughter largely managed to sell off to the local corner shop when the house was cleared. Probably wished that she'd kept them now!. Poor old Reg, his stash was a standing joke for several years!
  6. I just hope and prey that none of us fall prey to this, especially the oldies who are poo-pooing the unpleasant possibilities, especially if they pop off without giving me a chance to say 'I told you so'!
  7. 99.9% of all germs etc,. but has Dettol been tested on Corona Virus yet? Maybe it is now only effective on 98.43 of known germs?
  8. Pestilence shouldn't be forgotten! In the meantime two cases have apparently been confirmed in Suffolk, arghh - - - - - - -
  9. You are welcome. It is the only postcard of a keel under sail that I have seen. I would dearly love to have the photograph from which this picture was taken,
  10. Marshman, the Government has already intimated that it will close schools if it is prudent to do so. You must remember that schools know who their pupils are, unlike the owners of a caravan site. It will only take one irresponsible, infected individual who insists on going on holiday because he'd paid for it and wasn't allowed to cancel. A year or two ago my wife and I went on holiday in Spain. A virus swept through the hotel, indeed it had started before we arrived, scores of people were taken to hospital. There were very few who didn't catch it. As I sit here the news reader is telling us that schools will close, that the infection is travelling undetected. Balance is all very well, but so is caution.
  11. I don't think that it would do Haven any harm to allow vulnerable people to change their holiday dates. As for holiday businesses closing down, I rather fear that some inevitably will. If we go back to Haven, and there is an outbreak, not impossible, will they still refuse people the option of re booking once it's all over?
  12. Just to cheer every one up! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-51759602
  13. The thought of being quarantined whilst on holiday, whether on a cruise liner or caravan site is hardly appealing. Haven and others are going to have to be open minded on this one. Vulnerable folk will not want to take unnecessary risks, that must surely be obvious. It's all a big unknown and a tad of sympathy by Haven would not go amiss. Haven will not look too clever if reluctant visitors catch the virus.
  14. A hugely expensive forklift at that! I don't remember the exact price but there were a lot of naughts involved! It makes a doddle of the job, excellent bit of kit. Agree with Cambridge Cabby re the price. The Caldecott Road option is free but what will the journey from Beccles/Ellough cost?
  15. That is tragic, a bloke with a big heart!
  16. If you can find Robin's Boatyard on the Brooke Industrial Estate, Victoria Road, between Oulton Broad and Lowestoft, nip in and ask if Tim is about, big hairy bugger (biker), he's an ace bloke and an excellent marine engineer, the mutt's nuts and his charges are very reasonable, especially if he likes you! .
  17. Very often Hi-Ab drivers lift boats over the fence on Caldecott Road which runs directly alongside Oulton Broad and then lower them directly into the water. You went along Caldecott Road the other day when you collected that fend-off. Be wary of Hi-Ab drivers, boats really do need a driver who knows what he's doing. I've seen some nasty damage done where the straps have been poorly located. Sorry, can't help with a suitable hi-ab company.
  18. Very sensible, Polly. The only rational way really. One of my daughters, with two small children, is a clinical pharmacist at a local hospital and that gives her an insight. On top of that her husband works in London, and her thought is that the bug will inevitably come up the A12 which I suppose is logical. So, like you, we are making plans, just in case. Now't else that we can rationally do, certainly not going to let it get us down! Progress normally marches past Oulton Broad, hopefully the same can be said of the Corona-virus!
  19. First of all apologies to the Council. Secondly the BA have happily found time for at least one unnecessary project! Surely local knowledge must have been fully aware of a situation that probably dates back several years, and not just two or so. The EA certainly don't come out of this smelling of roses!
  20. I'm for ever blowing bubbles!
  21. I should have written 'reserve' rather than 'charge'.
  22. Let us remind ourselves of the Authority's core duties: Responsibilities conserve and enhance the natural beauty, wildlife and cultural heritage of the Broads. promote opportunities for the understanding and enjoyment of the special qualities of the Broads by the public. protect the interests of navigation (as navigation authority) have regard for agriculture and forestry. I don't think it unreasonable to assume that it is a relevant concern for the Authority, even if their duty is limited to kicking the EA's nether regions with e-mails and phone calls. The BA frequently tell us that water quality has improved during their tenancy, the inference being that they are at least partially responsible. Okay, be partially responsible!
  23. Was a time when in Norfolk a 'floater' referred to a suet dumpling! A plate of floaters in a puddle of gravy was once a staple meal. As for Andrew's prediction, will boats now feature a fashionably new brown boot topping?
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